Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3169: Blew himself up

Lien Er led the army this time on behalf of the Prince Lien and shouldered heavy responsibilities.

Everyone else can admit defeat and surrender, but he can't.

If he surrendered to Ji Tianxing, he would slam the face of Prince Lien under his feet.

Since he couldn't fight, Lian Er would rather die in battle!

And the tragic death, the vigorous death!

In this way, even if he dies, even the prince will chase him down and commend him, and treat his family well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he surrenders and survives, then the fate of his family can be imagined.

With the prince’s disposition, he will vent his hatred and resentment.

"Dog thief, die!"

Lian Er turned into a streamer and passed through the night sky, rushing to Ji Tianxing, brandishing a pair of knives and slashing it down.

"Looking for a dead end."

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, raised his right hand blankly, and swept out a sword.

Sweep out so casually, it seems to be out of order.

However, his kendo attainments have already reached the pinnacle, and every gesture contains the true meaning of kendo, and there are multiple laws of power.


With a dull loud noise exploded, two dazzling blade lights exploded into pieces, and Lian Er was also chopped and flew back, spitting blood to a hundred miles away.

Although, like him, Ji Tianxing is the eightfold strength of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

However, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two is huge, at least ten times greater!

Even if Er Qi tried his best, he couldn't stop Ji Tianxing's casual blow.

Seeing that Lian Er was beaten by a single move and suffered serious injuries, everyone was frightened and cold.

Dozens of high-ranking gods are thinking about it, even Er and Liang Jianqing are the strongest in the field, but they can't stop Ji Tianxing's move.

For them, it is estimated that they were all killed by Ji Tianxing.

As a result, many upper gods are playing drums in their hearts.

However, Lian Er had already taken action, and everyone couldn't keep watching, and could only bite the bullet.

"Kill! Let's go together!"

"I would rather stand to die than kneel to live!"

Liang Jianqing and Ye'an both roared, and with full of tragic feelings, Chao Ji Tianxing launched an attack.

The two attacked from the left and the right, and both brandished their magic swords and used their unique tricks.

"Promise Sword Wave!"

"Skylight Splitting Sun!"

Although both of them tried their best, they were also the strongest ultimate move.

The huge sword that is thousands of feet long, with hundreds of brilliant sword lights, is indeed amazing.

However, their kendo supernatural powers paled in comparison to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing lost his left hand behind him, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, and instantly pierced 36 sword lights.

"Broken Sun Sword!"

Thirty-six rays of colorful and gorgeous sword light instantly smashed the thousand-zhang giant sword, and there were hundreds of bright sword lights.

Only the muffled sound of "bang bang bang" burst out, and fragments of divine light scattered all over the sky.

Liang Jianqing and Ye'an both counted their swords in their bodies, and their blood flew screaming and flying backwards dozens of miles away.

With just one move, Ji Tianxing severely injured Liang Jianqing and Ye'an.

Such supernatural power made the forty upper gods even more horrified and feared.

But everyone has followed Liang Jianqing and Ye'an, roaring and attacking.

You can't give up halfway, right?

Everyone can only gritted their teeth, exerting their supernatural skills with all their strength, and launched a siege.


I only saw that the various magical skills performed by the people burst out dazzling divine light, covering the sky.

The shadow of the sword, light and sword in the sky was like a monstrous flood, pouring down towards Ji Tianxing, drowning his figure.

At this moment, the fifteen thousand giant swords suspended in the night sky burst into dazzling light and assassinated everyone.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The sharp sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and the violent sword intent enveloped more than forty gods.

"Boom bang bang!"


There was a loud noise, and the various supernatural abilities performed by the people were all shattered by the sword light.

Immediately afterwards, the dense rain of sword lights blasted into the crowd, drowning the figures of many gods.

Just now, the gods who had been struggling to kill heroically, were suddenly bombarded by Jian Yu and fled in embarrassment.

However, both escape and avoidance are useless.

The radius of a hundred li was completely filled by sword light, and there was nowhere to escape.

Bloody fog burst out from the crowd, and screams continued to sound.

One by one high-ranking gods, their limbs and body were severed by Jianguang, and they burst into a cloud of blood.

Even those godheads who fled in a panic, could not escape the doom of being strangled by Jianguang, and they broke into pieces one after another.

The number of high-ranking gods is rapidly declining, and even Er, Liang Jianqing and Ye'an are also seriously injured and helpless.

More than three hundred elites not far away were frightened and desperate to the extreme.

Many people have lost their fighting spirit and their will has collapsed.

They could no longer fight, and they all ran away like crazy, screaming vaguely and horrified.

Soon, bad luck also fell on them.

More than two thousand giant swords flew, forming more than a dozen sword blade storms, raging across the crowd.

Everyone who was caught in the storm, whether he was the nine gods or the lower gods, was crushed to pieces, and his gods shattered.

In less than a hundred breaths of time, more than three hundred elites were strangled to death by Jianguang, not one left.

At this time, more than forty high-ranking gods were also killed by Wan Jianzhu.

There are only a dozen high-ranking gods left, still resisting in blood, struggling to support.

These more than a dozen people are among the many strong, the strongest in strength and background ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ including Lian Er, Liang Jianqing, Ye'an, Sifang God Generals and Po Xing San Lao.

However, the thirteen gods were all covered in blood, with disheveled hairs, severe injuries, and looked very embarrassed.

The few gods with the worst injuries had their arms or legs cut off, and one person was almost cut in the waist.

Fighting to this point, the war is about to end.

No matter how the thirteen gods broke out, and what hole card stunts they used, they couldn't change the ending of destruction.

But Ji Tianxing was still unscathed, and the Heavenly Jade Sword Array was still intact, operating firmly and forcefully.

"Seven Star Sword!"

While a **** prince resisted the sword rain, Ji Tianxing appeared behind the man, swinging his sword and stabbing.

He only heard a muffled noise, and the godly prince was destroyed without even screaming, splashing out blood and blood.

The other people's angry eyes were splitting, they all rushed towards Ji Tianxing and attacked desperately.

However, Ji Tianxing's figure flashed, and then teleported behind a certain god, and swung his sword.


The Sky Burial Sword instantly pierced into the back of the god, and burst out with brilliant light, blasting it to pieces.

A godhead flew out of the blood mist and instinctively fled to the distance.

Ji Tianxing swung his sword again and again, cutting the godhead into pieces.

In this way, one **** after another was beheaded by Ji Tianxing.

When several gods fell one after another, and the three old men of Po Xing were also beheaded, leaving only the four gods, Liang Jianqing, Ye'an and Lian Er, everyone finally couldn't hold it.

Lian Er and Liang Jianqing looked at each other, and they both urged their life skills to explode.

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