Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3209: Patriarch's brother

The exchanges between Ji Tianxing and Du Ge were smooth.

It's not like a test, it's more like two obsessed people who are keen to explore the stars, discussing and communicating together.

The two talked for a long time and talked a lot about the starry sky.

In the eyes of everyone, Du Ge is a scholar with profound knowledge and knowledge of ancient and modern, astronomy and geography.

But in fact, his exploration and research on the starry sky is still at the preliminary stage of speculation and demonstration.

Unlike Ji Tianxing, he had entered the outer starry sky countless times and knew everything in the starry sky.

He has not only seen the starry sky of higher planes outside the God Realm, but also the starry sky of lower planes.

In the exchange between the two, Du Ge Lao asked more questions, and he came to answer.

In this way, we talked very happily, even forgetting the passage of time.

After Du Ge asked all the questions and got satisfactory answers, the chat between the two ended.

At this time, it was already three hours later.

The two stood side by side in the starry sky, looking at the vast stars in the distance. Elder Du Ge said with emotion: "The old man has exhausted half his life and checked almost all the information that can be found before inferring and analyzing these clues. There are still many fallacies.

Having a free talk with you today, it suddenly became clear.

Tianxing, I really want to ask you a question...

You are not a strong **** king, but you seem to have been to the outer starry sky, and you know all kinds of problems.

How did you... do it?

Is this knowledge and experience taught to you by the strong? "

Of course, Ji Tianxing could not reveal the truth, saying that he was once the pinnacle **** king, who traveled through the stars countless times.

He also didn't want to make up lies and add himself a senior or master of the king of the gods.

Therefore, he looked at Elder Du Ge with a smile on his face, and said, "Elder Ge, this is the secret of this lord. It is inconvenient to tell, but I hope to understand."

Elder Du Ge sighed somewhat disappointed, and said with a wry smile: "No matter, since it's a secret, of course the old man will not ask any more."

He pointed to the surrounding starry sky and smiled and said, "This starry sky was arranged by the old man based on his own speculation and spent hundreds of years.

Now that I get your correction, the old man has to correct it as soon as possible, so as not to forget the subtleties.

With the correct starry sky map in the future, the old man will continue to deduct and analyze, it will be much smoother...

While talking, he pinched the Divine Art with both hands, displayed the secret technique of Divine Formation, and released the alien space.


The boundless darkness dissipated, and the vast stars disappeared.

As soon as the light flashed, Ji Tianxing and Elder Du Ge left the alien space and appeared in a gloomy hall with light.

The hall is very wide, with a radius of two hundred feet.

There are no lights on the surrounding walls, only dense spots of light on the dome.

Upon closer inspection, you will find that the thousands of silver light spots form a starry sky map.

Ji Tianxing and Du Gelao stood in the hall, as if they were under the stars.

This shows how obsessed Du Ge is with the starry sky.

Ji Tianxing looked around and saw hundreds of bookshelves in the gloomy hall.

Treasure boxes are placed on every bookshelf, which certainly contains precious ancient books and classics.

So, he asked: "Old Ge, this monarch has passed your test, right?"

Elder Du Ge nodded and said with a smile: "You just laughed. The old man didn't plan to test you. Let's discuss and communicate.

Speaking of which, the old man has to thank you for helping the old man answer questions and provide a lot of insights. "

Ji Tianxing no longer polite, bowed his hand and said: "If this is the case, then Benjun will start to look up these ancient books and classics."

Elder Du Ge waved his hand and said, "You understand the rules, I won't repeat them.

You go to read the books, the old man is also going to modify the Star Array. "

After speaking, Old Master Du activated the large formation under his feet, entered the gloomy ‘starry sky’, and changed the formation.

Without delay, Ji Tianxing walked to the nearest bookshelf and began to read books.

He opened many treasure boxes, took out the books inside, and quickly scanned them with his spiritual consciousness.

In just a few short breaths of time, he had finished reading nearly a hundred books on the shelf.

Then he walked to another bookshelf and repeated the same thing.

The book collection on this floor is obviously more valuable than the first floor.

One after another ancient books and classics not only recorded more secret historical events, but also contained some unknown secrets.

By reading these books, Ji Tianxing has a clearer and more thorough understanding of the history of the Great Yan Empire.

He gradually became aware of the situation of the Great Yan Empire and the surrounding empires, the grievances, contradictions, and entanglements between each other.

Subsequently, the general situation of the Tianbei Region also took shape in his mind.

For a whole day, he has been concentrating on reading books, carefully jot down the important contents.

In this library of books, he got many useful and valuable clues, which was quite rewarding.

However, there are no clues about the turmoil thousands of years ago, the situation in the Vast Sky Continent, and the news outside Vast Sky...

Ji Tianxing was a little lost and thought to himself: "It's really strange. The Great Yan Empire has existed for tens of thousands of years, and even the historical events of 30,000 years ago are clearly recorded.

The turmoil thousands of years ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How the Haotian Continent changed hands? How could the Great Yan Empire have no records?

Even if the real reason and course are not recorded, at least there will be some clues...

Could it be that someone deliberately concealed and concealed things thousands of years ago? "

With such doubts, Ji Tianxing left the second floor of the library and went to the third floor.


Guarding the third floor of Zangshu Pavilion is the first of the four pavilions, Patriarch Ji.

It is said that this person is the younger brother of the fifth emperor and has lived for more than 23,000 years.

The fifth emperor is still alive and is revered as the ancestor of the Great Yan imperial family.

Elder Ji Pavilion is very mysterious and lives in the library all year round.

Unless something great happens, such as the new emperor ascends the throne, and the Great Yan Empire is facing an extinction disaster, he will appear.

On weekdays, he would never show up at all, and it would be difficult for the emperor to see him.

As a result, few people in the entire Great Yan Empire knew about the existence of Elder Ji Ge.

Although Yan Yongning had seen the old Ji Ge, he also had an understanding of Ji Ge's habits.

But he would not be so kind to remind Ji Tianxing what to pay attention to.

Therefore, when Ji Tianxing entered the third floor of the library, he didn't know anything about Elder Ji.

He neither understood the person's temperament, nor could he guess what his test was.

But he was not worried, no matter how difficult Ji Ge made, he was sure to resolve them one by one.


With a flash of light, Ji Tianxing entered the third floor of the library and appeared in the boundless darkness.

He stood there, turned his head and looked around, observing the situation.

It was pitch black around, not only was there no light, but also no people or things were seen.

This made him frown, a look of doubt flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, an old, low voice sounded in the darkness.

Sword breaks nine days

Sword breaks nine days

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