Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3215: Go to the sea of ​​clouds

Ji Tianxing left the library and disappeared at the end of the square.

Standing in place, Yan Yongning looked and felt very complicated.

Hearing what Ji Tianxing said, he first heaved a sigh of relief and felt calm.

But then, after he reacted, there was a strong anger and humiliation in his heart.

As a result, he was so angry that he cursed fiercely: "Asshole! Damn asshole, dare to be so arrogant and utterly utterly arrogant to me!

Lawless boy, you are so deceiving! "

At this time, he deeply and truly felt Ji Tianxing's arrogance and arrogance.

And, when Ji Tianxing said those words, he stood high and looked down on his eyes and gesture with contempt.

These are like sharp knives, slamming his heart fiercely, making him feel humiliated and angry.

He has never been so despised and insulted since he was a child!

Yan Yongning gritted his teeth with anger, his fists creaked.

For a moment, he wanted to act impulsively, summon all the powerhouses in the imperial city, and kill Ji Tianxing in the imperial city.


When he turned around, Ji Tianxing had already left, and his figure disappeared in the distance.

He calmed down quickly, took a deep breath, and suppressed his anger.

"That's it, that kid has always been like this, otherwise he wouldn't cause a catastrophe wherever he goes.

I am magnanimous, too lazy to care about him, let alone disdain his general knowledge! "

Yan Yongning muttered a few words to himself, and gradually relieved the anger in his heart.


After Ji Tianxing left the palace, he headed south, and soon left the palace.

Although, three days ago he had a disturbance under the city gate.

But now, the storm has passed long ago and everything has subsided.

Even he went out of the city smoothly. The city guards guarding the city gate let him go straight after they recognized him.

The purpose of coming to the imperial city this time can be regarded as achieved.

He left the imperial city and would not come back if there was no special reason.

Facing the setting sun falling to the west, he flew into the sky, offering the godship and heading northwest.

Inside the divine ship, in the cockpit.

Ji Tianxing stood with his hand in his hand, looking at the sky beyond the divine ship, silently thinking.

While driving the Divine Ship, Xue Lin asked, "This time you come to the imperial city, your wish has been fulfilled?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said, "That's it."

Lin Xue frowned for a while and then asked, "Where shall we go next? Do you want to avenge Prince Lien?"

Ji Tianxing nodded again and explained: "Go to the northwest of the Great Yan Empire, let's go to the Qingyu Shrine.

Finding revenge from the Prince Lien is the second most important thing to pay a visit to the residence of the deceased and get something by the way. "

Lin Xue frowned fiercely, and said with a sneer: "Looking at the old residence? Get something by the way?

I found you shameless!

Obviously, I was going to explore the sapphire shrine and wanted to **** treasures from the major forces.

How do you say it from your mouth, is it so natural? "

Ji Tianxing helplessly spread his hands and said, "The Jade God King and I are really old friends."

"Haha..." Lin Xue rolled her eyes back and smiled disdainfully: "The God King Qingyu left the Great Yan Empire thousands of years ago and disappeared without a trace.

Don't you tell me, you were born ten thousand years ago? "

"..." Ji Tianxing was speechless.

Lin Xue became more and more proud, and said angrily: "You have nothing to say, right? Just your little thoughts, and you want to fool the old lady?"

Ji Tianxing couldn't bear it, and said angrily: "Concentrate on doing your thing!"

"Is it guilty?" Lin Xue smiled even more proudly.


at the same time.

The northwest border of the Great Yan Empire, in the sea of ​​clouds.

In the depths of the vast sea of ​​clouds, there is a huge shrine that is transparent and illusory, with dim light and shadow, emitting a faint divine light.

This is the Sapphire Shrine.

And around the shrine, there are still fifty groups of Protoss powerhouses stationed there.

These people are scattered all over the sea of ​​clouds. Hundreds of people gather together and are protected by a colorful mask.

at this time.

He Tianzong is in the multicolored mask.

Hundreds of elite disciples guarded the surroundings of the light shield, vigilantly.

In the middle of the colorful mask, there are more than a dozen temporary houses and palaces, inhabited by the deacons, elders and strong men of Hetianzong.

In a magnificent palace.

Prince Lian, dressed in a black gold-patterned dragon robe, was sitting in the study, silently adjusting his breath.

At the same time, he seemed to be waiting for something.

Not long after, a black figure walked quickly into the study, came to the desk, and bowed to Prince Lien.

"Subordinates in a row, see the prince."

Prince Lian, who was meditating and adjusting his breath, immediately opened his eyes, his eyes fell on Lian San, and asked in a majestic tone: "What happened to what I asked you to ask?"

Lian San handed over to report: "Knowing Lord, things really did not surprise you!

The beast Tianxing didn't chase us here, but went to the imperial city.

Our eyeliner staying in the imperial city just returned news that when Tian Xing entered the imperial city, there was a conflict with the city guards.

Tian Xing is very arrogant and domineering, wounding nearly a hundred city guards in public...

Afterwards, the Guards personally handled the matter and took Tian Xing into the palace.

The eyeliner reported that Tian Xing seemed to have gone to see the emperor, and he didn't know what they had discussed and what deal they had concluded.

In short, Tian Xing stayed in the palace for three days before leaving. "

Three consecutive events in the imperial city were reported in detail.

However, the agreement between Ji Tianxing and Yan Yongning and his entry into the library ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are unknown.

Prince Lian frowned immediately, and asked with a gloomy expression, "After that beast left the imperial city, which direction did he go?"

Lian San was startled for a moment, lowered his head and said: "Our eyeliner staying in the imperial city is too weaker than Tian Xing. After leaving the imperial city, we were thrown away without following it.

However, the direction Tianxing left was not to the south, but to the northwest. "

"Towards the northwest?" Prince Lian frowned, and a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

"Speaking of which, he is running towards the sea of ​​clouds secret realm?"

Lian San didn't know the exact answer, didn't dare to speculate, of course he didn't dare to answer.

Even the prince looked gloomy, thinking and whispering to himself: "Damn beast! He can't catch up with this king, and doesn't know where he is going, so he goes to the imperial city to find Yan Yongning!

That **** Yan Yongning, wishing this king would die soon, of course would tell him the truth.

Both of them want to get rid of this king, it must be a hit and a mess!

Now that he knows that this king is in the sea of ​​clouds secret realm, of course he can't wait to take revenge! "

Seeing that Prince Lian was full of anger and worried, Lian San quickly comforted: "The prince is relieved of his anger, don't worry.

Now in this sea of ​​clouds secret realm, fifty powers are gathered together, and the strong from all sides gather, how can that kid be presumptuous?

If he does come here, he will definitely become a target, and there will be no place to bury him! "

The prince nodded thoughtfully, and said with a sneer: "Although this king and Hetianzong alone may not be able to stop him.

But these fifty forces are here, almost bringing together the top powerhouses of the empire.

Even if he has great abilities, he will be besieged by many strong men and die with hatred! "


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