Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3204: Get out!

In the dark hall, it was cold and dead.

Ji Tianxing paced slowly, walking towards the middle of the hall.

At the same time, he released his spiritual sense to explore the surrounding situation.

He originally thought that the hall would be filled with bookshelves, or there would be hidden grids on the surrounding walls to store historical books and classics.

But in fact, the hall was empty, with neither bookshelves nor books.

There are only eight pillars thick in the water tank, and a statue of the gods stands in each of the four corners.

In the middle of the main hall, there is an altar ten feet high, which is made of blood-colored, black stones, which looks a little strange.

Ji Tianxing walked towards the altar and observed it carefully.

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... I have guarded this place for thousands of years, and this is the first time I have encountered a foreign race to enter. It is really interesting!"

Ji Tianxing stopped, turned his head and looked behind him, and saw an old woman wearing a black robe and a black iron mask standing ten steps away.

This old woman of the Great Flame Protoss has a rickety body, and her long fiery hair is curly and disheveled, and she is holding a flame cane in her hand.

The mask concealed her face, so she couldn't see her real face.

But the eyes under the black iron mask were flickering with a faint cold light, with an unkind look.

Ji Tianxing looked at her blankly, checking her realm of strength.

As Yan Yongning said, the strength of this old patron is very powerful.

Not only has he reached the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, but his divine power is also unfathomable, and his background is very strong.

Ji Tianxing thought to himself that the strength of the black-robed old woman in front of him should rank among the top ten in the Great Yan Empire.

"The old man, how do you test this lord?"

The black robe old woman did not speak, but a low, hoarse old man's voice sounded in the darkness.

"Haha... alien boy, you are very lucky to be able to enter the library.

You don't cherish this short time, but you are so impatient? "

As this voice fell, behind the black robe old woman, an unkempt old man wearing a purple robe appeared.

The same old man of the Great Flame Protoss, his torso was thin, his face was old and decayed.

His purple robe was wrinkled, and his purple hair was draped in disarray. It looked no different from a beggar.

But it was such a sloppy old man, who seemed to be dying and dying, but there was a terrifying power in his body.

His realm of strength is the same as that of the old black robe, he is the ninth level of the gods.

But his background of strength is better than the old black robe.

The two elders stood side by side, both staring at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, giving people great pressure.

Ji Tianxing looked calm, unaffected, and said calmly: "I heard Yan Yongning said that there are four senior patrons, let's show up together.

Don't come out one by one, everyone has to talk nonsense, it's a waste of time. "

Suddenly hearing these two words, the expressions of the black-robed old woman and the purple-robed old man both changed, and their eyes became sharp and sharp.

"Ha ha ha... What an arrogant kid, really let the old man see!"

"You dare to be presumptuous in this library? You are looking for death!"

While shouting angrily, the black robe old woman suddenly waved the flame cane and swept towards Ji Tianxing.

"Boy, you are not qualified to enter the library, get out!"

In an instant, the flame crutch released a surging sacred fire, sweeping towards Ji Tianxing.

The entire hall was illuminated by fire, and the temperature became extremely terrifying.

Seeing, Ji Tianxing was about to be overwhelmed by the fiery **** fire.

But he didn't get into chaos when he was in danger, raised his hands without rushing, and pinched the magic technique to stab the old black robe woman.


In an instant, dozens of brilliant sword lights shot, carrying the power to penetrate everything, and hit the raging fire.

"Boom boom boom!"

A muffled sound burst out, echoing in the empty hall.

The raging fire fired by the black robe old woman was cut to pieces by the sword light, and collapsed and dissipated.

Not only that, the dozens of sword lights are well-preserved, and 60% of the power remains, all of which stab the black robe old woman.

Suddenly, the black robe old woman was shrouded in the sky of sword light and plunged into danger.

Seeing this scene, the black robe old woman stared, grinned and sneered: "Ha ha ha... the little beast actually has some real ability!"

While speaking, she waved the flame cane with all her strength, splitting it dozens of times in an instant, smashing all the sword light.

She quickly resolved the crisis, then quickly stepped back, waved the crutches with her right hand, and played magic tricks with her left palm, releasing powerful magic skills to attack.

at the same time.

The purple-robed old man had already deceived him, attacking Ji Tianxing with his fists and feet.

On the surface, his offensive moves are simple and clumsy, not subtle and pleasing to the eye.

But Ji Tianxing could see that the attacking style of the purple-robed old man was simple and unpretentious, and had reached the realm of Dao Zhi Jian.

The seemingly ordinary fist attack is the most perfect and impeccable move.

Not only is it the most powerful and the most economical, it also contains the power of dozens of the laws of God.

Obviously, this purple-robed old man is not easy.

"It's just right!" Ji Tianxing was not afraid, and he let out a low voice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and raised his fists to attack the purple-robed old man.

He also didn't perform supernatural skills, but used his life's combat experience, combined with simple and plain boxing, to face the purple-robed old man.


In the next moment, the fists of the two collided, and a dull loud noise burst out.

The violent and unmatched power burst out from the two fighters and spread in all directions.

Suddenly, the space around the two of them fluctuated violently, and cracks appeared.

The result is also unexpected.

Ji Tianxing was shaken back ten steps, stabilizing after a while, and his complexion was slightly pale.

But the purple robe old man... was shocked and flew out, tumbling and hitting a hundred meters away.

When the person was still in the air, he opened his mouth and sprayed a mist of blood.

No one thought of it.

The purple-robed old man and Ji Tianxing faced each other and they were defeated!

He couldn't even handle a single move and was injured by Ji Tianxing!

Not only was the purple-robed old man horrified and unbelievable.

The black robe old woman also had a devilish expression, her eyes widened.

"how can that be?"

While the black robe old woman was stunned, Ji Tianxing was not idle.

With a flash of his figure, he teleported to the black robe old woman, raised his right leg and swept out.

The bright golden light lit up, like a divine sword chopping, unstoppable.

The black robe old woman came back to her senses, subconsciously clenching the crutches with both hands, and blocking her front.


Ji Tianxing swept the flame crutches with one leg, and the collision between the two caused a sound of gold and iron, which echoed violently in the hall.

Although, the flame crutch is a supreme king-level artifact, it has not been damaged.

But the violent and unparalleled impact also caused the black robe old woman to fly a hundred meters away and fall into the darkness.

When she staggered to get up, her figure became even more rickety, panting violently, and blood spilled under the black iron mask.

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