Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3213: Last question

Time passed quietly.

Ji Tianxing was in the gloomy void, looking at the jade slip with all his attention.

Ji Ge kept quiet and stared at him patiently.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's serious and solemn expression, Ji Ge also had questions in his mind.

"What on earth does this kid want to investigate?

He consulted so many top-secret information and knew a lot about the secrets of the empire.

But looking at his reaction, it seems that he is not interested in the secrets of the empire, but instead pays more attention to some anecdotes and illusory legends? "

The hundreds of jade slips here have basically been seen by Ji Ge.

Of course he knew what information was recorded in which jade slip.

Before that, he was a little worried, afraid that Ji Tianxing knew too many secrets of the empire, which would be detrimental to the empire.

But Ji Tianxing assured him that he would never come back after leaving the imperial city, so he was more at ease.

Now, when Ji Tianxing looked at the information in the jade slip, he was clearly not so interested in the secrets of the Great Yan Empire.

This made Ji Ge secretly relieved, but at the same time he also had doubts.


When Ji Tianxing looked up the seventy-six jade slips, Elder Ji Ge couldn't help but ask: "Boy, what are you looking for?"

Ji Tianxing glanced back at him and said, "It's nothing, some news that is not important to the Great Yan Empire."

Old Ji Ge frowned and said: "The jade slips you checked before were all imperial secrets. You don't seem to care?

In the remaining twenty-odd jade slips, the records are all anecdotes, news and secrets that have nothing to do with the empire.

Are you sure you want to continue viewing?

The old man has read those jade slips and remembers the contents. Why don't you ask the old man directly? "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly, "This is very good, and it can save some time.

I would like to ask Mr. Ge, what do you know about the great turmoil thousands of years ago? "

Old Ji Ge frowned and suddenly realized, "So you want to investigate this matter?"

"Exactly." Ji Tianxing nodded and asked: "It seems that Elder Ji Ge knows something?"

Old Ji Ge nodded slightly, and said in a calm tone: "Although the old man is not considered to be a book reader, he has read all the jade slips here.

Synthesize the information in each jade slip, and also summarize some clues.

Thousands of years ago, the world did have a great chaos, but no one knows exactly what happened.

The old man only knew that it was supposed to be a war between the kings of the world, and it was not happening in the Vast Sky Continent.

After that great turmoil, a powerful man more powerful than the **** king appeared in this world, the overlord of today's mainland, the **** emperor Shura.

Before that, the old man had never heard of the name of the **** emperor Shura.

As if coming out of thin air, he descended on the Haotian Continent, and with a powerful and domineering attitude, he frightened all domain masters and the pinnacle **** king.

Since then, he has become the overlord of the Vast Sky Continent..."

What Elder Ji Ge said is consistent with Ji Tianxing's speculation.

He nodded to express his understanding, and then asked, "Then I would like to ask Elder Ge, where does the God Emperor Shura live?"

Elder Ji Ge shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The supreme powerhouse must be mysterious and hard to see by ordinary people.

How could an old man, a weak person like ants, know where the **** emperor lived?

But one thing is certain, definitely not in the Tianbei region! "

Ji Tianxing was not surprised by this, and continued to ask: "Then, do you know the topography of this world?

For example, besides Haotian Continent, what other places? "

Elder Ji Ge thought for a while and smiled bitterly: "You will not only ask this question, but in fact, many strong people will have such doubts.

However, our strength and status are too low.

We don't even know the situation of the Haotian Continent beyond the northern sky, so how can we know the terrain outside the mainland?

Of course, the old man had communicated and discussed with Du Ge.

According to our speculation, there should be more than one Vast Sky Continent in this world.

Outside the Haotian Continent, there should be an endless ocean, with countless sea beasts and alien races.

In that vast ocean, there may be other continents. "

Ji Tianxing couldn't help but nodded in agreement, and asked: "Then do you know what other continents are called? What is the situation?"

Old Ji Ge spread his hands, and said helplessly: "This is just our inference, but it cannot be verified.

After all, from the establishment of the Great Yan Empire to the present, in nearly 30,000 years, I haven't seen a strong man from another continent.

I haven't even heard of it. "

After a pause, Ji Ge suddenly thought of something and quickly added: "By the way, I remembered it, there is something you should want to know.

About 700 years ago, when the empire's envoy was envoy to the Changfeng Empire, he encountered a strong man.

At that time, the strong man was pursued and killed by many strong men. When he fled in a panic, he hid in the ranks of the imperial envoys.

The hunters tentatively attacked several times, and when they saw that the imperial envoys were crowded, they quickly retreated.

The imperial envoy asked the strong man what happened.

The strong man was seriously injured and was on the verge of a coma. His speech was vague~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The man said that he came from the heavens, broke into the ruins accidentally, and came here by accident...

Before the man could explain the situation, he passed out. "

"The land of heaven?" Ji Tianxing narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought to himself: "Could it be the land of heaven?"

There was a certain expectation in his heart, and he asked: "Elder Ge, what happened then? Did the imperial envoys ask clearly what was going on?"

Elder Ji Ge explained: "After the strong man passed out, the imperial envoy took him with him, sent someone to take care of him, and prepared to wait for him to wake up before asking.

Unexpectedly, the strong man disappeared mysteriously that night and never appeared again.

After the imperial envoy returned, he told the emperor about this incident.

But the strong man didn't know how to say it, and everyone didn't care about the name of the heavenly land and the name that he had never heard.

Only the old man and Du Ge old, who have been idle and keen on exploring astronomy, geography and formations, will remember such small things. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "This kind of trivial matter really doesn't explain much."

In fact, he didn't think so in his heart.

Elder Ji and Elder Du Ge didn't know what the heavenly land was, but he believed that it was the heavenly continent.

"More than 700 years ago, the chaos ended long ago, and the peak **** kings should have broken through the **** emperor and controlled all continents.

Since someone is from the Cangtian Continent, it means that the continent still exists. "

Ji Tianxing thought silently, and gradually had an answer in his heart: "The God Realm is the main world, and it will last forever.

The four continents of the God Realm are also extremely vast and vast.

As long as the God Realm does not break apart, and there is no major event that destroys the sky and the earth, all four continents should exist. My worry is unnecessary.

The last question now is, who are the overlords who control the other three continents? "

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