Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3216: Jingu Shoukai

From the imperial city to the northwest border, it is a hundred million miles away.

Even if Lin Xue controlled the divine ship and flew all the way, it took half a month to arrive.

That evening, as the sun sets.

The dark divine ship flew into the vast sea of ​​clouds and shuttled quickly.

Not long after flying out, Lin Xue noticed the abnormality and quickly called Ji Tianxing.

For the past half month, Ji Tianxing has been in the secret room.

He stayed in the twisted time and space of the Nine Heavens and Ten Towers, retreating to improve his strength.

Outside the past half a month, he has spent more than two years in twisting time and space.

After more than two years of painstaking practice, the Zhu Tian Shen Jue deduced by him has become more and more perfect, and the second level of practice is about to take shape.

And his strength has also reached the peak of the Eighth Layer, not far from the Ninth Layer of the Divine Sovereign State.

Hearing Lin Xue's divine consciousness transmission, Ji Tianxing quickly ended his cultivation and left the divine tower.

Back in the secret room, he put away the tower and hurried to the cab.

At this time, Lin Xue dignifiedly released her divine power and manipulated the divine ship's formation.

Seeing her reaction like this, Ji Tianxing asked, "We have reached the sea of ​​clouds secret realm? What are you doing? What happened?"

Lin Xue quickly replied: "This sea of ​​clouds secret realm is weird. As soon as the divine ship entered it, it only flew for a quarter of an hour and lost its way.

Moreover, we seem to be trapped in the folding space, spinning around in place, unable to go out. "

Ji Tianxing was mentally prepared for a long time, and said calmly: "Don't worry, the sea of ​​clouds has this effect, let me solve it."

After speaking, he asked Lin Xue to close the sacred formation, causing the sacred ship to stop.

Lin Xue and the others stayed in the divine ship, he left the divine ship alone and appeared in the sea of ​​clouds.

Then, the divine ship shrank to the size of a melon seed, and he put it away and carried it around.

It will be more convenient and safer for him to act alone.


He used the magic pupil secret method, his pupils turned golden, carefully observe the surrounding situation.

Within a moment, he discovered that Lin Xue's judgment was correct, and the Divine Ship had fallen into the folding space.

If there is no way to crack it, the divine ship will be stuck here forever, unable to leave.

Until the divine power is exhausted, the divine ship collapses, and everyone will perish.

But Ji Tianxing could see that this intricately folded space was formed by the heaven and earth divine power in the sea of ​​clouds.

After a little thought, he thought of a solution.

Then, he began to use his magical powers to disintegrate and refold the space one after another.

The seemingly calm sky and sea of ​​clouds in front of him suddenly opened a series of cracks, shining with colorful lights.

Within half an hour, Ji Tianxing broke through the sevenfold folding space and successfully escaped.

Next, he flew alone to the depths of the sea of ​​clouds secret.

He remained vigilant along the way, always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Although there are hidden dangers in the sea of ​​clouds secret realm, with all kinds of dangers.

But he could find out in advance, bypassing and avoiding them all, saving a lot of time.

One day later.

When it was late at night, the world was dim.

The secret realm of the vast sea of ​​clouds has also become hazy, like a dream and illusion.

Ji Tianxing, dressed in a white robe, walked proudly in the sky, walking on the ground like a sea of ​​clouds.

He finally reached the depths of the sea of ​​clouds and approached the Qingyu Shrine.

A few thousand miles away, he saw a dim shadow in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

He hurriedly flew over, only to see clearly that it was a huge sacred palace.

A colorful canopy with a radius of two hundred li, shrouded the entire shrine, shining brilliantly.

"This is the Sapphire Shrine? It doesn't seem to be special."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and flew towards the sapphire palace.


In the eyes of the powerful people of the Great Yan Empire, the sacred jade palace is unattainable.

But Ji Tianxing was once the peak **** king, and he had seen too many cave houses and palaces of the **** king.

The momentum and shape of the Sapphire Shrine can only be regarded as ordinary, not worthy of surprise.

When Ji Tianxing was five hundred miles away from the temple, he suddenly stopped.

His gaze swept across the sea of ​​clouds around the shrine, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Just because there are fifty colorful light clusters scattered in the sea of ​​clouds around the shrine.

In each group of colorful lights, some palaces and houses are shrouded, and the figures of many gods are clearly visible.

Ji Tianxing knew that they were the fifty powers of the Great Yan Empire.

Almost every faction has dozens of powerful gods and hundreds of elite **** masters.

In total, there are more than 20,000 of the fifty powers.

Among the 20,000 elite main forces, there are more than three hundred of the strongest upper gods!

"Haha... At least half of the top powerhouses of the Great Yan Empire gathered here.

If I fly over and show up openly, I will probably be beaten by many forces, right? "

Ji Tianxing stopped in the sea of ​​clouds, his eyes swept across the various forces, and he muttered to himself.

He knew well that the fifty powers formed an alliance, and no one would be allowed to disturb or destroy it.

Once he, an uninvited guest, shows up, the fifty powers will definitely attack him and destroy him on the spot.

What's more, even the prince and the Hetianzong people are present, and they will definitely try to instigate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to instigate people from all major forces to besiege him.

Although, Ji Tianxing's strength is strong enough, and his methods are well-known, and he is not afraid of besieged by many forces.

But he didn't need to take that risk, waste that time, let alone allow Prince Lien's conspiracy to succeed.

After thinking for a moment.

He decided to use the secret method of the whole sky, enter the invisibility state, and quietly approach the Qingyu Shrine.


In the next instant, Ji Tianxing's figure became transparent, and soon disappeared.

He merged with the heavens and the earth, and the spirit and power aura disappeared.

In this state of invisibility, no one can discover his existence except for the king of the gods.

So, he swaggered to the Sapphire Shrine.

Along the way, he passed by the camps of more than a dozen forces.

Although the camps of those forces were guarded and guarded by the strong, no one found anomalies.

After a while, Ji Tianxing came to the gate of Qingyu Shrine.

He looked around for a while and found that the situation was exactly as he expected.

Several large defensive formations outside the Qingyu Shrine were all cracked by many forces.

Nowadays, nearly a hundred high-ranking gods are gathering under the towering palace gate, studying attentively.

Those high-ranking gods all looked haggard.

Their research and defensive array of sleepless nights and nights has long been exhausted.

However, Ji Tianxing discovered that the eyes of every upper **** was full of excitement and hope.

He raised his brows, and a thought flashed through his mind.

"A long time ago, the fifty powers were studying the formation of the gate of the palace.

Seeing them so excited and looking forward to it, is it possible that their exploration is about to succeed, and the gate of the shrine will be opened soon? "


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