Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3185: Not too dumb

Chapter 3184

Facts have proved that the old man with white beard is indeed an old fox.

His speculation on Ji Tianxing is completely correct.

On the surface, when Ji Tianxing entered the floating city, he was intercepted by everyone and found nothing.

But in fact, when he negotiated with the two imperial commissioners, he had secretly explored the entire floating city.

The white-bearded old man did not lie to him, and even the prince was indeed not in Floating City, and he had never been to Yunwu Pass.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing will leave simply and neatly without wasting time.

After leaving the Yunwu Pass, he did not return to the Kingdom of Rage Flame, but still stepped into the territory of the Great Yan Empire.

However, he bypassed the Yunwu Pass, crossed the deserted mountains and entered the territory of Great Yan.

As for the direction of flight, of course it is southeast.

His next target is Qianyang Lake in Qianyang County.

There is the rudder of Hetianzong.

Ji Tianxing had long expected that even the prince would not dare to return to the imperial capital, he would definitely escape to Tianzong to hide.

Now, Prince Lian had fled back to the Great Yan Empire from elsewhere without passing through the Yunwu Pass, and had no contact with the people of the Great Yan Emperor.

This proved that Prince Lian not only prevented Ji Tianxing from chasing after him, but also prevented Emperor Great Yan from taking the opportunity to start.

"Ha ha ha... Even if you are treacherous and cautious, you will eventually hide from Tianzong.

No matter what, the gate of Hetianzong is in Qianyang Lake, and it can't escape. "

Ji Tianxing sneered playfully while calculating in his mind as he rushed.

At this time, Lin Xue's voice sounded in his mind.

"Boy, why didn't you fight with the people of the Great Yan Empire?"

Lin Xue, Jin Zuoshi and others all healed and practiced in the divine ship.

On the second day of the Tianlong Mountain decisive battle, they couldn't wait to ask Ji Tianxing what was the result of the battle?

Ji Tianxing told the truth, everyone was shocked and couldn't help themselves.

After being excited for a long time, Lin Xue and others calmed down.

Then, Lin Xue began to complain about Ji Tianxing, why did she kill the 13,000 army alone without giving her a chance?

Although the Blood Illusory God Lord and Jin Zuoshi and others didn't say anything, they also had some regrets in their hearts.

They only participated in the initial battle, but failed to accompany Ji Tianxing to the end.

As a result, that shocking battle spread throughout all the great kingdoms of God, making Ji Tianxing famous and powerful.

But they were unknown and missed the opportunity to become famous.

In this regard, Ji Tianxing's reaction was dull, and he advised: "The fighting that day was too fierce. If you participate in the war, I will still protect you, otherwise you will easily die.

It’s okay if you miss this opportunity. Don’t worry, there will be more opportunities to become famous in the future. "

Regarding his two comforting words, Lin Xue, Xue Hua Shenjun and others didn't know whether to be happy or depressed.

Fortunately, Lin Xue just complained a few words, and didn't entangle it anymore.

For the next ten days, Ji Tianxing has been on his way, and everyone is also practicing in retreat in the divine ship.

By tonight, Lin Xue was really bored, so she took the initiative to ask Ji Tianxing through voice transmission.

Ji Tianxing frowned and said displeasedly: "You murderous and murderous demon, I killed tens of thousands of people ten days ago. You have been dubbed the title of God of Killer and Butcher.

If there is another conflict with the Great Yan Empire tonight and kill all the defenders of Yunwu Pass, then he will really become an executioner! "

Lin Xue said disapprovingly: "You are called indecision. If I am you, with the strength comparable to the king of gods, then I will crush it all the way.

Kill all those who disagree with me.

Even if I offend the entire Great Yan Empire, I don't care, I still crush it.

When I angered me, I slaughtered Emperor Dayan and slaughtered the entire imperial city..."

Ji Tianxing couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said angrily: "So, you are called the bloodblade demon, the bloodblade demon, the bloodthirsty demon... that's all you asked for."

Lin Xue still didn't care, and said plausibly: "Have you never heard a word? You will succeed in one thing!

Throughout the ages, which of the world's strongest men and heroes have not stepped on the top of the bones and made famous by their shocking achievements? "

Ji Tianxing preached tirelessly, saying: "Even if the old saying goes, you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. You must kill meaningful opponents and strong men to build your reputation.

If I wasted time and slaughtered the defenders of Yunwu Pass, it would only make Prince Lien laugh out loud! "

Xue Lin thought for a while before trying to understand the stakes, and asked: "You mean that even the prince is not only afraid of you to chase and kill, but also guards against the Great Yan Emperor?

You are now in a three-legged relationship. Emperor Dayan wants to use you to get rid of Prince Lien, but he can't let you damage the majesty of the empire.

And Prince Lian wants you to make enemies with Emperor Dayan, sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, and even want to take advantage of the fishermen? "

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly and said: "Well, you are not too stupid, there is still some help."

"Go to hell, you!" Lin Xue cursed in a nasty voice, and said in a nasty voice: "Then you are going to the rudder of Hetianzong now, and take advantage of the situation to kill Prince Lien?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and asked, "Otherwise? Even the prince hurriedly flees for his life, too late to deploy too many plans. It is a good opportunity to get rid of him.

If I waste time and give him a respite, I am afraid that there will be variables again. "

Lin Xue said with disdain: "Then you are driving alone now, isn't it a waste of time?"

"..." Ji Tianxing was speechless and had to sacrifice the divine ship.


The divine light flashed, and the dark divine ship flew into the night sky and quickly recovered to a length of a thousand feet.

Ji Tianxing's figure flashed into the godship.

He walked into the driver's cab and saw Lin Xue opened the formation and wanted to control the magic formation himself.

So, he couldn't help asking: "Why are you alone? How about Jin Zuo and Blood Dragon Right? Don't let them control the divine ship?"

Lin Xue glanced at him and said, "They are still healing and cultivating, so there is no need to show up.

The old lady personally controls the divine ship for you, much faster than them.

Only in this way can I save you time, understand? "

Ji Tianxing spread his hands and said, "If you can have this heart, what can I say?"

Lin Xue glared at him again, and said angrily: "Then you go and rest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is enough for my old lady to control the divine ship alone.

When something happens, my old lady will notify you. "

Ji Tianxing was a little worried, and asked: "Do you know where the rudder of Hetianzong is?"

Lin Xue was taken aback, and coldly snorted: "Of course I don't know, then you can tell me?"

"..." Ji Tianxing was speechless again, "I don't know if you are still so arrogant?

Qianyang County, Qianyang Lake!

You can fly towards the southeast, it will take at least twenty days to arrive! "

"You know, you can go!" Lin Xue urged impatiently.

Ji Tianxing stopped talking nonsense with her, got up and left the cab.

Back in the secret room, he sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, entered the twisted time and space to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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