Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3188: 0 Yanghu

Chapter 3187 Qianyang Lake

Although the journey was boring, Lin Xue persisted.

For twenty days, she drove the divine ship alone.

The result was the same as Ji Tianxing expected.

On the evening of the twentieth day, as the sun sets, the divine ship finally arrives at the bank of Qianyang Lake in Qianyang County.

This big lake between the mountains has a radius of 100,000 miles.

The lake was deep and cold, and even the lightest feathers could not float on the water.

Anything that falls into Qianyang Lake will sink and disappear.

In the evening, the breeze was blowing, but the surface of the water was like a mirror without any ripples.

However, in this mysterious Qianyang Lake in the legend, I don't know how many powerful beasts survived.

Around the big lake, there are towering mountains, with clouds and mist, and even more roaring beasts.

In the prestigious Hetian Sect of the Great Yan Empire, Zongduoshan Gate is in the depths of this Qianyang Lake.

Those who are waiting for leisure do not even have the qualification to enter Qianyang Lake, let alone see the gate of Hetianzong.

The thick fog that permeated the lake covered everything a hundred meters away, and it was hazy and unreal.

The divine ship stopped by Qianyang Lake, Lin Xue let out a sigh of relief and whispered to herself: "Finally completed the mission and arrived at Qianyang Lake.

Next, it depends on how that kid did. "

After that, she released her spiritual consciousness extended to Ji Tianxing's secret room, wanting to awaken Ji Tianxing.

As a result, there was no one in the secret room, only one tower was suspended.

Lin Xue guessed that Ji Tianxing was cultivating in the sacred tower, but could not contact him, so she could only wait patiently.

"The kid said before that it will take me 20 days to reach Qianyang Lake.

He should remember the time and take the initiative to end the retreat, right? "

While talking, Lin Xue looked at Qianyang Lake vigilantly, manipulating the divine formation to make the divine ship invisible.

Soon, the divine ship merged with the clouds and mist in the sky and disappeared without a trace.

While watching the surroundings vigilantly, Lin Xue patiently waited for Ji Tianxing to appear.


At the same time, Ji Tianxing has been in retreat for three years in the twisted time and space of the tower.

During the past three years, he kept deducing the Zhutian God Jue and repeatedly tried the second level of Shen Jue.

The first level of practice is to lay the foundation, the second level of practice is to seek changes and breakthroughs, contains more laws and principles, and has more powerful power.

Therefore, the deduction and improvement of the second-level exercises are extremely complicated and tedious.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing's three years of cultivation have been fruitful.

He successfully performed the second level of Zhutian Shenjue.

Of course, that is only the foundation and framework of the second level of exercises, and the details are not perfect enough, and it is not a real success.

It will take him at least a few years to make the second-level exercises complete and perfect.

Unfortunately, he didn't have so much time for the time being to continue to comprehend the techniques of Shen Jue.

He never forgot about Qianyang Lake and Hetianzong, so he ended his cultivation.

In this retreat, he has been practicing Zhutian Divine Jue, deducing the second level of exercises, and has not deliberately improved his strength.

But even so, his strength profile continued to rise and became stronger.

Although he was still the Eighth Layer of the Divine Sovereign Realm, he was not far from the Ninth Layer of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

His true combat effectiveness has also been more than twice as high as before.


After finishing his cultivation, Ji Tianxing opened his eyes and muttered to himself: "Counting time, I have been in retreat for three years, and 20 days have passed since the outside world.

If nothing happens, Lin Xue should also arrive at Qianyang Lake. "

After speaking, he got up and left the twisted time and space and returned to the secret room.

After putting away the Nine Heavens and Ten Great Towers, he rushed to the driver's cabin of the Divine Ship.

Sure enough, the divine ship stopped on the bank of a large lake, and Xue Lin was sitting alone in the cab, observing the surrounding situation.

Seeing Ji Tianxing coming, Lin Xue was obviously relieved, and snorted displeasedly: "I didn't disappoint you, I rushed to Qianyang Lake on time.

But you are a little dazed, why are you coming out now? "

Ji Tianxing knew that she was just complaining and was not malicious, so he ignored her.

He probed the surrounding area with his spiritual sense, and saw that there was no sound within 30,000 miles, and there was no trace of the Protoss activity, he asked: "How long have you been here? Have you found anyone?"

Lin Xue replied truthfully: "I have been here this hour and have been observing the situation, but I haven't seen a single figure."

Ji Tianxing nodded and frowned, "It stands to reason that the entire Qianyang Lake is the territory of Hetianzong, and there will definitely be patrolling guards.

Why is there no one in a radius of 30,000 miles? There must be something strange in this. "

Lin Xue blinked and asked suspiciously: "You mean that even the prince returned to Hetianzong before us, and has the people of Hetianzong laid ambush?

The surroundings are calm, but are you trying to entice us to go deeper? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "There is a possibility! But there is another possibility... He Tianzong's defense is weak, and he has to shrink the defense circle and withdraw everyone to the mountain gate."

Lin Xue was stunned, frowning in disbelief, "How is this possible? Hetianzong is also the top three top sects in the Great Yan Empire. To be less, there are hundreds of gods, ten to twenty thousand disciples and guards, and defense forces. How could it be weak?

Especially the Supreme Elder, Sect Master, and Deputy Sect Master of Hetian Sect are said to be the peak gods of the Nine Layers! "

Lin Xue didn't know anything about Qingyu Shrine, so he thought that all the people of Hetianzong were inside the gate.

Ji Tianxing just smiled and didn't explain much.

"It's useless for us to observe here. Let's save some time and go directly to the mountain gate of Hetianzong."

Xue Lin hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Well, no matter whether Hetianzong's gate is weak or not, we will try to find out.

You come to control the divine ship, I will wake up the blood illusion and Jin Zuo make them. "

Lin Xue was eager and excited, fantasizing about the upcoming battle, a bit enthusiastic.

Ji Tianxing had a hunch in his heart and vaguely guessed the result.

He raised his hand and summoned Lin Xue, who had turned and left, and said: "Don't worry, wait until I check the situation first. I don't need to let them play for the time being."

Although Xue Lin didn't know what she meant, she nodded and agreed.


The divine ship passed through the vast clouds and fog~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and flew into the middle of Qianyang Lake as fast as electricity.

About a quarter of an hour later, the divine ship flew more than 40,000 miles away.

Ahead is the center of Qianyang Lake.

On the mist-shrouded water surface, an island with a radius of more than two hundred miles is faintly visible.

The island is oval in shape, and the terrain is high in the north and low in the south.

Near the water to the south are shallows, and to the north are grasslands and jungles.

The northern part of the island is a lofty mountain range.

Ji Tianxing could see clearly that there were many medicine fields and gardens in the southern peninsula, and many sacred animals were raised.

In the mountains of the northern peninsula, houses and palaces have been built on top of each mountain, which looks majestic.

There is no doubt that it is the gate of Hetianzong.

(End of this chapter)

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