Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3178: Killing God is finally gone

After Xue Changyi finished speaking, he buried his head lower.

Under the dim light, his face was dark red, his face was ashamed, and his eyes were full of self-deprecation and helplessness.

Obviously, his original intention did not want to betray the Prince Lien.

But in desperation, he confessed the whereabouts of Prince Lien, which made him feel condemned and very guilty.

For him, this is equivalent to a stain in his life, which will be difficult to clean off for a lifetime.

More than 3,000 royal family members didn't care about these, everyone looked at Ji Tianxing intently, waiting for his judgment.

Xue Changyi has already answered. Whether everyone can survive or not depends on Ji Tianxing's dissatisfaction.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing was not satisfied, frowning and asked: "This is over? Even the prince will run away in time, this lord is not surprised.

But you are one of the most important confidants of the Prince Lien. How could you not know where he is going?

Xue Changyi, Ben Jun thinks you are upright and honest, but you conceal something and want to get through? "

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was very dissatisfied, he became angry, and the complexion of more than 3,000 royal family members changed, and their foreheads were sweating anxiously.

Many people began to persuade Xue Changyi, and even some royal family members with higher status and seniority began to reprimand and blame Xue Changyi.

Xue Changyi was under tremendous pressure, and his face became ugly.

Seeing everyone's emotions, he could only explain to Ji Tianxing: "Sir Tianxing, I really don't know Prince Lien's plan!

You also know that even the prince is suspicious and scheming, and the city is extremely deep.

Knowing that the army was defeated, he didn't even wait for the scout to investigate the situation, so he left with his confidant.

Moreover, when he left, he didn't greet him at all.

This monarch also listened to the report of his generals afterwards and learned about it. "

Seeing Xue Changyi didn't seem to be lying, and Ji Tianxing analyzed that even the prince's disposition would indeed do so.

So, he stopped asking Xue Changyi, nodded and said, "Okay, I will believe you once.

If you let this monarch find out in the future, you are deceiving him, don't blame him for coming to the king's city again, and take your own life! "

Xue Changyi shook his head quickly, and said: "Don't dare to deceive Young Master Tianxing, if your words are false, leave them at your disposal."

Ji Tianxing no longer said anything, frowning in thought, where even the prince might be hiding.

He refined Lien Er's soul memory and knew many secrets of Prince Lien.

At this time, Xue Changyi hesitated for a moment and interrupted his thoughts.

"Prince Tianxing, this monarch has already confessed the whereabouts of even the prince according to your request. Should you also fulfill your promise..."

Ji Tianxing restrained his thoughts, glanced at him, and said calmly: "This gentleman will do what he says, and he will naturally fulfill his promise."

After speaking, he waved his arm and removed the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

The more than 20,000 giant swords that hovered in the night sky and enveloped the city immediately disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, the royal city, which was illuminated by the sword light as bright as the day, also became dim.

The three thousand royal family members are as amnesty, showing the expression of the rest of their lives, and the color of joy is beyond words.

The tens of thousands of people in the entire royal city were trembling, full of horror and despair.

At this moment, seeing the sword formation disappear, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Countless people shouted surprises and whispered.

Many people have seen that the former magnificent palace has been destroyed into ruins.

Everyone was talking about it, all speculating about what happened in the palace.

Who is so powerful that ruined the palace?

Could it be Tian Xing, who was known to kill the gods, with the uproar in the past?

at the same time.

Xue Changyi saw that Ji Tianxing had done what he said, and he was relieved for a long time. He hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you, Lord Tianxing, for raising your hand!"

Ji Tianxing looked at him blankly, and said in a deep voice, "Xue Changyi, I'll give you a piece of advice.

Even the prince against this monarch, his fate is not long, you don't have to be foolish to him.

You must always remember that you are the monarch of the Kingdom of Fury and are not qualified to be willful.

When making any decisions and decisions, we must focus on the overall situation, the kingdom of God and the billions of people.

Otherwise, sooner or later you will ruin the Kingdom of Fury. "

Xue Changyi was startled for a moment, but he did not expect that Ji Tianxing was enemies with him, but would point him out.

After frowning and thinking for a while, he took Ji Tianxing's words in his heart, and then sincerely thanked him.

"Thank you, Master Tianxing, for your advice, I will remember it in my heart."

Ji Tianxing didn't say much, and asked blankly: "Where is the teleportation array leading to the border of Rage Flame County?"

Xue Changyi knew that he was about to leave the Royal City, and he sighed with relief in his heart, and quickly replied: "It's in the Huayang Shrine, that is the residence of Prince Lien in the Royal City.

As early as many years ago, he let this monarch build that divine formation in Huayang Shrine. "

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately, and said solemnly: "Damn! With Prince Lian's behavior, after he leaves, he will definitely let people destroy the sacred formation.

Hurry up and take Ben Jun! "

Xue Changyi also understood what he meant, and didn't dare to delay time, so he quickly took him to Huayang Palace.

After just two breaths, the two teleported hundreds of miles away and landed under a magnificent palace.

The guards and servants around the palace had long since fled and disappeared.

The two directly performed the escape method and entered the hall under the shrine.

I saw that in the middle of the hall with a radius of thousands of meters, there was a huge teleportation array, which was shining with dim white light.

Dozens of elite masters of the Celestial God Realm are all around the teleportation formation, joining forces to cast spells to destroy the teleportation formation.

Seeing Xue Changyi and Ji Tianxing coming, those people were stunned and stopped their movements.

After returning to God, everyone turned around and fled without hesitation, and dispersed.

Ji Tianxing ignored those escaping **** masters, and had no interest in hunting down.

He used the magic pupil secret method to observe the large array, and quickly saw the situation.

"Fortunately, we came in time. These people are low-powered and only destroy some trivial things."

While talking, Ji Tian moved to cast spells, repairing the teleportation formation.

After a quarter of an hour, the teleportation array was restored.

Ji Tianxing stepped into the teleportation array ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to the blazing white portal.

Before leaving, he left one last sentence.

"Xue Changyi, you'd better pray that we don't meet again, otherwise, it will be a disaster for you."

After speaking, he stepped into the portal of teleportation light and disappeared.

Xue Changyi stood there, staring at Guangmen in a daze, and after a long period of thought, he turned and left.

When he returned to the palace, more than 3,000 royal family members and ministers looked at him with scorching eyes.

Seeing him returning alone without seeing Ji Tianxing, everyone asked.

Knowing that Ji Tianxing had left the royal city through the Teleportation Divine Array, the talents really relaxed and burst out cheers and comments of joy.

Xue Changyi couldn't get happy, looking at the ruined palace with a dull expression, his eyes were sad.

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