Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3208: Starry sky

Du Ge watched the battle in secret, and Ji Tianxing didn't feel strange at all.

But Ge Lao Du's attitude was so kind, and the words of praise for him still surprised him.

After all, in his cognition, nine out of ten protoss have eyes above the top, regard themselves dignified, and despise all foreign races.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was silent and seemed to have something on his mind, Elder Du Ge thought for a while and asked: "Is it surprising that the old man's attitude towards you is different from others?"

Ji Tianxing did not hide it, nodded, and said: "It is indeed a bit unexpected, but I think this is because of your heart and self-cultivation, which other people can't compare."

Elder Du Ge stroked his beard, looked at the vast starry sky with deep eyes, and said with some emotion: "You don't have to praise the old man, and the old man doesn't like this.

If this were not the case, the old man would not give up his position as a national teacher, and would rather hide in this library and stay alone. "

Ji Tianxing was taken aback, and said with a light smile: "I didn't expect that there will be this story. It seems that you are a man of temperament."

Elder Du Ge said with emotion again: "Many protoss consider themselves very high, despise all tribes in the world, and regard them as ants.

But that is because their vision and vision are too narrow.

If they watch and explore the starry sky, they will understand that the most noble thing in the world is not all creatures, but the stars in the sky.

The starry sky is vast and vast.

There are so many stars, like gravel in the desert.

Moreover, the stars are bright and dazzling, and they will last forever. That is the most powerful life in the world. "

"Life?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: "In your eyes, the stars in the sky are also life?"

"Isn't it?" Du Ge frowned and asked, "The old man stares at the starry sky for a long time, and he will see the stars twinkling in the sky, as if blinking.

Moreover, the heavens and stars will nurture life and nurture all things.

The most important thing is that the stars move on their own, wandering through the void.

If there is no life, how can this be done? "

Ji Tianxing smiled, and said: "The difference in the words of the old man is that we see the stars twinkling in the sky because the stars are too far away from us.

The light emitted by the stars will be blocked by the dust and various debris in the void, and then it will flicker and darken, as if blinking.

As for the stars nurturing all things and nurturing life, it is not absolute.

Most stars are made of metal, rock and mud, and there is no life.

Only a handful of stars, which contain the power of the five elements, can give rise to life when there is wind, thunder and rain.

It is not the stars that create life, but the five elements and thunder and lightning. "

Having said that, he paused for a while, observing Du Ge's reaction.

Seeing Du Ge's frowning eyebrows and a thoughtful look, he did not rush to refute.

He went on to say: "Besides the stars move by themselves, it's not because the stars have life, it's because of gravity..."

When Ji Tianxing expressed his opinion, he stopped speaking.

Old Du Ge pondered for a long time before he asked, "So, do you think stars are lifeless?"

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It's not absolutely absolute, it depends on how you understand life.

Not all stars will last forever. Many stars will grow and grow, and they will become fragmented and become meteorites and dust.

If the body of flesh and blood, the essence of plants and trees, spirit and thinking are the standards, then the stars are lifeless.

If it is based on the standard of life and death, size change, then the stars are alive. "

Regarding his remarks, Elder Du Ge did not comment, but raised his eyebrows and asked: "Young man, have you studied the outer starry sky and explored the mysteries of the stars?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Of course! This is not because of hobbies, but a required course to the peak of Shinto!

After all, the beginning of cultivating the divine way is to master strength, to know and change oneself.

The second step of cultivating the divine way is to understand the heaven and the earth and blend into the world.

As for the third step of cultivating the divine way, it is to explore the outer starry sky, seek a stronger and more mysterious lasting power, and pursue eternity that may not exist..."

Old Du Ge opened his eyes slightly, his eyes were bright, and he muttered to himself: "The pursuit of eternity that does not necessarily exist? Interesting! This sentence expresses the lifelong wish of the gods!

That's right! When most powerful gods have enough power and have enough resources and wealth, they all dream of being with the sun and the moon and being as immortal as the stars..."

After speaking, he asked expectantly: "Young man, are you, like the old man, dreaming of breaking through the God King Realm, breaking through the barriers of space and entering the outer starry sky, exploring the mysteries of the starry sky, and pursuing the eternal and immortal. power?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said with a chuckle: "That's not a dream, it's just a goal.

Moreover, the starry sky is not so mysterious to this monarch. "

"Oh?" Du Gelao's eyes brightened, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Do you know the stars well?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said every word: "More than that, because this monarch has entered the outer starry sky."

Elder Du Ge was taken aback for a moment, and then he was full of anger and scolded: "Nonsense! Don't think that the old man praised you a few words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You will get lost and start talking nonsense!

You are not a **** king at all, how can you enter the outer starry sky? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and explained: "Old Du Ge has misunderstood, this monarch has not been to this starry sky, but... the starry sky of the lower realm."

While talking, he also pointed to his feet.

Elder Du Ge suddenly realized, and asked: "So, you soared from the lower realm to here?"

Ji Tianxing nodded.

Old Du Ge looked at him with complicated eyes, and said in a weird tone: "This is the secret you should keep most, how can you easily tell the old man?

Do you know what to do with the ascended from the lower realms according to the laws of the kingdom of God? "

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "What? Could it be that Yan Yongning dared to take the monarch to the mine and work hard for 500 years?"

Elder Du Ge frowned and asked with a solemn expression: "You are so arrogant that you dare to despise the emperor. Are you not afraid of death?"

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Who can't be afraid of death? But in this Great Flame Empire, the prince can't die, and no one can kill the prince, so naturally he is not afraid."

"Sure enough, crazy enough." Old Du Ge smacked his lips and sighed.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "Exceeded the prize."

Elder Du Ge was not interested in these topics and quickly changed the subject, "Let's talk about the outer starry sky.

Since you are an ascendant and have seen the starry sky in the lower realm, tell the old man, what is the difference between the sun, the moon and the stars? "

Ji Tianxing replied succinctly: "The sun and the moon are also stars, but they are just stars with a larger contest and a longer existence."

Elder Du Ge nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Is the world we live in now also stars? Will it shine, grow and move by itself?"

Ji Tianxing replied without hesitation: "Of course it is the stars, and they will also emit bright golden light..."

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