Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3187: Nowhere to hide

Chapter 3186-Nowhere To Hide

Of course even the prince did not worry that Ji Tianxing would catch up with him.

One is that his ship is faster, far surpassing Lin Xue's Jun-class superb ship.

The second is that he can requisition the teleportation formations of the counties and cities, and no one dares to stop them.

But Ji Tianxing dared not do this unless he wanted to avenge the Great Yan Emperor and declare war with the Great Yan Empire.

At this moment, Prince Lian was worried about another problem.

In the process of his escape to Tianzong, of course he would not be caught up and intercepted by Ji Tianxing.

But what about after he fled to Tianzong?

Can you really sit back and relax and practice in retreat?

Even the prince had no bottom in his heart, and even put a big question mark on it.

The secret room fell into silence.

Even the prince did not speak, but Lian San could only stand quietly.

Time passed quietly.

About two quarters later, another Protoss man wearing black armor quickly walked into the secret room.

The person here is Lian Si.

He walked quickly to the front of Prince Lien, bowed respectfully and saluted, and said, "Lian Si see the prince!"

Even the prince had been waiting for him. Seeing that he had finally arrived, he waved his hand to waive the ceremony, and asked, "Lian Si, can you have a reply?"

Lian Si replied respectfully: "Prince Qi, just now, his subordinates received a subpoena from the deputy suzerain.

The deputy sovereign said that there has been a breakthrough in Qingyu Shrine recently.

The alliance of fifty forces successfully cracked the two large formations and arrived at the gate of the shrine. Everyone was excited.

Originally, Lord Sovereign took 18 elders and worshippers, as well as three hundred elite disciples, to stay in the Qingyu Shrine.

But when this happened, dozens of forces were ready to move, secretly dispatching troops and generals to gather at Qingyu Shrine.

Because once the gate of the sapphire shrine is opened, the various forces will compete for the place to enter the shrine.

So... as early as ten days ago, Lord Sect Master mobilized some manpower and rushed to Qingyu Shrine.

Among them are two elders, four elders and four worshippers, and two hundred elite disciples..."

Even the prince was happy and looking forward to hearing the first half.

After all, he is also bound to win the Sapphire Shrine.

However, when he heard the second half, his expression was gloomy, and his eyes showed worry.

He stared at Lian Si with dignity, and asked in a deep voice, "Which people are left in the rudder?"

Stunned by the powerful pressure, Lien Si bowed his head in panic, and answered truthfully: "Return to the lord, in today's general rudder, the defensive force is very empty.

Only the deputy suzerain, three elders and twelve deacons are left, there are also two hundred elite disciples, more than 5,000 ordinary disciples, and more than 10,000 servants and handymen..."

Although even the prince was mentally prepared, when he heard the news, his eyes went dark and he almost couldn't hold back the swearing.

He was very angry, trembling with anger, and took several deep breaths before suppressing his anger.

"Damn it! Since this king has worshipped Hetianzong, when has the total rudder been defended against emptiness like this?

Why did this happen when the king returned to the rudder?

why? Is it God's will? "

Even the prince squeezed his fists and screamed angrily.

Even Sanhe Liansi trembling, hurriedly knelt on one knee, buried his head deeply, and did not dare to breathe.

After being silent for a long time, even the prince calmed down and muttered to himself: "The deputy suzerain has the same strength as the king. The three elders are only eight levels. As for the deacons and elite disciples, they are not worth it. mention.

Even if there are more than 10,000 people in the total rudder, it is not enough for Tianxing to slaughter the beast!

If the king really wants to return to the main rudder, it will not only be unsafe, but will sit and wait for death, and kill him! "

Hearing this, even Sanhe Liansi was anxious and worried.

The two of them hurriedly spoke of comfort and helped Prince Lien with advice.

"Lord, please calm down! Sect Master's arrangement is also for the Qingyu Shrine. That is a great opportunity, you can't miss it anyway."

"My lord, the will of the suzerain is very firm, and the competition among the fifty power alliances is also fierce.

In this situation, the sovereign will not send the strong back to the rudder.

Why not, let's not go back to the rudder, take a detour, and go to Pure Wind County in secret... there is your secret palace! "

Hearing Lian Si's proposal, Lian San also brightened his eyes and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Lord, we can go to Pure Wind County, the secret realm is very hidden.

Moreover, the people guarding the palace are your absolute confidantes, very safe! "

Even the prince hesitated for a while, seemed to be a little excited.

But after weighing it with a frown, he shook his head and refused.

"Although, the secret realm and palace in Pure Wind County was secretly built by the king many years ago, just in case and as a refuge.

It stands to reason that neither the Hetianzong nor the Grand Prince knew it, and it should be safe.

However, the king cannot go there. "

Lian San and Lian Si showed a look of stunned expression, and asked with all doubts: "Master, why can't you go?"

Even the prince sneered, and said in an angry tone: "Because you are the confidants of this king, not only you two know that, even the second also knows the secret realm and the palace!"

Lian San and Lian Si became even more puzzled, and subconsciously asked, "But the prince, isn't Lian Er already dead?"

"Ha ha ha..." Prince Lian nodded, and said, "Yes, Lian Er was sacrificed and even blew himself up. He will never reveal this secret.

But we are not at the scene, who can guarantee that even before the second dying, we will not betray this king?

What's more, the beast that Tian Xing had many tricks would definitely use other methods to get information and secrets from Lian Er.

This king is very suspicious, that beast also knows the existence of Pure Wind County Palace.

Should he follow the vine to find it, wouldn't this king be killed on the spot? "

Even Sanhe Liansi was stunned. While shocked in his heart, he also felt a little bit chill.

Neither of them expected that Lian Er was so loyal to the prince, that he would remain unswerving to death.

In the end, the prince will not completely trust Lian Er, and will even be guarded and jealous!

Lian San and Lian Si can't help thinking that their status is not as good as Lian Er, and even less respected by the Lord.

So how insignificant they are in the eyes of the prince~www.wuxiaspot.com~?

Of course, the two of them just thought about it in their hearts, and never dared to show the slightest dissatisfaction.

At this time, even the prince continued: "Although, the words the king said just now are a bit too much or unbelievable to you.

But this king must act cautiously and plan for the worst.

Once the judgment is wrong, this king will lose all the games, do you understand?

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case! "

Lian San and Lian Si felt a little better, and they nodded to express their understanding.

"Master, the rudder can't go back, and Chunfeng County can't go, then where should we go?"

Even the prince sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said in a joking tone: "Where can we go now? Only that place!"

(End of this chapter)

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