Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3177: Faint? sinner?

Xue Changyi and Prince Lian are totally two styles of behavior.

He is not as cunning and scheming as Prince Lian, but he is more honest, steady and will do what he says.

Of course, this is the basic quality of being a king.

But overall, Xue Changyi is still more upright.

After speaking, he pinched the divine art in both hands, and began to use his power to accumulate divine power, converging on the divine character in his mind.

As long as Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed, allowing him to arbitrate on the spot, letting go of more than 3,000 royal clan kinsmen and thousands of people in the royal city, he would shatter the godhead without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked: "How can someone with a temperament like you become a fan of Prince Lien?"

Xue Changyi was taken aback for a moment, and his expression calmly said: "This lord knows that you and the little prince have a **** feud, and you must be biased against him.

Perhaps in your eyes, the little prince is a scheming, vicious and vicious person.

But for this monarch, the little prince is kind to him, even if his life is not enough to repay the kindness.

If it hadn't been for the help of the little prince, how could he survive the battle for seizing the abdomen by his actions and the city? How can you become the king of the kingdom of God?

The little prince saved his life and helped him ascend to the throne.

Now, even if this monarch is dead, he cannot repay his kindness..."

Regarding the matter between Xue Changyi and Prince Lien, Ji Tianxing heard Nie Feiyun talk about it, and from the memory of Lien Er's soul, he learned seven to eight points.

He didn't bother to hear Xue Changyi say more, and said in a deep voice: "Xue Changyi, there is no enmity between this monarch and you, but you are working for Prince Lien, and this monarch has to deal with you.

However, now Ben Jun gives you a chance.

You don't need to judge yourself, as long as you surrender the Prince Lien or confess his hiding place, the Lord will let you go.

Those royal family members around you, as well as the tens of thousands of people in the entire royal city, can also be saved from death. "

The more than three thousand people in the nine groups of divine light suddenly showed joy, expectation and excitement, and their desperate hearts were also illuminated by the dawn.

Everyone looked at Xue Changyi, hoping that he could nod and agree.

But Xue Changyi's body was shocked and his face became rather ugly.

Especially, when he saw the eyes of everyone around him, they became bright and hot, and his expression became even more gloomy.

"Do not!"

Xue Changyi snorted firmly and righteously said: "This monarch just said that even if it is impossible to repay the kindness of the little prince, how can he betray him?"

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately and sneered: "Toast and not eat fine wine, you are not called integrity, this is foolishness!

Since you are not willing to betray the Prince Lien, then Benjun will kill you and everyone, and then destroy the entire royal city! "

After speaking, he manipulated the Heavenly Jade Sword Array with his spiritual mind to speed up its operation.

The fifteen thousand giant swords floating above the heads of the crowd bloomed with brilliant brilliance and unparalleled sword intent, which would pour down at any time.

The more than 3,000 people in the Nine Regiment's Divine Light were suddenly in a life-and-death situation, and all of them looked pale, full of panic and despair.

Many people could not bear the tremendous pressure and were afraid of the threat of death, so they asked for mercy and persuaded Xue Changyi.

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"Your Majesty, it's definitely not the time to get angry now!"

"Your Majesty, please think about it for the royal family's clan and the officials. If all of you are buried here, the long-term foundation of the Kingdom of God will be destroyed!"

"Your Majesty! Even if you don't care about our life and death, please take it for the sake of the thousands of people in the city, and spare everyone your life!

Thousands of people are innocent! How can you go your way and kill them all? "

For a time, many officials of the Kingdom of God began to persuade the monarch.

Some high-status royal family members even spoke sharply, reprimanding the monarch for being insensitive.

Xue Changyi's situation became extremely embarrassing, and he turned out to be the enemy of many royal clans and officials.

Everyone blamed him for their own destruction and the killing of thousands of people.

Human nature is like this.

Xue Changyi wanted both loyalty and justice, but everyone just wanted to survive, so how could he be willing to accompany him?

Ji Tianxing said very clearly that as long as Xue Changyi confessed the whereabouts of Prince Lien, he could spare everyone.

But Xue Changyi disagreed, and would rather die than betray even the prince.

Everyone does not blame Ji Tianxing, but Xue Changyi's cold-blooded ruthlessness.

Seeing that everyone was emotional, they gradually changed from persuasion to crying, reprimanding and pleading.

This posture is like that Xue Changyi is going to kill everyone, plus the thousands of people in the royal city.

Xue Changyi was trembling with anger, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out under the surge of blood.

Ji Tianxing looked at him expressionlessly and said, "My Lord appreciates your integrity and honesty, but spurns your loyalty.

If you don't even know how to choose this matter, you don't deserve to be the king of the Kingdom of Fury.

Whether to confess the whereabouts of Prince Lien, or to entail tens of millions of people to bury you, you choose yourself! "

No matter what, when it came time to make a decision, Xue Changyi couldn't avoid it.

Under incomparable psychological pressure, he slowly turned around and looked at the divine light of Jiu Tuan, his eyes swept over more than 3,000 royal family members.

From the expressions and eyes of everyone, he saw the desire and eagerness to survive, as well as anxiety and fear.

Among the crowd, there are his concubines and children, as well as his brothers, nephews, and close ministers.

Before death, everyone chose to beg and persuade him.

After all, he owed the kindness of Prince Lien, but everyone did not.

But the life and death of everyone is now in his hands.

After a long time, Xue Changyi looked around and slowly retracted his gaze.

He turned around, his expression turned desolate and helpless, as if he was tens of years old in an instant.

He lowered his head with a wry smile, did not look at Ji Tianxing's expression, and said bitterly: "Fine, that's it... Since this monarch is the king of the kingdom of God, how can he go his own way and act recklessly?

When the time comes, this monarch will probably become a stunned monarch who is condemned by the crowd.

The ruthless, ruthless tyrant who left his people dead and alive! The eternal sinner who caused the destruction of the kingdom of God! "

When he heard this, the more than 3,000 royal family members were obviously relieved, all showing a relieved expression.

Everyone knows that Xue Changyi cannot go against public opinion after all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only choose to compromise.


Xue Changyi said dryly: "Sir Tianxing, I have promised your terms and please keep your promise.

To be honest, even the prince quietly left the royal city after you had a decisive battle with more than ten thousand troops, and many gods and powerhouses blew themselves up.

With his cronies and confidants, he passed through the palace's teleportation array and directly arrived at Nuhe City on the border of Nuyan County.

Counting the time, he should have left Nuhe City long ago and entered Yanwu County to the south.

This time he lost to you, his power was almost wiped out, and he could no longer gain a foothold in the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

Next, he should return to the Great Yan Empire to recuperate for a period of time.

As for where he will go, I don't know. "

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