Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3173: Tonight is his death date

The intersection of the sword **** and the jade **** king is limited to this.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the sword **** called the azure jade **** king, making the azure jade **** king grateful.

The sword **** at that time was slightly indifferent and arrogant.

He didn't greet the azure jade **** king, so he left straight away.

The sapphire **** king also maintained his demeanor, did not chase, stood in place and saluted, and sent the sword **** away.

This is just a trivial matter for the sword god.

In his life, I don't know how many times it happened, so he doesn't care about it at all.

But for the sapphire **** king, it should be a great event worth remembering.

After all, he had been instructed by the Sword God and had an epiphany on the spot that his sword training and strength realm would definitely improve.

When the memory was over, Ji Tianxing sighed with complicated expression.

"Oh... more than a thousand years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I have reborn as a human being, and I have changed my appearance.

An ordinary God King who once met by chance is about to meet again. The fate is really amazing! "

Undoubtedly, when he learned of the existence of Qingyu Shrine, he decided to go.

For him now, the cave mansion of the king of gods is also extremely attractive.

He is not interested in the cultivation experience and experience of the Qingyu God King, and he does not want to learn it, at most it is just a reference.

After all, the talent, savvy and strength of the Azure Jade God King are not as good as he used to be.

What really interested him was the magical medicine, artifacts and materials that might exist in the Qingyu Temple.

The medicines, artifacts, and materials collected by the king of the gods must be king-level.

But what Ji Tianxing lacks most now is the king-level god.

If he can get some of the refining materials of the **** king level, he will soon be able to upgrade the Heaven Burial Sword.

Once the Sky Burial Sword was restored to the God King level, its power would be even more terrifying.

Moreover, the Sapphire Shrine was protected by heavy sacred formations, all of which were king-level sacred formations.

The fifty top forces of the Great Yan Empire have explored and studied for nine years, but they have not been able to see the gate of the palace.

Ji Tianxing had no such worries. With his array strength, vision and experience, he was definitely able to crack it easily and grasp it with his hands.

It's just that now is not the time to go to Qingyu Shrine.

Besides, he still doesn't know the specific location of that secret realm.

The most urgent task is to solve the Prince Lien first!

Ji Tianxing did not delay time, immediately ended his cultivation and left the warped time and space.

He returned to the cave, put away the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers, and flew towards the south.

He flew over high mountains along the way and saw endless ruins and deep pits not far away.

It was caused by a few high-ranking gods who blew themselves up, and it is still dusty and full of smoke.

When Ji Tianxing explored with his spiritual sense, he saw a large number of masters in armor and black clothes searching around in the ruins.

He didn't have to think about it, but those who must be the Prince Lien and the King of Fury.

He fought a decisive battle with the 13,000 army, and caused such a big disturbance that the entire Rage Flame King City was alarmed.

It would be abnormal if the King of Fury and Prince Lien did not send people to check the situation.

Ji Tianxing speeds up, like a streamer piercing the night sky, heading straight for the city of the king of fury.

While rushing on the road, he was still meditating in his heart: "I hope that even the prince will never leave the city by luck.

As long as he is still in the royal city, tonight is his death date! "

It was already early morning, and there were still two hours before dawn.

For Ji Tianxing, time is enough.

As long as the prince is still in the royal city, he will definitely die before dawn!

Unconsciously, an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing flew over 180,000 li and came outside the city of Wrath Flame.

Under the dark night, the City of Rage Flame was quietly located on the grassland.

This Xiongcheng, which has existed for thousands of years, was built neatly in four directions, covering an area of ​​500 miles, and can accommodate millions of people.

The main city wall around the city is made of black stone that is as high as one hundred feet. While it is solemn and solemn, its defense is also very strong.

Although in these ten thousand years, the city wall has been repaired several times.

But the last repair was done a thousand years ago.

The strip-shaped boulders that built the city wall are covered with moss, cracks and traces etched by wind and frost.

In each of the four directions of the royal city, there is a huge gate of eighty feet high, which can accommodate twelve carriages in and out at the same time, which is extremely spacious.

It was late at night, the North City Gate was tightly closed, and hundreds of city guards were stationed under the gate, all with swords and swords hanging in formation.

If it were in the past, at this moment, the king's city would have been quiet and peaceful, and the lights would be sparse.

However, tonight the entire Wangcheng is brightly lit, and hundreds of thousands of people are still moving outside.

In the streets and alleys, countless Protoss gathered together, whispering discussions.

Even the number of city guards patrolling has increased several times.

There are also many people in black with mysterious identities, coming and going in and out of the royal city, appearing to be in a hurry.

The solemn, iron-blooded atmosphere enveloped the entire royal city, which also made the people a little worried.

Many people are speculating, is there an enemy coming?

The King City is about to be attacked?

Ji Tianxing stood outside the North City Gate, hidden in the clouds, looking down at the Royal City of Rage, watching quietly.

The four great defense formations protecting the king's city were all opened, covering the four directions of south, east, north, and west respectively.

No matter where Ji Tianxing sneaked into the king's city from, he must crack a great defense formation.

Otherwise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only go through the four gates and accept the interrogation of the city guards.

Or, just forcibly break through the gates and kill all blockers.

In that case, before he was even close to the palace, he alarmed the King of Fury and Prince Lien.

After much deliberation, Ji Tianxing decided to crack the moat formation quietly.

There are heavy guards near the north gate. Not only are there many city guards patrolling, but a large number of imperial guards are also secretly ambushing.

What's more, in many houses and buildings not far from the city gate, there are more than a dozen gods and powerhouses hidden.

This posture is obvious, to prevent Ji Tianxing from coming to the north and forcibly breaking through the northern gate.

In order not to startle the snake, Ji Tianxing quietly walked around to the South City Gate.

He had already observed it with magic pupil secret skills and could see the defensive power of the four city gates clearly.

In contrast, the Nancheng Gate is heavily guarded on the surface, with a large number of city guards and imperial guards.

But in fact, the defense force of Nancheng Gate is the weakest.

Choosing to sneak into the royal city from here is of course the safest.

Ji Tianxing flew under the city wall to the south and escaped quietly into the earth.

After traveling ten feet underground, he was blocked by the colorful light mask.

So, he used the mystery of the pupils to carefully observe the great formation of the city.

This large formation has a radius of one hundred li, it is a king-level superb divine formation, the structure is quite complicated, and the defense force is also very strong.

Ji Tianxing can guess that this is mostly a joint arrangement of many upper gods.

Moreover, it has to be strengthened and reinforced for many years and many times to have such power.

But this is not difficult for Ji Tianxing.

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