Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3167: 1 enemy ten thousand

In the blink of an eye, the number of this team was reduced by nearly half.

Such violent power made others terrified, and they retreated and fled subconsciously.

It was not until this time that the other teams realized that the situation was not good.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was not in the center of the sword formation, he began to slay the army and destroy the world as soon as he shot it. All teams were full of grief and horror.

Under the leadership of many high-ranking gods, the teams speed up their assembly.

They were very smart and did not rescue the attacked team, nor did they rush to Ji Tianxing.

Because they knew that these were all in vain, and they couldn't stop Ji Tianxing at all.

The most sensible way is to gather all the teams as soon as possible.

At that time, it will not be so easy for Ji Tianxing to kill them again.

Of course Ji Tianxing also understands this.

Therefore, his mood is also very urgent, and he hastened the pace of the attack.

"The galaxy is dead!"

Ji Tianxing snorted coldly, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, cutting out a shining sword light that lasted hundreds of miles.

The sword light swept across the night sky like a star river, sweeping the entire team.

Only the muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom" continued to erupt, and the hundreds of elite survivors were wiped out on the spot.

Even the three high-ranking gods who protected this team were destroyed by the starlight giant sword, leaving only the godhead to flee away.

Ji Tianxing did not pursue, anyway, the three gods could not escape the sword formation, and were destined to fall here.

He teleported another three hundred miles and appeared on top of another team.

There were more than 300 people in that team, protected by two upper gods, and they were still desperately rushing to the center of the sword formation, wanting to join other teams.

After Ji Tianxing appeared, he pierced hundreds of light blades with his right hand, killing more than 60 elites.

The left palm accumulated ten success strengths, and he shot a huge golden dragon palm that was as big as a mountain, and hit the crowd fiercely.

Only heard a loud "bang" burst, the crowd was shot to pieces, and hundreds of elites exploded and died, turning into blood fog in the sky.

Ji Tianxing only used two moves to kill more than half of this team.

Such a terrifying and terrifying power made the rest of the people terrified, yelling in horror, and fled around in panic.

However, those elites who fled around were quickly strangled into dregs by the sword rain.

The dozens of surviving gods and powerhouses were also overtaken by Ji Tianxing and killed one by one.

After solving this team, Ji Tianxing rushed to another team, so he used his skills to deal with more than 200 elites.

Even though that team also had two upper-level gods to protect, it was nothing but nothing.

It only took Ji Tianxing three breaths to perform his four-stroke magic skills, and he killed that team.

Together with the two high-ranking gods who protected that team, he was also beheaded on the spot, and the gods were all broken.

Next, he continued to kill team after team, invincible and unstoppable.

Seeing this scene, Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and Ye'an were all cold and desperate.

"Damn! Other teams can't resist his charge at all!"

"Haotian! How can that beast be so strong? Who can deal with him?"

"Everyone speed up and gather at any cost!

Only when we are together can we fight against him, otherwise we will only be killed by him one by one! "

The three elders of Po Xing were also sweating profusely and looked very embarrassed.

Seeing Ji Tianxing harassing and killing one team after another, all three of them roared in resentment.

"We said before that we must not disperse, we will definitely be destroyed one by one. You still don't believe it, do you believe it now?"

"The initiative is in his hands, and we are always passive.

Before the army was killed a thousand or two thousand people, you rushed to the rescue.

It's okay now, the army is mostly damaged, and the army will soon be wiped out. Are you satisfied? "

"If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer!

The old man reminded you that you can only blame you for acting on your own way to cause such a situation..."

The grievances of the broken star three elders made everyone more upset.

The elites of each team were panicked and shocked.

Hearing the words of the three old broken stars, they were more frightened and desperate, their fighting spirit and fighting spirit collapsed.

Finally, a quarter of an hour passed.

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing, Ye An and others covered each team and completed the encirclement at the center of the sword formation.

There are only twelve teams that can arrive smoothly, and the number is only about 3,000.

And the other fourteen teams, nearly 3,000 elite, were all killed by Ji Tianxing.

The twelve surviving teams all appeared very panicked and anxious.

After gathering, Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and the others hurriedly ordered everyone to form a battle formation and jointly cast spells to gather shields.

In order to protect everyone, Lian Er and Ye'an also sacrificed several high-grade artifacts.

But all this is in vain.

After Ji Tianxing solved the 14 teams, he turned and flew to the middle of the sword formation, and began to deal with Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and others.

Although, more than forty upper gods and three thousand elites joined forces to form a super battle formation, condensing three layers of divine light shields.

But Ji Tianxing didn't worry, and methodically manipulated the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation, focusing on killing this battle formation.

A total of fifteen thousand giant swords, concentrated in this area of ​​a hundred li, launched indiscriminate bombardment at the colorful light shield.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

More than 10,000 giant swords poured down like a torrential rain~www.wuxiaspot.com~, slammed the colorful shield fiercely, and exploded with a deafening noise.

Suddenly, the Divine Light Shield with a radius of hundreds of miles was trembling and shaking.

The battle formation composed of three thousand people has also become precarious and the situation is very dangerous.

After just ten breaths, the outermost divine light shield was shattered and shattered, bursting with a crackling sound.

Even Er, Liang Jianqing, and San Qian Rui's expressions changed drastically, showing anxiety and panic.

Soon, ten breaths of time passed.

The second shield condensed by 3,000 people was also torn apart.

Only the last layer of shield was left, it was extremely weak and weak, and the three thousand elites all showed a look of despair, extremely sad and angry.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The fifteen thousand giant swords exploded once again, bursting out a loud noise that shook the sky.

In less than ten breaths, the third layer of shield was also blasted, splashing out hundreds of millions of debris.

At this point, San Qian Rui lost the protection of the light shield and was exposed to sword rain in the sky.

When the endless giant swords poured down, everyone showed a desperate expression and roared unwillingly.


In the next instant, the sword rain covered the battle formation, flooding the three thousand elites.

The top-grade artifacts of Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and others were immediately blasted into slag.

The huge battlefield was also torn apart, and there was a huge gap.

At least four hundred people, in the first round of Jian Yu's bombardment, were broken into pieces and turned into flying ashes.

But this is only the beginning of the disaster.

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