Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3168: Differentiation and infighting

Seeing, batch after batch of elite disciples disappeared under the bombardment of the sky full of giant swords.

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing, Ye'an and others were angry with their eyes cracked.

They knew that with their strength, they couldn't protect the three thousand elites.

The more passive you are beaten, you can only fall into desperation and meet death.

Give it a go and fight back, maybe you can win a chance.

"Everyone, give up resistance and defense, and attack with this seat!

Even if the war died here, we must not let it be slaughtered! "

Lian Er raised his arms and shouted, fierce and magnificent, and his tone was full of tragic and solemn meaning.

Dozens of high-ranking gods all sympathized with him, and they agreed with him.

As for the more than two thousand elites, they were basically abandoned.

In the Zhutian Sword Formation, they have neither the ability to defend themselves nor the power to counterattack.

So, it doesn't matter what they do.


"Everyone rush together!"

"Even if you die, you have to pull him back!"

Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and others roared hoarsely.

More than forty high-ranking gods and more than one hundred middle-ranking gods followed them, brandishing swords, passing through the sky of sword rain, and killing them.


Ji Tianxing repeated the old tricks, and ignored everyone's offense.

He used the Secret Technique of Hundred Thousand Miles of Heaven and Earth, and his figure became transparent.

More than one hundred gods and powerhouses released the magical light and shadow that covered the sky and sun, passed through him without hindrance, scattered between the sky and the earth, and could not hurt him.

On the contrary, he concentrated on manipulating the sword formation, unleashing the strongest power, and quickly slaughtering those two thousand elites.

Many lower gods and masters of the gods exploded one after another under the dense rain of giant swords, turning into debris and blood fog.

Two thousand five, two thousand two, one thousand eight, one thousand five, one thousand two...

As time passed, the number of people in the field decreased sharply, and the blood fog in the night sky became denser.

Soon, the hundred interest time passed.

The number of the lower gods and masters of the gods decayed to more than 300 people, all of them covered in blood, not humanoid.

Even Er, Liang Jianqing, and more than forty high-ranking gods, tried their best to besie Ji Tianxing for so long, but they did not have any effect.

Everyone was completely desperate.

Even Er and many high-ranking gods gave up the attack and tried their best to resist Jian Yu's bombardment.

"The 13,000 army was slaughtered by him!!"

"He was alone and slaughtered more than 10,000 troops, and he was unharmed.

Throughout the ages, the Great Yan Empire has never seen such evildoers! "

"He is not a god! He is definitely a **** king!

In addition to the king of the gods, who else can be so against the sky? "

"Why is this? We have more than 10,000 elites who have prepared meticulously for so long, so why are we still a complete failure?"

"Ha ha ha ha... We are all going to die here, no one wants to live!"

"He doesn't give us a way to survive, so let's die together!"

Many upper gods roared, cursed angrily, and sneered in despair.

Even many people have made up their minds to launch a self-destruction and die with Ji Tianxing.

Of course, they just think so.

There are still more than three hundred people alive right now. If they blew themselves up, they might not be able to kill Ji Tianxing, but they would definitely kill all their companions.

At this time, Ji Tianxing also stopped attacking.

Under the control of his mind, those fifteen thousand giant swords were suspended in the night sky, arranged like a sword array, dense as rain.

The sword points all face down, pointing at the more than 300 people who survived.

The invisible sword intent locked the breath of everyone, making everyone cold and enveloped by the chill of death.

Ji Tianxing looked down at Lian Er, Liang Jianqing and the others, and said blankly: "This is the end of the matter, you have already lost, why bother to fight the trapped beast?"

Hearing this sentence, Old Poxing sneered suddenly.

"Boy, we admit that your strength is very strong, indeed unpredictable.

We lost, but we have to die with dignity, you never want to shame us! "

"You beast, we will fight at the last moment and shed the last drop of blood!"

"Are you trying to persuade us to surrender? Stop dreaming!

Even if we surrender, you will not let us go.

Anyway, both left and right are dead, we would rather die decently! "

On the surface, it sounds like the three old broken stars are full of tragic and strong voices.

But Ji Tianxing frowned and showed a contemptuous sneer: "You three long-haired monsters have long been timid. They wanted to surrender and escape, but they pretended to be righteous. It's ridiculous!"

Po Xing San Lao was exposed to his thoughts, and suddenly became angry and yelled.

Ji Tianxing didn't bother to pay attention to them, anyway, in his eyes, the three elders of Po Xing were already dead.

His gaze fell on Lian Er and Liang Jianqing, and said blankly: "You two, one is the confidant of Prince Lian, and the other is the head of Hetianzong and Fury Division Rudder.

Everyone else has to die, but you two... as long as you surrender and surrender, you can spare your life! "

Suddenly hearing this sentence, more than 40 high-ranking gods and more than 300 elites all showed expressions of shock, jealousy, anger, and unwillingness.

Many people are roaring in their hearts, why should they kill us and let them go?

Although everyone is no longer reconciled, they also understand the reason ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lian Er and Liang Jianqing have special identities, and for Ji Tianxing, they have some use value.

As for the others, they are just like ants, and they are killed if they are killed.

Those more than 40 high-ranking gods and more than 300 elite were sentenced to death, and the outcome was irreversible.

Knowing that they are bound to die, they dispelled all illusions and extravagant hopes, holding the mentality of dying together, on the contrary, they are more united and united!

Lian Er and Liang Jianqing heard Ji Tianxing's words, but were not excited, they all righteously reprimanded: "Dog thief, you shouldn't want to instigate separation, we will live and die together, we will advance and retreat together!"

"Beast! You never want to use us to threaten and murder the little prince!

Even if we die, we won't fall into your hands, let alone cause trouble to the little prince! "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "You two are loyal, but you don't know if it is true or not.

Well, I will kill the others first, and then have a good talk with you two. "

Hearing this sentence, the other three hundred people were even more grief and anger, almost vomiting blood.

Everyone was thinking in their hearts that they were still alive, so Lian Er and Liang Jianqing pretended to be very loyal and righteously refused to surrender.

When Ji Tianxing kills them all, Lian Er and Liang Jianqing don't have to worry about anything, they will definitely surrender without dignity!

For a time, more than 300 people glared at Lian Er and Liang Jianqing, and became hostile to them.

Whether it's because of jealousy, hatred, or unwillingness, this group of people is divided.

Lian Er was so angry that he almost vomited blood, so he could only rush to Ji Tianxing desperately with his death Mingzhi.

"Dog thief, I'm fighting with you!"

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