Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3190: Damn it?


Not only Shang Yunqi, the elders and deacons were shocked, but the elite disciples and guards were also in an uproar.

Everyone was bravado, and wanted to rely on He Tianzong's reputation and prestige to deter Ji Tianxing.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing was not fooled at all, and had long understood the truth.

How can everyone not panic and worry?

As early as many days ago, they heard that Tian Xing had feuded with Prince Lien and would never die.

If it were not for the tense situation on the Qingyu Shrine and urgent support, Zongmen would have sent strong men to help Prince Lien to kill Ji Tianxing.

Later, Ji Tianxing went all the way south, the heads of the killers rolled and the blood drifted, and he also won the name of killing gods.

Especially the decisive battle outside the city of King of Fury, let Ji Tianxing's name of killing **** spread all over the world, and his fame reached its peak.

The disciples and guards of He Tianzong knew that with their little manpower, they were simply not enough to kill Ji Tianxing!

Fortunately, Shang Yunqi quickly calmed down and stabilized his position.

He looked at Ji Tianxing proudly, and said with a sneer: "Boy, you are really arrogant and ignorant!

This is the general rudder of Hetianzong, but it is not comparable to the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

Do you think we will be afraid of you?

Our guardian formation is the hard work of several generations of suzerain, and it can be called an invincible defense formation under the **** king.

For more than 30,000 years, the guardian formation has never been broken.

You can't even break the guardian formation, so you dare to speak out?

It's so funny! "

Hearing what he said, the elders, deacons, disciples, and guards who were initially flustered were all at ease.

Everyone thought about it, the deputy suzerain made a lot of sense.

Our guardian formation is invincible, what else to be afraid of?

As a result, many deacons, disciples, and guards regained their confidence and began to mock Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was not angry either, and sneered in a playful tone: "Can't break your guardian formation? Then you can see clearly!"

Then, he stopped talking, and focused on breaking the battle.

He used his ten successful powers to crack the big formation, obviously speeding up a lot.

The divine light of the defensive array began to flicker, and the running divine power began to block. The light was bright and dark, and the divine power was strong and weak.

Originally, it might take him two hours to break this big formation.

At the current speed, it may be solved in an hour and a half.

Shang Yunqi, the elders and the deacons, seeing the obvious changes in the divine formation, immediately raised their hearts.

Ji Tianxing's self-confidence and arrogance made them feel more pressured and worry more and more in their hearts.

Finally, Shang Yunqi couldn't resist the pressure, and immediately shouted: "All the disciples follow the orders, and make every effort to maintain the guardian formation!

The deacons and elders follow this seat and manipulate the big formation to fight back!

I want to see, how capable is that lawless little beast? "

Following his order, two hundred disciples and eight hundred guards went all out to release their divine power and inject them into the guardian formation.

The Protector's Great Formation was supplemented by majestic divine power, and its power immediately increased a bit, and the light became more dazzling.

At this time, Shang Yunqi, the three elders and the twelve deacons joined forces to manipulate the defensive formation and launched a counterattack.



The huge divine light shield released thousands of swords, lights, swords and shadows, like a violent storm, pouring down towards Ji Tianxing.

Hundreds of dazzling purple divine thunders blasted towards Ji Tianxing in the light and shadow of the gods.

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing remained motionless and unmoving.

Even, he didn't care about his safety, and he still reminded Lin Xue with a free voice transmission: "You try to stay as far away as possible and don't get hurt by mistake."

Lin Xue was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "You are in the most dangerous situation, so do you care about me?"

Ji Tianxing did not answer.

After all, the all-sky magical attack had already arrived, drowning his figure.

At the moment of his death, his body became transparent and fuzzy by using the Secret Technique of the Heavenly Promise.

The divine light and shadow that covered the sky and sun passed through him without lag, and fell on the calm lake.

Suddenly, a loud and deafening noise erupted, and huge waves broke out on the lake.

This was still under the influence of Chaotic Sky Wuji, and 80% of the magical attacks were dispelled by Heaven and Earth.

If this were not the case, the surrounding lake surface would dry up for hundreds of miles, exposing the bottom of the lake.

Hetianzong's guardian formation is incredibly powerful.

"Boom bang bang!"

There were hundreds of swords, lights, and swords, hitting the divine ship not far away, bursting out a dull loud noise.

The divine ship was bombarded and swayed, flashing divine light, and cracks appeared on the surface with slight damage.

Lin Xue was shocked and angry, and only then did he believe that Ji Tianxing's words would indeed be accidentally injured if he got close.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was unscathed, she felt more relieved, and quickly stepped back thousands of miles to observe the battle on the lake.

The first round of Huzong's counterattack failed to injure Ji Tianxing, but instead caused Qianyang Lake to boil.

Shang Yunqi, the three elders, and many deacons all had a look of stunned expressions, and they only felt incredible.

"It's really evil, how can you not hit him?

Come again! "

Shang Yunqi frowned and ordered another attack.

Therefore, he joined forces with the elders and deacons to once again manipulate the guardian formation to release the sacred tree brilliance that destroys the world and kills the world.

Thousands of long sword beams and giant blades poured down like a torrential rain.

All kinds of sacred fire, ice thorns, thunder light, and phantoms of magical powers also reflected thousands of miles of night sky, dazzling and dazzling.

This invincible guardian formation under the **** king released the strongest power, capable of destroying tens of thousands of miles.

However, a strange scene appeared again.

The sky magic attack and the sword light and sword shadow all passed through the phantom of Ji Tianxing and scattered in the Qianyang Lake.

"Boom boom boom!"


A loud and deafening noise burst out, resounding across the sky.

Thousands of miles of the lake are trembling endlessly, rolling up huge waves soaring, and splashing mist that obscures the sky and the sun.

However, Ji Tianxing was unscathed.

This time, Shang Yunqi, the three elders and the twelve deacons could see clearly with their eyes wide open.

Everyone finally confirmed that it was not an illusion, but a reality!

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone was shocked and inexplicably horrified, and there was a raging sea in their hearts, and they could not help but exclaim.

"Damn it! How could this be?"

"Did you hell? Why can't you hit him?"

"Damn beast, what sorcery did he use?"

While everyone was shocked, the sense of fear became stronger and stronger, and they didn't know what to do.

Shang Yunqi did not give up, and continued to manipulate the Huzong formation, attacking eight times in a row.

There is no change in the results.

He completely gave up, knowing that Ji Tianxing is immune to all attacks, so he gave up the attack.

"Fine! That kid's sorcery is too weird, no matter how we attack it, it's useless.

For the present plan, I can only fully support the guardian formation and prevent him from cracking the formation! "

(End of this chapter)

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