Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3212: Who else is alive?

Old Ji Ge's praise, of course, is sincere.

Ji Tianxing heard it in his ears, and did not deliberately be humble.

After all, Mr. Ji Ge was telling the truth.

Elder Ji Ge's knowledge of formations is well-deserved number one in the Great Yan Empire.

However, Ji Tianxing was able to continuously destroy the three large formations that he had spent half his life trying to arrange within a few hours.

This shows how powerful Ji Tianxing's array skills are.

He looked at Elder Ji, and asked: "Elder Ge, Ben Jun cracked the Three Major Formations and saw you with his own eyes. He has passed the test..."

Elder Ji Ge knew what he wanted to say, so he nodded and said: "Don't worry, the old man's words are of course counted. You can look up these ancient books now.

However, the documents collected here are the most important secrets of the Great Yan Empire.

To perform his duties, the old man must accompany you to check. "

It is better to be with him, but in fact it is to stare at him.

After all, these ancient books and classics were too important to the Great Yan Empire.

Ji Tianxing had expected that, and would not be angry because of it, so he nodded and said thank you.

Elder Ji Ge waved his hand and said in a sincere tone: "Speaking of which, the old man actually thank you.

Before this, the old man had always thought that his abilities had reached a bottleneck.

The arranged divine formation has reached the limit of the monarch level, and has become perfect, and there is nothing to improve.

However, the old man just saw the process of breaking the formation, only to realize that this idea is ridiculous, and he also sees the defects and the direction of improvement..."

Ji Tianxing stopped to say more, and began to check the collection of books and materials here.

There are hundreds of jade slips floating in the gloomy sky, each emitting a different light.

Numerous ancient books, classics and documents are stored in each jade slip.

This preservation method allows those documents to last for a longer period of time without being corroded by years and external forces.

At the same time, this also greatly facilitates Ji Tianxing's inspection.

He picked up piece after piece of jade slip, invaded it with his spiritual sense, and read the documents inside.

As soon as he read the information in the jade slip, he was stunned for a moment, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.


The information recorded in this jade slip is indeed the top secret of the Great Yan Empire.

From the second emperor to the previous emperor’s name, name, life experience and practice, there are detailed records.

What's more, the important things that each emperor has done, which concubines and children he has, are also clearly remembered.

After reading the information in this jade slip, Ji Tianxing had a clearer understanding of the emperors of the Great Yan Empire.

Put away the jade slip, Ji Tianxing put it back in place, ready to check the next jade slip.

At this time, the old Ji Ge, who had been staring at him behind him, reminded him: "Boy, the jade slip you just checked is already an important secret of the empire.

And the jade slip you are about to check is even more confidential.

Sorry, in your current capacity, you cannot access that information yet.

Unless you join the empire and serve the empire, the emperor will make you high-ranking officials. "

Ji Tianxing had expected it.

This is the third floor of the library, which contains the most precious and confidential books and materials, and it must not be completely opened to him.

After all, to the Great Yan Empire, he was an alien and an outsider.

But Ji Ge always stared at him, and the more he prevented him from checking the golden jade slip, the more itchy and intolerable he became.

Therefore, he solemnly said to Elder Ji in a tone: "Elder Ji, this monarch cannot serve the Great Yan Empire, but it will not harm the Great Yan Empire.

Please allow me to check this information, I promise that he will never come back after leaving the imperial city. "

Seeing him serious and serious, Elder Ji hesitated for a while before nodding, "Well, remember what you just said!"

With the acquiescence of the old Ji Ge, Ji Tianxing quickly released his spiritual knowledge and read the information in the golden jade slip.

as predicted.

The information recorded in this jade slip is more confidential than the previous jade slip!

The jade slip records the major events that occurred within the Great Yan Empire from ten thousand years ago to the present.

Including the struggles of the royal family's children, the entanglement of grievances, and the intricate relations of many forces.

As well as the exchanges and grievances between the Great Yan Empire and the surrounding two empires, the causes, processes and results are well documented.

Only then did Ji Tianxing know that the Heavenly Sage Empire in the southeast and the Changfeng Empire in the southwest had a deep hatred with the Great Yan Empire.

Even the disappearance and death of the previous emperor may be related to the two empires.

It's just that the Great Yan Empire sent people to investigate for many years, but they still couldn't find out the truth and reason, and couldn't grasp the opponent's handle.

In addition, the God Emperor Shura unified the Haotian Continent, and all domains must recuperate and must not start fighting again.

Therefore, the three major empires can only tolerate and recharge secretly.

Whoever initiates a war on the initiative must be sanctioned by the Tianbei domain master.

After all, the Celestial Northern Territory Lord was promoted to the King of Gods thousands of years ago, and he was a powerful man who frightened all nations.

When Ji Tianxing saw this, he immediately became interested, and his heartbeat slowed down a bit.

Finally let him find the news about a thousand years ago!

He then checked the remaining content ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and soon got some useful clues.

The jade slips implicitly mentioned that the Haotian Continent had indeed experienced huge turbulence thousands of years ago.

But that was a dispute between the gods and kings, and it had nothing to do with the people of the gods.

The Great Yan Empire also didn't know what happened.

They only knew that after the end of the great turmoil, a **** emperor Shura turned out to be amazed by all domain owners.

Since then, the **** emperor Shura has become the overlord of the Haotian Continent, admired and worshipped by millions of people.

After reading this information, Ji Tianxing thought to himself: "Thousands of years ago, the war between the gods and me was carried out in the outer starry sky, and it did not have much impact on the gods.

Ordinary Protoss in the God Realm do not know the specific situation, and it is reasonable.

After my fall, I was reincarnated and reborn with the Zhutian formation.

Those five peak **** kings only got the eternal book.

Did they get opportunities and breakthroughs through peaceful consultations and joint comprehension of the Eternal Book of Heaven?

They took the last step, broke through the Divine King Realm and became the Supreme Divine Emperor, each dominating a continent?

But this is not right. The God Realm has only four continents, but they have five people, and there is no way to divide equally..."

Today's Ji Tianxing's cognition of the God Realm still remains in the memory of thousands of years ago.

These things he analyzed seem to be logical, but they are only his speculations.

Only by understanding the situation outside the Vast Sky Continent and knowing who the hegemon of the other three continents is can be sure whether his inference is correct.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing went on to look up more jade slips to find clues.

He would like to know, what is the situation of the other three continents?

What is the overall pattern of the God Realm? Which overlords are there?

Who was still alive of those five pinnacle gods back then?

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