Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3195: Go to the Imperial Capital

"Boom! Boom!"

The divine sword filled the sky, blooming with dazzling divine light, flooding more than six thousand people.

Thousands of swords shuttled, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and there was chaos within a hundred miles.

The deafening muffled sound, painful screams, and angry shouts of killing converged into a huge torrent of sound waves that shook the entire island.

Such a shocking movement lasted for ten breaths before it gradually dissipated.

More than a hundred miles away, the tens of thousands of people hiding at the Gate of Hetianzong were shivering with fear and fear when they saw the sword light covering the sky and the sun.

Everyone didn't know the specific situation, but thought that Ji Tianxing was going to kill him and no one could stop it.

The strong and elite disciples who stayed behind in the sect were all dead.

Even the outer disciples, guards, and handymen with average combat effectiveness will be slaughtered.

The remaining tens of thousands of people are old, weak, sick and disabled, and the weak and weak are not worth mentioning.

They all had a foreboding that when Ji Tianxing came to kill, they would die without a place to be buried.

Therefore, an atmosphere of despair enveloped the entire Hetian School.


The development of the matter is different from their expectations.

After ten breaths, the giant swords that covered the sky and sun disappeared.

Silence returned between heaven and earth.

More than 6,000 disciples, guards, and handymen, all turned into a rain of blood and powder, scattered in the ruins.

All died, not alive.

Only a figure in a white robe remained, alone in the night sky.

He glanced at Hetianzong Mountain Gate, turned and left, and quickly disappeared into the night sky.

There was a dead silence inside the mountain gate.

Tens of thousands of people held their breath, waiting for death to come.

Twenty breaths, fifty breaths... one hundred breaths time passed.

The whole island is quiet, without any light or sound.

The frightening white robe figure also disappeared without a trace.

Nearly 10,000 disciples and servants of Hetian Sect, only then gradually recovered.

The fear and despair in the heart slowly dissipated, and many people tried to fly out of the mountain gate and use their spiritual consciousness to probe the outside world.

When everyone discovered that Ji Tianxing had left the island, they all shouted with joy.

Countless people showed a sense of relief, and their faces were full of rejoicing expressions.


The black godship flew in the night sky, heading straight to the east.

The cockpit of the divine ship.

Ji Tianxing sat aside, silently thinking about something.

Lin Xue was in charge of driving the divine ship, but was not attentive, constantly turning her head to observe Ji Tianxing's reaction.

The atmosphere has been silent for half an hour.

Lin Xue finally couldn't help it, and asked, "Hey! Did you really keep your promise and let go of Hetianzong's gate?

That is tens of thousands of people, and there are countless resources and wealth!

Anyway, you have forged feuds with Hetianzong, how can you let them go?

Are you stupid? "

Ji Tianxing was still thinking about the problem and did not answer the call.

Lin Xue snorted with anger, and said with a depressed face: "Okay! My old lady knows that you are a peerless genius, a powerful man, and you will definitely be famous in the Northern Territory in the future.

As a super evildoer, of course you will cherish your fame and don't want to be a treachery villain.

But have you thought about it?

Sect Master Hetian and the elite are not dead yet. They must find you to take revenge when they learn about tonight.

You are kind to the people of Hetian Sect, you are cruel to yourself! "

Ji Tianxing didn't want to listen to her long-winded anymore, and couldn't help but say: "The more than 10,000 people of Hetianzong, all of whom have a little fighting power, were killed by me.

The tens of thousands of people who are still alive are all ant-like weak people who pose no threat to us.

The matter of the Prince Lian and Hetianzong shall be put aside for now.

You concentrate on driving the godship, let's go to the imperial capital as soon as possible. "

Lin Xue frowned and asked, "What the **** do you have, why do you have to go to the imperial capital?

You know that Emperor Dayan is guarding you. Once you appear in the imperial capital, he will definitely blow up your hair. "

"So what?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said nonchalantly: "I don't do anything to him, just ask him something.

Only a strong person of the level of Emperor Great Yan could answer my doubts. "

Xue Lin nodded as if understanding or not, and said helplessly: "Okay! Since you have to go, what can I do?

What about after going to the imperial capital? Where are you going? "

Ji Tianxing replied without hesitation: "Of course it is to find Prince Lien!"

Lin Xue asked with a puzzled face: "I asked you several times, but you refused to tell me.

Where are the Hetian Sect Master and the elite masters of Hetian Sect? What are they doing?

If it weren't for your mercy, their lair had been taken away, so why didn't they see their support?

Could it be that what they have to do is more important than Hetianzong's tens of thousands of years of foundation? "

Ji Tianxing nodded solemnly.

Lin Xue was even more surprised, and asked in disbelief, "Are you serious? What are they doing?"

Ji Tianxing explained: "In the northwestern part of the Great Yan Empire, in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, a cave mansion of the **** king and strong was discovered."

Suddenly hearing the news, Lin Xue's eyes widened, showing extremely shocked eyes.

Immediately, she showed a suddenly realized expression, nodded and said: "That's it! No wonder Sect Master Hetian took away most of the elite, even the lair!

The cave house of the king of gods!

Once Hetianzong successfully enters the cave ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to get the inheritance, artifacts and secrets of the magical powers of the **** king and strong, then...that is simply terrifying!

It won't be long before Hetianzong can cultivate a strong **** king.

There is no **** king in the entire Great Yan Empire.

Once Hetianzong has a **** king, he can dominate the Great Yan Empire and even replace it! "

Lin Xue knew the stakes.

She knows how attractive Shenwang Dongfu is.

However, Ji Tianxing added another sentence.

"That Shenwang Dongfu, named Qingyu Shrine, was the nest of the Qingyu God King thousands of years ago.

The sapphire **** king came from the Great Yan Empire and was famous in the Northern Territory. It disappeared ten thousand years ago.

It was people from other forces who first discovered the Sapphire Shrine.

After the news spread, all the top forces of the Great Yan Empire stepped in and wanted to get a share.

Even the Great Yan royal family didn't let it go, and even wanted to occupy it alone.

However, more than forty forces fought stubbornly, and the Great Yan imperial family had to compromise.

Finally, fifty top forces reached an alliance and jointly explored the sapphire shrine...

So far, they have been studying for more than nine years. "

Hearing this, Lin Xue was stunned again, and frowned with a weird expression: "Is the head of Sect Master Hetian caught by the door?

Fifty forces grabbed a sapphire shrine, what is the chance of Hetianzong's success?

As for giving up the old nest because of the sapphire shrine? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "You are wrong! The top fifty powers must be divided into high and low.

The Dayan Royal Family is undoubtedly the strongest, followed by the nine major sects and aristocratic families.

These ten forces are the top ones, and the other forty forces are foils.

Moreover, after the Fifty Alliance opened the Sapphire Shrine, it would not swarm in.

They will use the method of drawing lots and contests to select some to enter the shrine..."

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