Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3189: Ultimatum

Chapter 3188 Ultimatum

The divine ship reached the edge of the island in the lake and stopped above the water.

Ji Tianxing handed the divine ship to Lin Xue to control.

He left the divine ship alone, standing in the sky overlooking the island in the lake, observing with mystical pupil secret technique.

The situation was just as he expected, and there was no disciple and guard of Hetianzong on the water around the island in the lake.

But there is an island guarding formation with a radius of more than two hundred miles, protecting the entire lake island.

Although the island protection formation was not attacked, it was not activated, and it was still in a transparent state.

But Ji Tianxing's magical pupil secret method can still see through the level of the big formation.

That large defensive formation is composed of three king-level superb divine formations, integrating defense and attack.

Compared with the large defensive formation he had encountered before, the island guard formation of Hetianzong is currently the most complicated and sophisticated.

"The three superb king-level divine formations can fit together so perfectly, and the Hetian Sect is really crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

It is worthy of being the top sect of the Great Yan Empire, far more subtle than the blood flames and the royal city formations of the kingdom of anger! "

Ji Tianxing saw the structure of the defense formation clearly, couldn't help muttering to himself, and admired a few words.

Of course, no matter how subtle the island guarding formation was, it couldn't stop him.

It just takes some thought and time.

Seeing that no one appeared on the island in the lake, Ji Tianxing performed the mystical pupil technique to carefully observe the structure of the large formation, looking for flaws.

Time passed quietly.

One quarter, two quarters, three quarters...

Half an hour passed, and night fell.

Ji Tianxing still stood still in the night sky.

Lin Xue was observing in the divine ship for a long time, and finally couldn't help it. The sound transmission asked: "Tian Xing, why are you standing there stupidly? He Tianzong's island guardian formation, can you crack it?"

Ji Tianxing still looked attentive, and the transmission replied: "Don't worry, it will be all right soon."

Lin Xue was patient and continued to wait.


Within a quarter of an hour, Ji Tianxing began to use his powers and spells, casting thousands of brilliant lights into the great formation of protecting the island.


The originally transparent large formation of protecting the island, as soon as it touched the surging divine power, it lit up with brilliant brilliance.

Suddenly, a multicolored light mask with a radius of more than two hundred miles appeared in the night, covering the entire island.

The large formation of protecting the island was activated, speeding up its operation, and emitting a powerful supernatural power, the defense force was very strong.

Even, the island guarding formation tried its best to reject the divine power played by Ji Tianxing, and wanted to dissolve it.

"Interesting! Under the realm of the God King, it is really rare to be able to arrange the divine formations so superbly."

Ji Tianxing showed a playful smile, quickened his speed to release his supernatural power, and concentrated on cracking the big formation.

Soon, the hundred interest time passed.

The speed of the defense formation has obviously slowed down a lot, and its power has also been disrupted.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing's cracking method is effective.

Originally, there was silence on the lake island.

The palaces and courtyards were lit, but no voices were heard and no figures were visible.

But now, there are bursts of noisy voices from the island, and the shadows are shaking.

Within a hundred breaths of time, there will be a large number of Hetianzong disciples flying out of the mountains, to the night sky by the lake.

Thousands of people lined up in a neat formation, standing in the night sky, staring at Ji Tianxing.

Among them, there are two hundred protoss, all wearing the same white robe, with the logo of Hetianzong embroidered on the collar and chest.

Those people are all elite disciples of Hetianzong, and their strength is between the seventh to the ninth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

There are also 800 protoss, all wearing standard black armor, holding treasured swords and divine swords.

These people appear to be well-trained and kill with iron and blood, and are obviously the guards of Hetianzong.

As for the front of the team, there are more than a dozen powerhouses of the gods.

There are twelve deacons wearing red robes, of which nine are lower gods and three are middle gods.

There are also three elders wearing purple robes, all of which are between the sixth and seventh levels of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

The strongest person is the purple-robed old man headed, with white beard and hair, and a burly body.

The strength of this person has reached the nine levels of the gods.

Looking at the attitudes of the deacons and elders towards him, it is obvious that he has a higher status and is definitely not an elder.

It is very likely that it is the deputy suzerain or the suzerain!

Everyone stared at Ji Tianxing murderously, their eyes cold and sharp.

Ji Tianxing was unmoved, just glanced at everyone and continued to crack the divine formation.

Such arrogant behavior angered those Hetianzong disciples.

The purple-robed old man headed even more angered and asked: "Who is Xiaoxiao, dare to break into the Hetianzong Mountain Gate without permission, and attack the guardian formation of the main gate? Are you tired of life?"

The three elders also agreed, all angrily reprimanding Ji Tianxing.

"Foreign race kid, who are you? How dare you provoke Hetianzong?"

"Stop the attack immediately and apologize obediently, otherwise you will be killed on the spot!"

"Boy, you are looking for a dead end!"

Seeing everyone singing and making a peace, Ji Tianxing smiled disdainfully.

He continued to crack the divine formation, and said in a joking tone: "Who is this monarch, you know well, why bother to ask?

As for this monarch's intentions, even the prince has already told you, so why bother to pretend to be stupid? "

Thousands of disciples and guards of Hetianzong suddenly became angry and murderous, and there was a burst of discussion and curses in the crowd.

The three elders, the twelve deacons, and the deputy suzerain also looked gloomy and murderous.

The deputy suzerain yelled in a deep voice, "It seems that your kid is the murderous, infamous god-killing Tianxing?

Niezha, you are slaying the vows in the kingdom of anger and flames, and you are already angry with man and god.

Now, you dare to go to Hetianzong to go wild, you are really impatient!

Do you know that this door has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and its reputation and prestige in the empire..."

Before the Deputy Sect Master finished speaking, Ji Tianxing interrupted him impatiently.

"You are the deputy master of Hetian Sect, Shang Yunqi, right?

Stop talking nonsense, and don't pretend to be a tiger.

In today's Hetian Sect, you are left with crooked melons and jujubes, and want to block the footsteps of this monarch? ,

You now have only two choices.

Either open the guardian formation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to welcome this monarch to enter the mountain gate, and hand over Prince Lian obediently, this monarch will save you from death.

Either this monarch personally broke the guardian formation and destroyed the entire island, and all of you will be buried with Prince Lien! "

Through Lian Er's soul memory, Ji Tianxing also has enough knowledge and understanding of Hetianzong.

Therefore, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with the other party, and he knew what he was coming straight to the point.

Vice Sect Master Shang Yunqi, the three elders, and the twelve deacons changed their faces on the spot, revealing a deep look of fear and horror.

They wanted to sing an empty city plan to scare off the offender Ji Tianxing.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing was not fooled and directly cracked the guardian formation.

Therefore, they called all the elites out to deter Ji Tianxing and force him to retreat.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing had seen through Hetianzong's fictitiousness and reality a long time ago, so he made a confession!

(End of this chapter)

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