Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3172: People who have pointed

Lien Er is very loyal to Prince Lien, and very hard-hearted.

No matter how Ji Tianxing extorted a confession through torture, he remained silent and did not reveal a word.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing no longer wastes time, and directly kills Lian Er.

Then, he took out Lian Er's godhead and refined his godhead with exercises, depriving the memory of his soul.

This method is simpler and rude, but it also has its drawbacks.

Directly refining the memory of the soul in the Godhead is often not comprehensive, and there will be many omissions.

In addition, Lian Erben was seriously injured, burned his godhead, and blew himself up.

Although his self-destruction was suppressed by Ji Tianxing, it was forcibly ended.

But his godhead still suffered a lot of damage, not only was his vitality severely injured, his strength plummeted, and even the memory of his soul was mutilated and damaged.

Even if Ji Tianxing refines his godhead, how many spiritual memories he can get is still unknown.

Under such circumstances, whether he can obtain key secrets and information depends only on luck.

A black tower is suspended in the cave in the mountain.

Ji Tianxing enters the tower and refines the godhead in the twisted time and space.

It was only an hour from the outside world, and he had spent four days in twisted time and space.

These four days were enough time for him to refine Lian Er's godhead and deprive him of the memory of his soul.

The result was a great surprise for Ji Tianxing, but also a little depressed and regretful.

Because Ji Tianxing learned many secrets about Prince Lien from the memory of Lian Er's soul.

Including even the prince's life experience, experience, inner thoughts and goals, as well as what he has done over the years, he is very clear.

Even the thoughts of the prince and the Great Yan Emperor, as well as many secrets of the Great Yan Empire, were also mastered by Ji Tianxing.

What interests him most is that there is a very important thing in Ren Er's memory.

As early as nine years ago, a certain force in the Great Yan Empire discovered a secret realm in the empire.

Those strong men hit by mistake, broke into that secret realm, and found a divine palace, which seemed to be the cave house of the strong divine king.

Several strong men were madly excited and broke into the cave with excitement.

They thought that it was a great opportunity to get a king-level artifact in the cave mansion and the inheritance of the **** king...

But they did not expect that they would be greeted by danger and death.

They triggered the king-level sacred formation on the periphery of the cave, and killed three people on the spot.

Only two people survived and fled the secret realm in a panic.

After the news spread, many top forces swarmed, trying every possible way to crack the big formation of the cave.

However, there is any king-level sacred formation around the cave, and those forces will take months, even a year or two to crack.

Things intensified and gradually became known by more top forces.

Even the royal family of the Great Yan Empire knew about this.

Therefore, Emperor Dayan sent many powerful men with the Imperial Guard Corps to forcibly occupy the secret realm.

Emperor Dayan meant that he wanted to monopolize the secret realm.

This has caused dissatisfaction among many forces, and dozens of top forces have united and confronted the Great Yan imperial family.

In front of the king-level artifacts, magical powers and secrets, and inheritance, all participants were red eyes, determined to get the benefits.

In order to maintain the stability of the empire, Emperor Dayan had to make concessions.

In the end, fifty powers reached a consensus, formed an alliance to keep this secret, and explore the secret realm together.

As for how to distribute the harvest after the opening of the Dongfu, the various forces have different opinions.

Fortunately, there are too many divine formations in Dongfu, which cannot be solved in a short time.

Therefore, the fifty powers are patient, exploring and cracking the sacred formation little by little.

Now that nine years have passed, the journey of exploring the cave of the gods has also made great progress and breakthroughs.

At least, everyone figured it out a little bit.

It was indeed the cave house of the king of the gods, named Qingyu Temple, which should be the residence of the king of the gods.

Speaking of the sapphire **** king, one has to mention the story thousands of years ago.

As early as ten thousand years ago, the sapphire **** king arrogantly stepped out of the Yan Empire, rising strongly, and was famous in the northern region.

Although, the sapphire **** king disappeared thousands of years ago and disappeared.

However, it is well documented that the Qingyu God King has lived in the Great Yan Empire for at least three thousand years.

It is conceivable that the azure jade **** king lived in that cave mansion for three thousand years, and I don't know how many gods, treasures, and cultivation experience left behind.

For any strong god, if he can get the inheritance, cultivation experience, and treasures of the sapphire **** king, it is a great opportunity.

Not only have the opportunity to be promoted to the legendary kingdom of the gods, but also the combat power can surge.

In short, after determining the owner of that cave mansion, the Fifty Powers became even more crazy.

Even the Hetianzong behind the prince is of course one of the fifty powers and will have a share in the future.

Although, Prince Lian has been active in the two great kingdoms of God Flame and Blood Flame.

But his heart is always thinking about the sapphire shrine.

Once the sapphire shrine was opened and the fifty powers wanted to enter it, he would definitely put aside everything and rush to the sapphire shrine.

Because that was his greatest opportunity and hope to break through the Divine King Realm.

If he can obtain the inheritance of the sapphire **** king, or cultivate his experience, artifacts and supernatural powers, then he has the hope of breaking through the **** king realm.

Once he becomes the king of the world, he can find Emperor Dayan to avenge his mother and seize the position of Emperor Dayan.

Then, when he deals with Ji Tianxing, he can easily kill and take revenge!


Knowing this secret, Ji Tianxing was happy and showed a playful smile.

"Want to enter the palace of the king of the gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to get the inheritance of the gods and the king-level artifact?

Even the prince, even the prince, I am afraid that you will never have a chance in your life. "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he whispered the name of the azure jade **** king, and frowned suspiciously.

"Sapphire God King? Where did you hear this name?"

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a long time, and finally got an impression and eyebrows.

"I remember, in my previous life, in order to improve the quality of the Heaven Burial Sword, I went to the Vast Sky Continent to find the Red Sun God Gold.

I met this person in the area of ​​the sea of ​​flames, and even fought him because of a misunderstanding.

This person is also a kendo **** king. He created two kendo supernatural powers, but I broke them with one move, completely defeated..."

Ji Tianxing's memories immediately became clear.

He remembered that when he met the Sapphire God King, he fought three tricks.

Every time the Sapphire God King’s sword move was easily broken by him.

At that time, the azure jade **** king was in the triple realm and was traveling through the Haotian Continent, pursuing a higher realm of divine realm and the profound meaning of kendo.

And he had just broken through the Divine King Realm not long ago, and was still in the first level of the Divine King Realm.

But he defeated the Sapphire God King, but he seemed very relaxed.

Because of this, the sapphire **** king was very shocked, and he felt awe and admiration for him.

Not only did the two have no feud, but the azure jade **** king also apologized to him and sincerely asked the kendo.

At that time, the sword **** saw the sincere attitude of the azure jade **** king, so he gave him a few words.

As a result, awakening the dreamer with a single word, the sapphire **** king suddenly realized, excitedly saluted and thanked.

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