Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3211: The first person in the battlefield

Huh! "

With thousands of divine lights blooming, the first divine formation collapsed.

The boundless darkness finally receded, and Ji Tianxing appeared in the second major formation.

This is a beautiful place where the sun is shining and the birds and flowers are fragrant.

The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky.

Countless colorful sacred birds flew past in groups.

The ground below is covered with grass and small trees, and not far away are the majestic green hills and green water.

The air is fresh and pleasant, and the world is quiet and peaceful. You can only smell the fragrance of plants and flowers, and hear the gurgling water and the sounds of birds.

At first glance, it seems that the divine power here is extremely abundant, and it should be a treasure place for cultivation.

But Ji Tianxing knew that this was just an illusion.

This is the scene made by Ji Ge old man with a magical formation.

If you can't even see through this and are blinded by illusions, then you can only get trapped in the divine formation and cannot leave.

So, he once again used the secret method of the **** pupil to carefully observe the green mountains and beautiful waters.

Seeing his reaction like this, the voice of Elder Ji Ge resounded in the blue sky.

Old Ji Ge sighed and said: "Little guy, although you just used the technique that surprised the old man when you cracked the first major battle.

Your knowledge of formations, understanding and thinking of formations made the old man admire.

But you have used up half a day.

You only have six hours left, it is impossible to crack the two divine formations, and you are doomed to fail. "

In fact, Elder Ji Ge has been impressed by Ji Tianxing's array of attainments.

He even felt that Ji Tianxing's array of attainments and talents were more unpredictable than him.

If possible, he also wants to exchange his experience with Ji Tianxing.

However, he said before that there was a one-day deadline, so he had to say what he said.

Even if there is some unbearable and regretful in my heart, I can't show any kindness to Ji Tianxing.

Therefore, he determined that it is impossible for Ji Tianxing to crack the two major battles to see him within six hours.


What Ji Ge didn't expect was that Ji Tianxing only observed for a quarter of an hour before starting to break the formation.

He kept walking in the sky, his golden pupils saw through the illusion, only staring at the nodes of the **** array.

Holding the magic trick with both hands, he constantly shot the dazzling divine light into the surrounding world.

Seeing this scene, Elder Ji Ge was silent for a while, and sighed again: "Little guy, now knowing that time is pressing, it's useless to worry."

In his opinion, when Ji Tianxing observed the first divine formation, it took three hours.

However, when cracking the second divine formation, after only a quarter of an hour, I couldn't wait to break the formation.

This is too impatient!

I must not even see the formation structure clearly!

However, after just two quarters of an hour, Ji Ge was shocked again.


The originally calm blue sky suddenly opened a gap.

Ji Tianxing kept hitting divine light and injected it into the gap.

Suddenly, the gap quickly expanded and turned into a huge gap.

After a few more breaths, the gap turned into a huge whirlpool and began to expand rapidly.

The surrounding sky, heaven and earth, green mountains and green water were swallowed by the vortex.

Obviously, the second major formation was also cracked by Ji Tianxing.

Moreover, the way he cracked the Divine Formation this time was different from the previous ones.

Previously breaking the formation was a complete disintegration, but now it is gradually breaking through the entire big formation with a little bit of surface.

Old Ji Ge was inexplicably horrified, and exclaimed: "This...you only have to observe roughly, can you break the old man's big formation in such a short time?

This is incredible! how did you do it? "

Ji Tianxing stopped casting the spell, letting the huge black vortex swallow the only remaining green mountains and beautiful waters.

He calmly replied: "Elder Ge, although you have set up a triple divine formation, these big formations are all yours.

Even if you add some new skills and techniques to each big formation, the main idea of ​​the formation has not changed.

When I observed the first divine formation, it took so long to see through your thoughts on the formation.

Therefore, when cracking the second divine formation, it will naturally be solved. "

As his voice fell, the green mountains and green waters disappeared completely, and the second divine formation also announced the crack.

Old Ji Ge was stunned, and after a long silence, he said three words solemnly.


The light flashed.

Ji Tianxing appeared in the third divine formation.

This is an endless blue sea with turbulent undercurrents and huge waves.

The sky was gloomy and gloomy, and there was a vast cloud of lead.

The sea roared and roared, unleashing its monstrous might.

Otherwise, there is nothing else in this space.

Ji Tianxing observed for another quarter of an hour before starting to break the formation.

He had already told the reason and the truth before, so Elder Ji Ge remained silent and said nothing.

of course.

Old Ji Ge already had the answer in his mind and guessed the result.

as predicted.

Ji Tianxing cast a spell continuously for a quarter of an hour, and then cracked this big formation.

It is still a method of breaking the formation with points and areas.

Cracks appeared in the gray sky first, and then evolved into gaps and whirlpools, devouring the sky and the sea frantically.

Within a quarter of an hour, the sky and the sea disappeared.

The third divine formation also declared collapse.


With a flash of light, Ji Tianxing appeared in a dark space.

This space is vast and boundless, surrounded by boundless darkness ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only the center area, there is an area with a radius of hundreds of meters, shining dots of light.

When I came closer, it was clear that there were hundreds of colorful jade slips, floating in the dark, exuding a dazzling light.

Under the many jade slips, there is a futon of purple jade suspended in the dark.

A skinny old man in a gray linen cloth was sitting cross-legged on the futon, looking at him faintly.

no doubt.

This is the third floor of the library.

It is not a hall, and there is no shelf for books.

It's just a dark space, one person, a hundred jade slips.

Simple and simple to the extreme.

But it is extremely mysterious and hidden.

Ji Tianxing stepped through the darkness and walked towards the bright area, his eyes falling on the gray-clothed old man.

"I have seen Mr. Ji Ge."

Old Ji Ge nodded slightly and said kindly: "Little guy, you really opened my eyes to the old man today!

In the Great Yan Empire, you are the veritable first person in the formation! "


Elder Ji's realm of strength had already reached the peak of the gods.

However, for a whole 10,000 years, he failed to take the last step and was still unable to break through the Divine King Realm.

Therefore, he can only think of other methods, study the formation with great concentration, hoping to find an opportunity to break through the **** king.

Within the Great Yan Empire, if his formation attainments ranked second, no one would dare to rank first.

However, Ji Tianxing broke his most proud three divine formations in just seven hours!

In addition, Ji Tianxing also used different methods of breaking the formation, demonstrating his terrifying formation talent.

While the old Ji Ge was shocked, he couldn't help but envy.

He would even think that if he had such an enchanting talent as Ji Tianxing, he would have broken through the Divine King Realm as early as ten thousand years ago!

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