Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3205: shame

Prior to this, the two elders did not take Ji Tianxing to heart.

Even when Yan Yongning came to spread the word, he once said that Ji Tianxing's strength was strong and difficult to deal with.

But the two elders did not agree.

When they wanted to come, how could a young alien kid be so strong even if he had some talent and strength?

In terms of bloodline and talents, it is definitely not as good as the noble Great Flame Protoss!

Regarding age, time of cultivation, accumulation of divine power and foundation, they may not be so strong.

The two elders test Ji Tianxing, and they are also joking with cats and mice.

Anyway, staying idle in the library is boring, it's good to have some fun to relieve boredom.

But they couldn't think of it, the result was so horrible.

The two sides only fought, but they were injured by Ji Tianxing.

This is an incredible miracle!

It's so dreamy!

It should never happen!

But the fact is, no matter how unbelievable the two are, they can only accept the reality and seek countermeasures.

"Boy, the old man underestimated you before, so that you can take advantage of it.

But now, the old man has to use his full strength, you are about to get out! "

The black robe old woman said gloomily, luck spurred the ten successful forces and began to perform unique tricks.

The purple-robed old man raised his sleeve to wipe the blood from his face, not only was he not angry and humiliated, but he was also a little bit excited and excited.

He stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, grinned and said: "Ha ha ha... The old man has forgotten, how many years he has not been injured.

You kid unexpectedly brought a surprise to the old man, which is really wonderful.

After so many years of boredom in the dark, I finally have fun! "

While grinning, the purple-robed old man also urged his lifelong skills, and his whole body burned into the sky.

His body swelled violently, transforming into a flame giant with a height of hundreds of feet.

I saw that this flame giant was full of dark gold, like gold casting.

With a bright bald head, thick hands and big feet, the muscles all over his body are high and bulging, which contains the power to destroy the world.

"Promise Exploding Sky Fist!"

The golden giant shouted angrily, turned into a ball of bright golden light and killed Xiang Ji Tianxing, instantly blasting three hundred and sixty punches.

"Want to lose more thoroughly? This monarch will perfect you!" Ji Tianxing refused to give up and was also aroused to fight.

He sneered, and the black light flashed in his right hand, he sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword and slew the golden giant head on.


He made a sword finger with his left hand and used a trick to attack the golden giant.

He swung the Heaven Burial Sword with his right hand, instantly cutting out hundreds of sword lights, forming a sword net and covering the golden giant.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

The sky-breaking finger collided with the golden light fist, and there was a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was filled with sword light and fist light fiercely blasted, and there was a series of loud noises.

The two figures collided in the dark, and they banged hundreds of times in an instant, and then quickly separated.

The golden giant was shocked and fell into the darkness.

But Ji Tianxing retreated a hundred feet away and quickly stabilized his figure.

As a result, he immediately frowned, showing a playful look.

"Haha... It turned out to be a different dimension. From the moment I entered the hall, I stepped into the space they had arranged in advance."

Obviously, the empty hall around him is not real.

It seems that the dark hall is only one hundred meters in radius.

But after he retreated a hundred feet, his body ‘passed’ the walls of the hall, still in darkness.

The golden giant was blown away, still in the dark.

The surrounding ‘walls’ and ‘pillars’ are all illusory, without any damage, and still exist.

Ji Tianxing understood that he must break this space or leave this space to return to the first floor of the library.

Just as he was thinking to himself, the black robe old woman killed him.

"God Flame Open Sky Strike!"

The black robe old woman rushed out of the sky, holding the dark red **** flame crutch in both hands, and smashed it down like a spear.

With all her strength, she shot out thousands of flame giants in one breath.

The dense hundreds of feet of giant blades, intertwined and overlapped, formed a horrible knife net, submerging Ji Tianxing's figure.

Ji Tianxing didn't evade at all. He pinched the sword art in his left hand and waved the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand, using his kendo skills to face the attack.


Hundreds of thousands of sword lights, carrying laws of power such as the **** of wind, fire and thunder, slashed violently towards the giant flame blade.

Only the loud noise of "boom boom boom" burst out one after another, and the sky flame giant blade and sword light collapsed.

Hundreds of millions of divine light shards splashed in all directions, blowing up a devastating storm in the darkness.

In the end, all the huge flame blades shattered, but hundreds of brilliant sword lights were left, and they slashed at the black robe old woman.

She quickly backed away to avoid, and waved Shenyan's crutch to resist Jianguang's beheading.

"Boom bang bang!"

A muffled noise broke out, and the black robe old woman was knocked into the air again.

Ji Tianxing was about to pursue it, but the golden giant suppressed his injury and rushed over again with his accumulated strength.

This time, he appeared even more excited and violent, shook his fists and feet with all his strength, and shot out an overwhelming shadow of fists and legs.

Every fist and leg shadow contain the power to destroy the world and suppress everything. The power is very domineering and fierce.

Ji Tianxing wanted to make a quick battle, so he no longer hesitated, and used the Tianlong Hegemony to become a gold armored **** of war ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He held the eighty-foot-long Heaven Burial Sword in both hands and cut out five with all his strength. Hundreds of swords light, and the golden giant launched a bombardment.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Crack! Click!"

The sword light in the sky collided with the shadow of the fists and the legs, constantly bursting with deafening loud noises, echoing endlessly in the darkness.

The bright sword light continued to shatter, and the sky of fists and leg shadows collapsed.

The attack of the golden giant was resolved, and was smashed into flight by more than a dozen sword lights.

Ji Tianxing hurried to catch up, making up two more swords and one punch.

The golden giant flew back dozens of miles away before falling into the darkness.

As soon as he got up from the darkness, he coughed violently, and purple blood spurted from his mouth and nose.

When I got up, my chest and abdomen were sunken, and there were several terrifying wounds, blood dripping.

The injury is even more serious.

Fortunately, the black robe old woman entangled Ji Tianxing again, and he didn't chase him.

Taking advantage of this gap, the golden giant hurriedly suppressed his injuries.

After two breaths, the black robe old woman was beaten up again, and her injuries were even more miserable.

The golden giant rallied again, roared towards Ji Tianxing, and launched a fierce attack.

In this way, the two elders joined forces to besiege Ji Tianxing, and both tried their best.

Although they took turns in battle, each other restrained Ji Tianxing.

But none of them are Ji Tianxing's opponents, as long as they are a frontal hard attack, they will definitely be injured by Ji Tianxing.

As time passed, the injuries of the two elders got worse.

As a result, they can only change their strategy and no longer take the initiative to attack.

Instead, they wandered in the dark, avoiding Ji Tianxing's edge, dealing with and fighting with it.

Although this is a great shame to them both.

But they have no choice but to do so.

Can't you give up?

That would be a shame!

Wonderful book house

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