Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3194: you win

Prince Lian is cautious and suspicious by nature.

He knew that Ji Tianxing would attack Hetianzong Mountain Gate, how could he tell Shang Yunqi the escape route?

But Shang Yunqi knew the prince very well and knew some of his secrets.

At this critical juncture, Shang Yunqi can only tell the truth in order to save the lives of more than 10,000 disciples and the tens of thousands of years of Hetianzong.

"The first choice for Prince Lian was to hide in a desolate place without telling anyone, and slowly regenerate.

As long as he doesn't show up, and the territory of the Great Yan Empire is so vast, you can hardly find him.

His second choice is to escape to Pure Wind County!

Many years ago, he quietly built a palace in a secret place in Pure Wind County, where he could take refuge in an emergency.

He thinks he is very hidden, we don't know.

In fact, both this seat and the lord know this. "

When he heard this, Ji Tianxing raised his brows, his eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

Because, Shang Yunqi said these two choices, he can also guess.

At the beginning, he refined Lian Er's soul memory and learned many secrets of Prince Lien.

Among them is the palace located in a secret place in Chunfeng County.

Ji Tianxing frowned and looked at Shang Yunqi, and asked, "What about the third choice?"

"This..." Shang Yunqi hesitated, expecting Ai Ai to say: "The third choice for the prince, of course, is to seek the protection of the sovereign...

He is a closed disciple of the Sect Master, and the Sect Master will protect him anyway. "

"You can shut up!" Ji Tianxing sneered, and glanced at Shang Yunqi with a cold look.

Obviously, Shang Yunqi was hiding the truth again.

Ji Tianxing exposed him mercilessly and said with a sneer: "When things are up to this day, do you still want to hide the news from Qingyu Shrine?

This monarch also knew that even the prince was very likely to find the Sect Master Hetian.

But the Sect Master and the Supreme Elder, as well as many elders, deacons and elite disciples, are all guarding the Qingyu Shrine! "

Suddenly hearing these words, Shang Yunqi was stunned on the spot, his eyes widened, revealing a look of horror.

How could he not believe that Ji Tianxing knew this secret!

"That's not right! You...how could you know the news of Qingyu Shrine?

Fifty forces have reached an alliance, and they will keep secrets, and will never disclose it.

how do you know? Which force must have violated the agreement! "

Ji Tianxing showed a joking sneer: "That's right! It's a power that revealed this secret to this monarch.

It was Hetianzong who had leaked the news, not others! "

"It's impossible!" Shang Yunqi yelled in a deep voice, "Even the disciple, only those who stay in the Qingyu Shrine know this secret.

In addition, there are only this seat and the three elders, and no one can reveal the secret!

you are lying! "

Ji Tianxing lost the interest in the conversation, and said coldly: "Shang Yunqi, I am very disappointed in you!

You seem to be very sincere, using your life for the lives of everyone, and want to keep the foundation of Hetianzong.

But in fact, you hide the truth everywhere, cover it up.

But the three choices you mentioned, I knew it a long time ago, and he had the answer in his heart.

Now, you have not been able to fulfill your request, so..."

Hearing this, Shang Yunqi's expression changed drastically, and his eyes widened in amazement.

He stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, and roared hoarsely: "No! Tianxing, you can't go back and talk!

You have just agreed to this seat's request in front of everyone.

Now you have to go back, are you not afraid of being ridiculed by the people of the world, and your reputation will be defiled?

Moreover, the three possibilities that this seat tells you all have a great success rate, and that is the only place left for even the prince. "

Fortunately, the conversation between the two of them before was conducted through voice transmission, and no one else could hear it.

Otherwise, there are more than 6,000 disciples, guards, and handymen in the field. Once the news of the Qingyu Shrine is leaked, it will spread quickly.

By that time, the fifty power alliances will be destroyed, and disputes and chaos will still arise.

If the various forces trace the source and know that Hetianzong has leaked the news, the result can be imagined.

He Tianzong will not only be expelled from the Fifty Alliance, but will also become a target of public criticism.

In any case, Shang Yunqi could not bear this responsibility.

Ji Tianxing stared at Shang Yunqi sharply, and said in a deep voice: "Shang Yunqi, I did promise you and gave you a chance.

But that is based on your unreserved, honest and straightforward foundation.

It's a pity that you have been concealing the truth, and you want to hoodwink my lord, so don't blame my ruthlessness. "

Shang Yun was trembling with anger and pale, and shouted angrily: "Then what do you want?"

Ji Tianxing said in a majestic tone: "It's very simple! Either you decide yourself, and I will leave after killing all the more than 6,000 people present.

The remaining tens of thousands, as well as the gates and wealth of Hetianzong, have all been preserved.

Either you rise up to resist, this monarch kills everyone, completely destroys this island, and destroys Hetianzong! "

Shang Yunqi's angry eyes were splitting, and he shouted violently: "You are deceiving too much!"

"So what?" Ji Tianxing sneered contemptuously: "Don't forget your situation! The decision is in the hands of this lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your life and death are controlled by this lord!"

"You!!" Shang Yunqi was speechless for a while and was too angry to speak.

But he also understood that what Ji Tianxing said was reasonable.

Instead, he was Ji Tianxing, and he would not even be given a chance to dictate himself. He would definitely kill everyone and destroy Hetianzong's mountain gate.

It is wise to cut the weeds and roots.

Ji Tianxing was willing to give him the opportunity to retain Hetianzong's gate and wealth, which was already very kind.

After a long silence, Shang Yunqi's anger gradually dissipated.

He seemed to be drained of all his strength, raised his head in despair, and his eyes swept across the audience with a dim look.

In the end, his gaze returned to Ji Tianxing, and he smiled tragically: "You have won! This seat and everyone in the court must die!

But this is the bottom line of Hetianzong. Please keep your promise.

Otherwise, even if we die, we will curse you forever! "

Ji Tianxing sneered: "In any case, I have a better bottom line than you!"

Hearing these words, Wizard Shang Yun felt more relieved, smiled desperately, and said, "Thank you, goodbye!"

When the voice fell, he fully urged his life skills and shattered the Godhead severely.


The muffled sound exploded, and his divine body exploded on the spot, splashing a rain of blood.

Twelve pieces of the godhead are also flying in the blood rain, falling into the night sky.

The deputy master of the dignified Hetianzong, the upper **** of the Eightfold Realm, committed suicide in public like this.

More than 6,000 disciples, guards and handymen all roared and roared in pain, anger, and unwillingness.

Countless people have scarlet eyes, waving their swords like crazy, and attacking Ji Tianxing.

Without delay, Ji Tianxing waved his hand to display the Heaven-Player Sword Formation, summoning 25,000 divine swords, and blasted them down, covering everyone in the field.

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