Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3196: Hetian Sovereign

After Ji Tianxing's explanation, Lin Xue probably understood.

She nodded slightly and said: "It turns out that it is! In other words, the ten top forces dominate the battle, and most of them can enter the temple.

As for the forty powers, they all serve as foils and it is difficult to enter the shrine.

Hetianzong is one of the ten strongest forces, with a 90% chance of entering the palace.

Therefore, Sect Master Hetian regards the azure jade temple as a treasure to turn things around, and refuses to give up anything. "

"That's it." Ji Tianxing nodded and added: "For Hetian Sect Master, as long as he and the elite main force are still there, Hetian Sect is not considered ruined.

Most of the people who stayed behind the gate are cumbersome and wasteful, and they don't feel distressed when they die.

When he enters the Qingyu Shrine and receives the inheritance and secret method of the Qingyu God King, He Tianzong will be able to rise again.

At that time, Hetianzong will be more brilliant and growing, and it will be no problem how many disciples, guards and handymen want to recruit! "

Lin Xue curled her lips and said with contempt: "In this way, Sect Master Hetian is really not a thing, and doesn't take the life of the disciple of the door seriously."

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Do you think that everyone else is as stupid as you? Before disbanding the blood knife gate, did you dispose of your wealth?"

Lin Xueqiao blushed, but she stubbornly asked, "So what? The old lady spreads her money, who can control it?"

"..." Ji Tianxing was speechless.

Xue Lin bickered over him. Seeing his helpless smile, she was secretly refreshed and quite proud.


at the same time.

On the northwest border of the Great Yan Empire, there is an area of ​​cloud and fog with a radius of a million miles.

There are endless mountains and jungles between heaven and earth, but they are all shrouded in vast clouds and mist.

This area is called the Secret Realm of Clouds.

This secret realm is very special, it looks like it's just made up of vast clouds and mist, nothing special.

But in fact, this sea of ​​clouds has existed for tens of thousands of years, eternal.

The sea of ​​clouds contains special power, which seems to be able to distort space.

I don't know how many strong people break into it, it is like being stuck in a maze, unable to get out.

Those who make a special trip into the sea of ​​clouds and delusionally explore the secrets of the sea of ​​clouds will often find no way.

As soon as they enter the sea of ​​clouds, they will lose their way, making it difficult to distinguish the southeast, northwest, front, back, left, and right.

If you make a few turns and fly a certain distance, you will appear strangely outside the sea of ​​clouds.

If this is the case, this sea of ​​clouds is not attractive enough, just a bit weird.

But in the past tens of thousands of years, there have always been some lucky ones who broke into the sea of ​​clouds and left alive.

Moreover, they got various opportunities and adventures in the sea of ​​clouds secret.

Some have picked up the secret of magical powers, some have obtained half of magical skills, some have picked up magic weapons, some have an epiphany, and some have been enlightened by the gods in their dreams...

Of course, there are still people who have obtained powerful sacred beasts or rare treasures in the sea of ​​clouds.

All kinds of legends, most of which have been verified, are real.

This has attracted countless gods and powers to enter the sea of ​​clouds and explore the secret realm.

Even those who break into the secret realm will die seven or eight out of ten, and they cannot stop the greed of adventurers.

at this time.

In the deepest part of the sea of ​​clouds.

Thousands of miles of scorching sun sprinkled in the endless sea of ​​clouds, making the sea of ​​clouds hazy and beautiful.

In the gorgeous halo, there is a huge shrine that is transparent and illusory, with dim light and shadow, emitting a faint divine light.

Thousands of miles away, there is no shadow of the shrine at all.

Even within a thousand miles, it is not real, vague and hazy.

The image of the mysterious palace is like a mirage.

It's close at hand, but far away, untouchable.

Outside the towering shrine, there is a tall and solemn palace wall.

In the sea of ​​clouds around the palace wall, fifty groups of colorful divine light were scattered.

In each colorful mask, there are hundreds or thousands of people, all elite masters and strong men.

Obviously, that was the fifty powers of the alliance, the strongest power of the Great Yan Empire.

The gate of the palace wall has long been opened, and the defensive array has been cracked.

Nearly a hundred gods and powerful men with different looks and extraordinary clothes are surrounding the giant bronze gate of the shrine.

Although there are many people, the scene is very quiet and not noisy.

Many strong men looked serious and focused, silently observing the bronze giant gate, occasionally whispering a few words.

Hetian Sect Master Ye Wuji was also in the crowd, observing the defensive array with full concentration.

Many people think that the Sect Master of Hetian Sect must be a gray-haired old man.

Even younger, he is a middle-aged protoss.

But in fact, Ye Wou-ki has the skill to maintain his face, and his appearance is only about 30 years old.

He was dressed in a purple robe embroidered with fire and phoenix gold patterns. He was tall and sturdy, and his face was handsome and fortitude. He exuded the majesty and dominance of a superior.

Although he and Prince Lien are mentors and apprentices.

But the two stood together, more like brothers.

At this time.

A white-haired old man in a purple robe came to the bronze giant gate in a hurry with a solemn expression.

He came to Ye Wuji's side with a heavy expression, bowed respectfully, and said through the voice transmission: "Sect Master, the big thing is not good!"

This bloated white-haired old man is the great elder of Hetianzong~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ye Wuji's right arm.

Ye Wuji's thoughts were interrupted by the great elder, but he was not angry.

He glanced back at the great elder, and saw that the great elder's face was ugly, his eyes were filled with grief and anger, and he raised his brows.

"Elder, you are so old, and your Qi training is still not enough.

Although you do your best to endure, suppress the anger and murderous spirit in your heart.

But a discerning person can still see the clues. "

Ye Wuji turned his head and continued to stare at the bronze giant gate, carefully observing the divine formation.

Seeing his reaction like this, the elder became anxious and couldn't help accentuating his tone. He said, "Sect Master! Something really happened. Why do you still educate the old man?"

Ye Wuji turned his back to him, and asked in a calm tone: "What's the matter? Was Yong Lian intercepted and killed halfway? Or did he kill God Tianxing and rush into Qianyang Lake?"

The great elder couldn't wait to say: "Just last night, that slaying embryo broke into Qianyang Lake, broke the guardian formation of this gate, and killed more than 7,000 people in this gate!

The three elders, twelve deacons, and all the elite disciples, outer disciples, and guards who stayed behind at the sect were all killed!

Even the Deputy Sect Master... was forced to dictate himself in public by the killing embryo! "

Suddenly hearing this news, Ye Wuji couldn't help but tremble no matter how stable his mentality was, no matter how well he cultivated his Qi.

Originally Gu Jing Bubo's face froze instantly, his eyes narrowed severely, and cold light flickered in his pupils.

Upon closer inspection, you will find that a thick shock and disbelief flashed through his eyes.

But, other than that, Ye Wuji had no other reaction.

After three breaths of silence, he suppressed his surprise and anger, and said in a low tone: "All of us, we all underestimated that guy.

The name of slaying gods deserves it! "

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