Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3174: Stun the snake

Just a quarter of an hour later, Ji Tianxing could see through the structure of the great defense formation.

He accurately found the weak point of the big array and began to cast spells to crack this flaw.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

He pinched the Divine Art with both hands, released hundreds of thousands of divine powers, and penetrated into a certain node of the colorful mask.

Time passed quietly.

Two quarters of an hour passed quickly.

When Ji Tianxing played more than eighteen thousand divine powers, that node collapsed.

On the splendid multicolored mask, a fist-large loophole appeared, and it expanded rapidly.

In just two breaths, the leak became the size of a water tank, enough for Ji Tianxing to pass through.


He didn't hesitate to pass through the loopholes, stepped over the great defense formation, and entered the palace.

At this time, something he didn't expect happened.

Under the Nancheng Gate, among the more than three hundred city guards, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Damn it! Someone broke the big formation underground, trying to sneak into the royal city!

fast! Everyone comes with me! "

The person who exclaimed was a shameless middle-aged man wearing a standard armor.

The attire of this person was the same as that of ordinary city guards, inconspicuous in the crowd.

Moreover, he also wore a mysterious round jade pendant to suppress his breath and stabilize it at the seventh level of the Heavenly God Realm.

But in fact, his true strength has reached the seventh level of the Heavenly God Realm, and he is an upper god!


As the middle-aged man exclaimed, he dived into the ground without hesitation and rushed towards Ji Tianxing.

More than three hundred city guards were stunned, and then under the leadership of several captains, they sneaked into the depths of the earth.

Before, Ji Tianxing swept the city guards under the Nancheng gate with his divine sense, but he just looked around for a while, but didn't take it seriously.

Because he knew that the city guards under the doorway were all decorations.

The one who is truly capable of fighting is the Imperial Guards ambushing inside the city gate.

But he didn't expect that there was a high-ranking **** who was dressed as an ordinary city guard, who still suppressed his breath with a magical weapon, lurking in the crowd.

A small mistake caused his whereabouts to be exposed and alarmed the city guards.

The more than three hundred city guards, led by the middle-aged gods, quickly rushed to the vicinity of Ji Tianxing.

Without saying a word, everyone drew out their swords and launched a siege desperately.

On the other side, the five hundred imperial soldiers ambushing inside the southern city gate also received news and signals.

Knowing that someone had invaded, they all drew their swords and stood on guard.

Soon, a battle broke out underground.

More than three hundred city guards performed various magical skills, unleashing an overwhelming torrent of divine light, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing.

This piece of soil and rock under the ground was blasted into dust by the light and shadow of the magic arts, showing huge faults and loopholes.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Ji Tianxing was not worried, but was a little surprised and surprised.

"There is an upper **** who is dressed as an ordinary city guard, lurking at the southern city gate waiting for me?

I don't know whether it was the arrangement of the prince, or the will of the anger of the monarch.

If this was arranged by the Lord of Fury, then his scheming is deep enough to not be underestimated.

After all, this person has already guessed the mind of the monarch, and even knows how to do the opposite. "

Thinking like this in his mind, Ji Tianxing waved his hands and decisively released the sky full of sword light to resist the siege of the city guards.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

With the deafening loud noise exploded, the sky full of sword light collided with the magical light and shadow, splashing out a terrifying shock wave.

More than one hundred city guards were killed by the shock wave on the spot, turning into blood mist and debris.

There were more than two hundred sword lights that did not shatter, and they were still sharp and sharp, killing more than a hundred people who survived.

The shock wave spread, blasting the ground for dozens of miles.

The entire royal city shook violently, as if there was a major earthquake.

Even the city wall near the South City Gate has sunk somewhat.

In this way, most of the royal city was shocked.

The people who were still in the streets and alleys talking about the battering shock wave suddenly changed their faces and let out a worried cry.

"Gosh, we guessed right!"

"Sure enough, a powerful enemy invaded the city, and it is already fighting!"

"I just felt that the shock wave came from the underground, and the powerful enemy sneaked into the royal city from the underground!"

"If a powerful enemy sneaks into the royal city silently, that will be the most dangerous.

Fortunately, the City Guards and the Forbidden Army were more responsible and found each other out. "

"The shock wave comes from the vicinity of the South City Gate, everyone should stay away as much as possible to avoid harming the pond fish!"

All kinds of exclamations and discussions burst out one after another in the capital city, converging into a torrent of sound waves.

But soon, the dull sound was covered by the loud noise from the ground.

It turned out that it was the high-ranking **** of the seventh realm who launched a full impact on Ji Tianxing.

The two confronted each other, and Ji Tianxing was unscathed and refused to give in.

But the middle-aged man was shocked to vomit blood and flew back, both legs were torn apart by sword light.

Suffering such a severe injury, the middle-aged man fell into the rubble and screamed heartbreakingly.

The more than one hundred city guards who survived saw that the second commander couldn't hold the opponent's move, they were beaten severely, and they all showed horror and frightened.

But it was too late for them to escape.

Hundreds of dazzling golden sword lights, carrying the invisible sword intent to kill everything, enveloped everyone.

Following the muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom", the more than one hundred city guards were bombarded and killed by Jianguang on the spot.

Only the middle-aged man was still alive, struggling to crawl out of the rubble.

He wanted to fight again, but he happened to see Ji Tianxing kill more than a hundred city guards in a second.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was horrified.

Knowing that he was not Ji Tianxing's opponent, he fled with all his might.

While escaping into the king's city, he did not forget to send out the signal for help and warning.

Ji Tianxing's plan was destroyed, and he hated the middle-aged man very much.

He looked gloomy and chased him murderously.

After just two breaths, he caught up with the middle-aged man, released three violent sword lights, and blasted him into scum.

Even the godhead of the middle-aged man was blasted to pieces.

The power of the three dazzling gold giant swords was not eliminated, and they passed through the earth for dozens of miles, and gradually dissipated into the depths of the earth.

Ji Tianxing put away the fragments of the godhead, entered a state of invisibility, and left the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huh! "

With a flash of light and shadow, he avoided the guards near the city gate and appeared in a house in Nancheng District.

At the same time, his divine consciousness enveloped the entire royal city, and he could see all the sights in the royal city clearly.

The people all over the city ran away in panic, hiding back to their respective residences.

In the palace, a large number of imperial guards and Ouchi masters rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

Even the gods and powerhouses guarding the other three city gates quickly rushed to support them.

The reaction speed of the opponent surprised Ji Tianxing.

However, he remained invisible, hid his own breath, and successfully evaded everyone's detection.

He swaggered out of the house, flew into the night sky without hurries, and flew towards the brightly lit palace.

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