Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3214: Don't look down on

Ji Tianxing was 70% to 80% sure that the pattern of the God Realm had not changed.

But he had doubts in his mind, and what he wanted to know was, who was the overlord of the other three continents?

It should be those peak **** kings, right?

After all, they got the Eternal Book of Heaven, and they should be able to break into the realm of the **** emperor just like the **** emperor Shura.

If this is the case, then several of his enemies of life and death are all standing at the pinnacle of the God Realm.

Not only the overlord of each continent, but also the strongest of the gods.

In this way, his road to revenge will be extremely difficult and hopeless.

But Ji Tianxing is not discouraged, nor will he give up.

"The realm of the emperor?

In the previous life, I failed to take the last step.

In this life, I will never repeat the same mistakes, and I will definitely break through the limit of God King and reach the pinnacle of Shinto!

Wait, I will be back soon! "

Ji Tianxing swears secretly in his heart, and his will is extremely firm.

Next, he asked Elder Ji a few more questions and asked about the situation.

But unfortunately, the old Ji Ge didn't know much.

Ji Tianxing felt helpless, but he could understand.

After all, Elder Ji Ge had stayed in the Tianbei Region all his life, and had only been to the surrounding empires as far as possible.

How does a person who has never left the Tianbei region know about things outside the mainland?

This trip to the library is over.

Ji Tianxing said thank you to Ji Ge, and left the dark space.


Through the teleportation array, he left the library and returned to the square outside the palace.

Although, his goal of coming to the Imperial City this time was not achieved.

But it is not without gain.

At least, he is more sure that the pattern of the gods has not changed.

At the same time, he also set goals and directions for the future.

The most urgent task is to restore to the Divine King Realm as soon as possible!

Only by returning to the Divine King Realm can you enter the outer starry sky, collect stars and refining materials, and help Bury the Heaven Sword to return to the king level.

Only by reaching the Divine King Realm can he cross the vast Haotian Continent and investigate the news of the God Emperor Shura.

And leave Haotian Continent and head to the other three continents.

In the eyes of ordinary protoss, the pinnacle **** is the powerhouse who crosses the world.

However, in Ji Tianxing's view, only the strong **** king is qualified to cross the gods and walk freely between the starry sky and the continents.


Governor Hei Yan stood guard outside the library, silently waiting for the result.

For three whole days, he was transformed into a black mist, suspended in the air quietly.

He has made plans to stay long-term.

Before he thought about it, the four elders deliberately made things difficult for Ji Tianxing, and it would definitely take a long time.

But at this moment, the divine light in the mid-air in front of him flashed, and Ji Tianxing suddenly appeared!

The Heiyan Governor was stunned for a moment, and then he thought.

"This kid came out so soon?

Before, I always felt that he was unfathomable and powerful, but I didn't expect him to have only this ability.

It came out in just three days, and it must have failed the test of the four elders! "

Even though he thought so, the Heiyan Governor did not show up, and it was impossible to ask Ji Tianxing's results.

He didn't forget the task he shouldered, and immediately sent a subpoena to report the result to Yan Yongning.

Yan Yongning was resting in his residence, received a report from the Heiyan Supervisor, and hurried over.


Golden light flashed.

Yan Yongning appeared on the square outside the temple, standing in front of Ji Tianxing.

He looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile, and asked: "It's only three days, why did you come out?"

He didn't say it clearly, but his meaning was obvious.

Ji Tianxing must have not passed the test of the four elders, and left the library with a gray head and gray face!

Seeing Yan Yongning's expression, how could Ji Tianxing not understand his thoughts?

"Do you want to see my joke?" He raised his brows and asked with an unhappy expression.

Seeing his reaction like this, Yan Yongning was 80% sure in his heart and sneered secretly.

But he refused to admit it on the surface and smiled and said, "I am not that kind of person!

I know that the four elders are so powerful. It is normal for you to fail the test. Don’t be depressed..."

Yan Yongning pretended to comfort Ji Tianxing, but he was happy in his heart.

After all, since he came into contact with Ji Tianxing, there has always been a feeling of being overlooked and suppressed, and his heart is quite depressed.

Of course it's great to see Ji Tianxing deflated.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Ji Tianxing said blankly: "The strongest man in the empire today is the fifth emperor Yantiangang, who was born 23,000 years ago and was called the ancestor.

The second strongest after Yan Tiangang is his junior brother Ji Ge, who is good at formation.

He has cultivated Array Dao for thousands of years and wants to break through the Divine King Realm with the help of Array Dao..."

Hearing this, the smile on Yan Yongning's face solidified, frowning and asking: "You...what do you mean?"

Ji Tianxing said with a joke: "Your ancestors are eight generations, and you know all of your princes, and you can name them and their life experiences one by one. Guess what do you mean by your ancestors?"

Yan Yongning's eyes widened suddenly, showing incredible eyes, and exclaimed: "You! You passed the test of the four elders and checked the third-story book collection?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, and said: "More than that, this monarch also pointed out Du Ge Lao and Ji Ge Lao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I believe it will not take long for the two Ge Lao to improve their strength.

This is just a small effort, just as a rebate to them, you don't have to thank my lord. "

"..." Yan Yongning petrified on the spot, staring at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Deep down in his heart, he absolutely did not believe and could not accept this result.

But reason told him that what Ji Tianxing said was true!

After regaining his senses, an idea came to his mind.

"It's over! This kid has checked all the books in the library, I am afraid he knows better than me about the situation and secrets of the Great Yan Empire!

With his unruly temperament, he certainly doesn't want to surrender to me.

If I let him go, he will become extremely dangerous.

He could become a sharp blade to the empire at any time!

How to do?

Do your best to keep him? Keep it under control? "

Yan Yongning's face became extremely solemn, hesitating and weighing in his heart.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing stepped out.

As he passed by, he smiled and said to him: "Now I know the Great Yan Empire better than you, you must be worried, right?

Do you want to mobilize all the powerhouses in the imperial city and behead the monarch here?

Or maybe, grab the seal and hold it firmly? "

Yan Yongning's body shook, his face became extremely ugly, and his nerves were tense.

Ji Tianxing passed him by, walking towards the distance, and said with a calm smile: "Don't be suspicious, I can't even look down on the things of the Great Yan Empire!

In addition, the monarch left the imperial city today and will not return.

Soon, this monarch will leave the Great Yan Empire, and you will have peace of mind. "


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