Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3207: Du Ge Lao

Although, Ji Tianxing focused on reading ancient books.

But the purple-robed old man walked out of the darkness and stopped behind him to watch, he knew it.

It's just that he felt that the purple-robed old man was not malicious, so he ignored it.

Now that the purple-robed old man asked, he answered truthfully: "I want to investigate some past events and want to know what happened thousands of years ago."

"A thousand years ago?" The purple-robed old man frowned, looking puzzled.

Ji Tianxing nodded and explained: "To be precise, it should be more than one thousand and forty years ago!"

"One thousand and forty years ago?" The purple-robed old man frowned more fiercely, his expression changed slightly, and his eyes flinched.

Ji Tianxing was keenly aware of this scene, and immediately asked: "Elder Ge, you are a strong man who has lived for more than 20,000 years. You have personally experienced what happened back then.

Moreover, you have stayed in the library for thousands of years, and you must have read all the books here.

You definitely know what happened and turbulence happened thousands of years ago, right? "

The purple-robed old man slapped haha, pretending to smile blankly: "What are you kidding talking about? Why can't the old man understand?

For thousands of years, the old man has been in the library of books and has never left for half a step. How can he know what happened and the turmoil? "

Seeing that he deliberately concealed it, Ji Tianxing said straightforwardly: "Okay, let me explain more clearly!

Thousands of years ago, who was the master of the Great Yan Empire? "

The purple-robed old man scratched his head and replied, "Of course it is the Lord of the Northern Sky."

Ji Tianxing asked again: "Where is the Lord of the Northern Territory that day? Who will respect him?"

The purple-robed old man said in embarrassment: "The old man's strength and vision are too low, how can he know this?"

Ji Tianxing frowned and asked, "Well, what about the Lord of the Northern Sky? Did the Haotian Continent at that time have an overlord?"

"It seems...no." The purple-robed old man couldn't open his eyes and talk nonsense, so he answered truthfully.

Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "But now, the Haotian Continent is controlled by the God Emperor Shura, and all regions and empires in the mainland respect him as master.

Do you know, when did the God Emperor Shura take control of the Haotian Continent?

By what means did he take control of the mainland? "

"This..." The purple-robed old man was in trouble. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, since you want to understand this, the old man will tell the truth.

In fact, the old man is not clear about this matter. This should be the biggest secret, right?

The old man only remembers that, so far, 1045 years ago, the Great Yan Empire suddenly received an order from the domain master.

From now on, the Tianbei Region respects the God Emperor Shura as the master.

Moreover, the God Emperor Shura is the co-master of the entire Haotian Continent.

Since then, the Great Yan Empire has respected it as its master, and in accordance with the requirements of the domain owner, built idols throughout the empire for its people to worship.

As for who the **** emperor Shura was, where he came from, and how he conquered this continent, the old man did not know? "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is this all you know?"

The purple-robed old man nodded, pointed to the top of his head, and said, "You don't need to check the remaining ancient books here. There is no answer you want to know.

You can go to the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion, where Du Pavilion guards the space, maybe you can find the answer there.

Of course, the premise is that you have to pass the test of Mr. Du Ge. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, put all the ancient books in front of him back on the shelf, and turned to look at the stairs in the corner of the hall.

The black staircase winds upward and connects to the second floor of the library.

The purple-robed old man reminded him timely: "Old Du Ge probably won't compete with you, his strength is not much stronger than ours.

But his knowledge is extremely profound, knowing astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom.

If you are not proficient in miscellaneous studies, and do not understand the general history of ancient and modern, it is better not to insult yourself. "

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Thank you for the reminder! However, I have just finished reading your collection of books, and I have a good understanding of ancient and modern history, and I should be able to pass the test of Mr. Du."

"Huh?" The purple-robed old man's expression was a little weird, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Just read these tens of thousands of books to pass the test? Are you too confident?"

"Farewell." Ji Tianxing did not want to explain more, bowed his hand and flew to the stairs in the corner of the hall.

The purple-robed old man watched him ascend the stairs and quickly disappeared into the darkness, he couldn't help but shook his head.

"This son is so young, he has such terrifying strength, he must be a cultivator, how can there be time to get in touch with those anecdotes and astronomy and geography?"

In his mind, only people who are old enough and have too much free time can dabble in knowledge in other fields while practicing.

Generally speaking, powerful and knowledgeable people are very old antiques.

A young genius like Ji Tianxing should have no time to do anything other than cultivation.


At the end of the stairs is a starlight gate the size of a millstone.

The strange thing is that this starlight gate is round, silvery white, with dozens of golden and purple light dots in between.

The gate of light keeps spinning, like a whirlpool, as if it has the effect of devouring souls and consciousness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Staring at the gate of starlight a few more times, you will feel dizzy and blurred.

Ji Tianxing looked at it twice, then raised his eyebrows, and murmured, "The Gate of Meteorite Starlight? It really is a product thousands of years ago. Could it be that Elder Du Ge arranged it?"

While thinking about it, he stepped into the Starlight Gate.


The starlight flashed, and his figure disappeared.

In the next instant, he entered a cold, dark space.

There was a gloomy silence all around, and in the distant darkness, there were dense silver lights flickering.

A large number of silver light spots gathered together to form a galaxy, hanging horizontally in the dark void.

Just above the head, there are a few huge silver-white and golden stars, like the sun and the moon.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing murmured with great interest: "This is another alien space arranged by Du Ge? It actually simulates the outer starry sky? Interesting!"

As his voice fell, an old man's voice suddenly sounded in the void behind him.

"Boy, the old man has been waiting for you for a long time."

Ji Tianxing turned slowly, his eyes fell on the starry sky a hundred steps away.

An old man of the Great Flame Protoss, wearing a white robe and full of white hair, stood tall in the starry sky.

The old man looked peaceful, with two strands of silver-white hair hanging down to his chest, and a pair of black cloth shoes on his feet, making him look very immortal.

Ji Tianxing knew that this person was the old man Du Ge who guarded the second floor of the library.

So he arched his hands to show politeness and said, "I have seen Mr. Du Ge."

Elder Du Ge nodded slightly and said, "Among other races, there are few people who are as talented as you, and I have not seen someone as genius as you for more than 6,000 years.

The old man was watching your battle with them both before.

You have saved them face and steps, and you can be considered conscious. "

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