Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3184: Sell ​​personal affection


Although Ji Tianxing told the truth.

But to the two imperial envoys and the general, they felt that the words were ironic and ironic.

The faces of the three of them were not very good-looking, they groaned for a while, and communicated secretly.

The white-bearded old man said with emotion: "Your Majesty is really wise and martial, guessing that this guy will chase and kill Prince Lien, and bravely break into Yunwuguan."

The middle-aged man frowned and said in a very unpleasant tone: "This kid is very arrogant and has no respect for your Majesty.

If it weren't for your majesty's confession, this monarch really wanted to kill his arrogance! "

The white-bearded old man smiled bitterly and said: "Don't be upset, if you really teach him, I'm afraid you will lose if you can't stop it.

Don't forget, this man is so strong that even the prince has repeatedly lost to him.

Moreover, this person is ferocious and bloodthirsty, lawless, and will never care about our identity. "

The middle-aged man's face is more gloomy, and he doesn't say much.

General Jin Jia tried to ask: "Two imperial adults, what should we do now? Shall we tell him the truth?"

The middle-aged man didn't make the decision without authorization, he looked at the old man with white beard and asked for his opinion.

The white-bearded old man thought for a while before nodding, and the sound transmission said: "It is better to do less than to do more. The grudge between this kid and Prince Lien has nothing to do with us, and there is no need to hide it for Prince Lien.

What's more, he was right in saying that.

If he can find the Prince Lien and punish him, it will be considered a merit.

It's just that we can only know these things well, and we can't criticize them. "

The middle-aged man and General Jin Jia both nodded in agreement.

The white-bearded old man then looked at Ji Tianxing and said: "Tianxing, the old man, as the imperial envoy appointed by the emperor, is here only to perform the task assigned by his majesty.

The words have been told to you. As for the whereabouts and direction of the prince, he has no obligation to tell you.

However, the old man looks at you with a high spirit and a magnificent appearance, not as brutal and murderous as the rumors.

Therefore, the old man will tell you not as an imperial envoy, but as a personal...

Even the prince is not at Yunwu Pass, he has never been to Yunwu Pass!

But just a day ago, he had already entered the empire.

As for which direction he went, the old man didn't know. "

After saying this, the white-bearded old man looked at Ji Tianxing quietly and stopped speaking.

He has said what should be said, and in his personal capacity, he sold Ji Tianxing a favor.

If Ji Tianxing keeps entangled again, then Ji Tianxing is unreasonable.

In fact, Ji Tianxing still knew it well.

Not only did he know that the white-bearded old man had sold him a favor, he also knew why the white-bearded old man did it.

Facts have proved that Emperor Dayan's attitude towards him is a bit complicated and contradictory.

Not only wanted to use him to get rid of Prince Lien, but was also afraid of him, fearing that he would cause trouble in the Great Yan Empire.

If he could kill Prince Lien, he would not only get rid of the thorns of Emperor Dayan, but also Emperor Dayan would not have to pay any price, let alone bear infamy.

But Emperor Dayan was also worried that if he carried out a large-scale killing in the Great Yan Empire, he would surely arouse public outrage and provoke panic among all forces and people.

At that time, even if Emperor Dayan was unwilling, he would have to send troops to encircle Ji Tianxing to rejuvenate the country.

He must maintain the glorious image of loving the people like a child in order to be firmly established as the emperor, otherwise he will be impeached and criticized by the die-hards.

But Emperor Dayan also knew in his heart that no matter how many elite soldiers and strong generals he sent, he might not be able to get rid of Ji Tianxing. On the contrary, he would suffer heavy losses and sink deeper and deeper.

Once Ji Tianxing and the Great Yan Empire forge a **** feud, the matter can't be cleaned up.

Even if the fight is to the end, the Great Yan Empire can kill Ji Tianxing, but it will suffer heavy damage.

All in all, Emperor Dayan's psychology is very subtle and complicated.

As an imperial envoy, the old man with white beard was also a confidant of Emperor Dayan, and of course he could understand the emperor's thoughts.

But he couldn't say it clearly, so as not to hurt the emperor's face and prestige.

Therefore, he chose very wisely and told Ji Tianxing in his personal capacity.

The twists and turns in this are by no means ordinary people can think of and guess.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, bowed his hand to the white-bearded old man, and said, "Thank you for letting me know! If this is the case, Ben Jun will leave."

After speaking, he turned around swiftly, passed through the gap of the divine formation, and left Yunwuguan.

Everyone stood there, watching Ji Tianxing's figure disappear into the night sky, and was silent for a while.

General Jin Jia waved his hand to signal the thousands of elite soldiers to retreat.

Only the white-bearded old man, the middle-aged man, and the Jinjia general were left in the field, and the three of them started talking.

The middle-aged man frowned suspiciously, and muttered: "This kid's behavior is indeed different from the rumored one. It is not like a murderous, murderous, murderous executioner?"

The white-bearded old man stroked his beard, nodded and said: "Aside from his grievances with Prince Lien, at his age, he has the strength of the peak of the gods, which can be called a genius that has not been met in thousands of years.

This kind of peerless genius is often very proud, how can it be a villain who does no evil? "

General Jinjia breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I originally thought that this person would be difficult to deal with, and there will probably be a fierce battle tonight.

Unexpectedly, he was sent away so easily?

Old Yuan still has the courage to shock him. "

The old man with white beard stroked his beard and laughed at himself, "General Wang, don't make fun of the old man! How can the old man have such great ability to shock the famous killer?

It is the prestige of the emperor's majesty, making the killing **** jealous and afraid to offend.

Moreover, killing gods is not a reckless person, and of course he knows to weigh the stakes.

He just has an enmity with Prince Lien and has no enmity with us, so why bother with us and enmity with the empire? "

General Jin Jia nodded in agreement and agreed.

The middle-aged man thought for a while and then asked, "Old Yuan, that kid is really willing to leave like this?

How could he believe your words without doubt? "

The white-bearded old man chuckled and said: "One is that the old man doesn't need to lie to him, and there is no need to cover Prince Lien, he knows it well.

Second, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you think he has not probed?

When we negotiated, he secretly released his spiritual knowledge and searched the floating city several times!

He didn't find the trace of even the prince, nor did he detect the aura left by the prince, of course he had to trust the old man. "

General Jin Jia admired more, and slapped the old man with white beard.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and continued to ask: "In the opinion of Old Yuan, where would that kid go when he leaves Yunwuguan?

Will he really be shocked and not step into the empire? "

The old man with white beard shook his head again and chuckled, "Of course not! He is arrogant and lawless, how could he be scared by a few words from us?

How can he hunt down and kill Prince Lien without stepping into the empire?

His Majesty the Emperor had anticipated this. "

(End of this chapter)

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