Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3191: It was broken after all

Shang Yunqi, the elders and deacons, there is nothing to do with Ji Tianxing.

They also understood that as long as Ji Tianxing remained transparent and vague, he would be invincible.

No matter how powerful an attack they release, they will not hurt Ji Tianxing a bit.

In this case, they can only stop the offense, and instead support the guardian formation and fully defend.

Shang Yunqi made up his mind, and with the help of the guardian formation, he competed patiently with Ji Tianxing.

See who can stick to the end.

Once Ji Tianxing's divine power is insufficient to maintain a transparent and fuzzy state, it is the best time for them to counterattack.

Shang Yunqi has reason to believe that no matter how strong Ji Tianxing is, it is impossible to break the guardian formation.

He has great confidence in the guardian army, and he and many elders, deacons, disciples, and guards will surely be able to guard the gate!

"Huh! Huh!"

Shang Yunqi, the three elders and the twelve deacons, jointly released the dazzling divine light and injected them into the guardian formation.

Suddenly, the multicolored mask with a radius of more than two hundred miles became more dazzling, and the divine light shone.

The divine formation speeds up, its power is increased by three points, and its defense is more powerful.

However, the guardian formation only strengthened the defense, and did not release the attack.

This had little effect on Ji Tianxing. He stood in the sky as always, unconcernedly cracking the divine formation.

I saw that he was holding the magic art in both hands, swaying as fast as a flash of electricity, continuously shooting out the divine light, injecting into the various veins and formation nodes of the divine formation.

Under his control, the inside of the Protector's Great Array is being decomposed, the formation context and nodes are also destroyed, and its power continues to weaken.

As a result, the two sides engaged in an alternative contest.

Shang Yunqi and the many elders and deacons desperately increased the power of the guardian formation and added divine power to the formation.

However, Ji Tianxing continued to destroy the internal structure of the big formation, making the power of the formation weak.

At the beginning, Shang Yunqi and others went all out, and they could barely keep up with Ji Tianxing's destruction speed.

The two sides were barely able to balance, and the strength of the protectorate array weakened at a very slow speed.

However, only two quarters of an hour passed, and Shang Yunqi and the others couldn't hold it.

They were unable to output their divine power with all their strength for a long time, and the power of the guardian formation naturally weakened.

However, as always, Ji Tianxing broke through the formation without rushing, and methodically disintegrated the structure of the formation.

As a result, the power of the guardian formation weakened and gradually accelerated.

After half an hour.

Shang Yunqi and the elders, deacons, and disciples were all panting with exhaustion, their complexions pale and sweaty.

Their divine power is consumed too much, their power is a bit empty, and they are becoming more and more powerless.

But Ji Tianxing is still the same, cast a spell to break the formation with a calm expression, without any rush.

It's as if his divine power is endless and will never run out, not knowing tiredness.

Shang Yunqi and the elders and deacons finally panicked, and their hearts were anxious.

They saw with their own eyes that the colorful brilliance of Huzong's Great Array became dimmer and weaker and weaker.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing broke through the first large array, leaving a dent on the colorful mask.

It didn't take long for him to crack the second large array, making the dents on the multicolored mask more profound.

An hour passed.

Ji Tianxing concentrated on cracking the third tier.

This is also the last layer of the guardian formation, once it is broken, it will be completely finished.

Shang Yunqi and the Hetianzong disciples all raised their throats in their hearts, and they all screamed in horror, despair, and worry.

Many disciples and guards cursed angrily, very emotional.

Shang Yunqi's face was ugly, cold sweat was on his forehead, and his eyes kept changing.

His heart was very anxious, all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, and he was thinking of countermeasures.

"What should I do? That kid is about to break the guardian formation!

hateful! The guardian formation of this door is the brainchild of the heads of the past dynasties.

How could it be broken so easily by him? "

"What kind of enchanting is this **** beast, how can he be so perverted?"

"What should I do next?

The Sect Master and the Supreme Elder, as well as many elders, deacons, and elite disciples, are all on the side of the Qingyu Shrine.

Even if I call for help now, it is too late.

Could it be that this seat and more than 10,000 disciples and handymen are going to be buried here today?

The foundation inherited by this door for tens of thousands of years is about to be destroyed in the hands of this seat?

No way! This seat must find a way to save the lives of the mountain gate and the disciples no matter what the price is paid! "

Shang Yunqi's attitude is very firm, and his will is very firm.

But he really couldn't think of any other way!

Not only him, but the three elders, twelve deacons, and many emperors and guards also had the same idea at this time.

Everyone was flustered and anxious, thinking, what should be done when Ji Tianxing broke through the guardian formation and entered the mountain gate?

Is it to retain the strength of character and integrity, regard death as home, and resist desperately?

Or is it to survive, not hesitate to lose dignity and backbone, kneel down and surrender, begging for forgiveness?

Will the murderous and bloodthirsty God of Heaven in the legend let go of them?

What on earth to do?


Unconsciously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ an hour and a half passed.

Just as the crowds were six gods without a master, suddenly a crisp sound of "click" sounded.

At that moment, the audience was silent.

Everyone shook their hearts, their complexions changed drastically, and they stared at Ji Tianxing.

I saw that the deep dent on the colorful mask in front of him was broken!

It became a gap that was three feet long and about three feet wide!

After all, the guardian formation was broken!

Ji Tianxing waved out dozens of divine lights again, and completely tore the gap open and expanded it to a radius of ten feet.

Suddenly, fragments of divine light splashed out and scattered on the lake.

As soon as his figure flashed, he passed through the gap, stepped inside the colorful mask, and headed straight for everyone!

At this moment, Shang Yunqi, the three elders, twelve deacons, and thousands of disciple guards all had their hearts stopped, and their eyes widened with horror.

Of course, everyone was astonished for a moment, and then recovered.

Shang Yunqi and the three elders exclaimed, and subconsciously waved their swords, roaring to kill Ji Tianxing.

"Thief, don't want to hurt my Hetianzong disciple!"

"Naughty animal, old man fights with you!"

As the sky-shaking roar sounded, the four of them slashed out the light and sword lights that opened up the world, released various magical lights and shadows, and killed them towards the sky.

Without stopping or avoiding, Ji Tianxing went straight to Shang Yunqi and the four of them, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, swinging out the sky.

"Boom bang bang!"

Hundreds of dazzling golden sword lights slammed into the light of the sky sword, smashing all the magical lights and shadows into pieces.

And that Xuan Jin Jianguang was intact, still retaining 70% of its power, and hit Shang Yunqi and the others.

As a series of muffled noises broke out, Shang Yunqi, the three elders, and a few deacons were all shot upside down by Jianguang, and blood was spilled into the sky.

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