Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3197: Blocked

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became very exciting.

He subconsciously said: "Sect Master! When is this, are you not angry at all?

He invaded our mountain gate and killed thousands of our disciples, guards and handymen. Why are you still in the mood to praise him? "

The Grand Elder couldn't understand Ye Wuji's calmness, and his tone was a little impatient.

Even, there was a bit of blaming Ye Wuji in the words.

Ye Wuji glanced at him blankly, and said in a cold voice, "I'm just telling the truth. I just sigh. What's the problem?

Furthermore, in order to protect the foundation and disciples, the deputy suzerain did not hesitate to judge himself in public.

Although this action is brave and commendable, it is also part of his business, and I will pursue him as appropriate.

As for the more than 6,000 disciples, guards, and handymen, it's okay to be killed, just recruit them later.

The main force of the elite is here, and it will soon rise again. "

The great elder was suddenly speechless, and didn't know how to refute it.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that the more than 10,000 people who stayed behind the sect were not important to Hetian Sect.

As long as the main elite is still there, even if more than 10,000 people are killed and the mountain gate is destroyed, Hetianzong can make a comeback.

At this moment, Ye Wuji added another sentence and said calmly: "What's more, the mountain gate of this school is still there, and there are still tens of thousands of people alive.

Although the loss this time was heavy, it didn't hurt his vitality. "

Hearing this, the elder was obviously taken aback, and subconsciously asked: "Sect Master, how do you know that the mountain gate is still there? The old man hasn't reported this matter yet."

Ye Wuji stared at the bronze giant gate intently, and said without looking back, "Actually, you have already reported.

If the mountain gate is destroyed and everyone is killed, you will be even more angry than you are now.

And as soon as you speak, Tian Xing destroyed Qianyang Island, killed everyone, and ruined the foundation of the door!

But you only said that he broke into Qianyang Island, cracked the guardian formation, and killed more than 6,000 people..."

After hearing his explanation, the great elder realized it suddenly and couldn't help but nodded and said: "The lord really is as careful as a hair, meticulous, and I admire him."

Ye Wuji ignored this flattery, and then continued: "What's more, I have expected this result a long time ago, and guessed that Tian Xing will not rush to kill.

After all, he is the enchanting wizard who is famous in all the great kingdoms, of course, he must cherish his reputation.

The vice-sect master has decided himself in public, how can he kill the old, the weak and the sick?

Furthermore, Tian Xing just has a deep hatred with Yonglian, and has no blood and deep hatred with this door.

His goal is Yonglian, and he won't kill him.

Stay on the sidelines for everything and see you later.

If he really destroys Thousand Sun Island and kills everyone, then this door will continue to die with him, he doesn't need to do this. "

After listening to Ye Wuji's analysis, the Great Elder was relieved and understood a lot of truth.

He thought silently for a moment before nodding his head: "No wonder the Sect Master knew that Tianxing would kill Qianyang Island, but he didn't send anyone back to support him.

It turns out that you had expected this result a long time ago, and everything is under control. "

Ye Wuji continued, "The reason Tianxing did this is also meant to demonstrate, warning me not to be nosy.

After he left Qianyang Lake, he should search for Yonglian's whereabouts.

Although Yong Lian rushed to the sea of ​​clouds secret realm, only a few people knew.

But Tianxing's methods were unpredictable, and maybe he also got the news.

This seat has reason to believe that Tian Xing may chase Yong Lian all the way to the secret realm of the sea of ​​clouds. "

The grand elder's complexion changed, showing a stern and stern expression, and grinned: "That beast dared to come here, we just happened to cut him a thousand times to avenge our disciple!"

Ye Wuji nodded slightly and said, "Fifty top forces are gathered here. If the sky doesn't know the truth, and the chasing and killing are always here, then he is seeking his own death!

Well, you have been paying attention to Yong Lian's movements recently and are ready to respond to him at any time.

This seat will continue to study the formation of the gates of the shrine, there is nothing important, so please don't disturb this seat. "

The great elder got the answer he wanted, his anger dissipated a little, and he said and followed his orders and turned and left.


Five days passed quickly.

Two important things happened at the same time that evening.

First, Prince Lian hid all the way and walked in secret, and finally arrived at the sea of ​​clouds secret.

When he merged with the elite main force of Hetianzong, he ended his half-month escape career.

Seeing the many powerhouses of Hetianzong and the dozens of top forces in the sea of ​​clouds, even the prince was relieved.

In his opinion, the sea of ​​clouds secret realm at this moment is the safest place in the Great Yan Empire.

Not to mention that Tian Xing doesn't know his whereabouts, even if he is chased here, he is not afraid!

The second thing.

At sunset, Ji Tianxing successfully arrived at the Imperial Capital Great Yan City.

Under the dim sunset, a towering imperial city with a radius of eight hundred miles stands among the vast mountains.

Surrounded by rolling mountains, you can see huge peaks as high as three thousand feet everywhere.

The white clouds and mists are magnificent and beautiful.

The capital of the Great Yan Emperor is between the mountains, surrounded by eighteen giant peaks, and above it is the vast sea of ​​clouds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ where the power of heaven and earth gathers, and it is the most precious dragon vein treasure within a radius of a hundred million miles.

It is different from the royal cities of various countries seen by Ji Tianxing.

The imperial capital of the Great Yan Empire turned out to be round.

The surrounding city walls are as high as one hundred feet and about ten feet thick. The walls are made of huge stones, and the surface is covered with traces of vicissitudes of life.

There is a tall city gate in each of the north, southeast and northwest, which are guarded by a large number of city guards day and night.

To enter and exit the city gates of the imperial capital, one must check identity tokens and pay a certain number of sacred stones.

In addition, when it is late at night, all four city gates will be closed to prohibit entry and exit.

Ji Tianxing had prepared a lot, and stored a large number of identity tokens in the space ring.

There are people from the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, and there are people from the Kingdom of Rage and Flame, and they have various identities.

Lin Xue and others stayed in the divine ship, while Ji Tianxing took the divine ship and walked under the city gate alone.

Originally, he could change his appearance and form, pretend to be a protoss, and enter the imperial capital.

However, he did not choose to do that.

Keeping the original appearance, he stepped into the city gate calmly.


Without a doubt, two city guards wearing black armor stopped him with their halberds.

"Show your identity token!" The two city guards looked up and down Ji Tianxing with scrutiny and vigilant eyes.

After all, nine out of ten people in and out of the imperial capital are all **** races.

Ji Tianxing is a very conspicuous alien.

He raised his hand indifferently, flipped his palm, and took out a dark red identity token.

This is the identity token of the Kingdom of Fury Flame, and its identity is the suzerain of a certain sect.

The two city guards repeatedly checked the identity tokens, looked at Ji Tianxing a few times, and then secretly spoke a few words, suddenly changing their faces.

One of the city guards suddenly shouted coldly: "Come here, catch him!"

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