Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3226: 1 good show

Hearing the roar of the beast from underground, Yan Tiangang and the others' complexions changed.

Many strong men glanced at each other, and the same thought came to mind.

"Could it be that the roar of the beast coming from the ground is the guardian beast of the Qingyu Shrine?

A **** sneaked into the shrine, but was discovered by the guardian beast, and the two sides started fighting? "

According to the current situation, this speculation is the most reasonable.

Many gods and powerhouses have almost recognized this answer.

Yan Tiangang waved his hand without hesitation and said, "Everyone keep up!"

While talking, he took out a dark gold epee with a wide palm, and got into the dark hole in the ruins first.

More than a dozen powerful royals hurriedly followed, and the upper gods of the major sects also sacrificed their magic swords and went into the cave.

Inside the dark hole, there was originally a narrow passage connecting the underground chamber.

However, the passage had long since been shaken down, surrounded by rocks and cracks in the ground.

Yan Tiangang and many gods and powerful men used the technique of earth escape and walked along the broken passage to the underground of Baizhang.

What appeared in front of everyone was a dark stone gate that was full of cracks and was relatively broken.

Everyone knew at a glance that behind this stone gate, there must be a secret room.

And the source of the fight is also from here.

After all, the low roars and explosions, as well as the continuous black cold air, all gush out from the gaps in the stone gate.

Yan Tiangang swung his sword into dozens of light blades and slashed towards the black stone gate, trying to break it open.

However, the dazzling sword light collapsed one after another, Shimen trembled violently for a few times, not broken.

Seeing this scene, Yan Tiangang couldn't help frowning, and said: "The material of the stone gate in this secret room is a quasi-king-level divine object, so precious.

With the strength of the old man, it is impossible to break it forcibly.

We can only crack the formation on Shimen to open the door of this secret room. "

Ye Wuji and several Sect Masters and Patriarchs took turns to test them.

The results can be imagined.

Even Yan Tiangang couldn't break through Shimen, let alone them.

In desperation, several top powerhouses had to patiently study the magical formations on Shimen, looking for ways to crack them.

More than a hundred high-ranking gods also scattered under the ground and surrounded this stone gate.

Everyone clenched the sword and the magic weapon, holding their breath, ready to fight.


at the same time.

In the boundless darkness, Ji Tianxing was still dealing with the black beast.

The black fierce beast fell into a violent state, attacking fiercely for a moment, and it was impossible to recover its sanity in a short time.

Probably, only when its divine power is exhausted, will it gradually calm down.

At the beginning, Ji Tianxing also planned to use the sealing magic power to suppress the violent black beast.

But he found that the black fierce beast was too manic and its strength was amazing.

Within half a day or a day, it is difficult for him to suppress the black beast.

Then he found out that Yan Tiangang and others had flooded into the Qingyu Shrine.

A total of more than 300 high-ranking gods, most of whom were seriously injured, stayed around the square and the main hall, busy searching for treasures.

There are more than one hundred and twenty high-ranking gods left, and their strength is well preserved.

Under the leadership of Yan Tiangang, they came straight to the secret room underground.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing did not hesitate to change his strategy!

He stopped casting spells to suppress the beast, and instead explored the divine formation in the dark, observing the dozens of purple light chains!

That's right.

This dark space is formed by the condensation of several king-level divine formations.

The intrepid and unparalleled array force, gathered into a dozen purple light chains, firmly tied to the black fierce beast.

Because of the shackles of the purple light chain, the black fierce beast can only stay in the dark, unable to leave this space.

Once those purple light chains break and disappear, and the black beast loses its bondage, the consequences will be disastrous!

What Ji Tianxing has to do is to destroy those purple light chains!

He keenly discovered that the dozens of purple light chains had dim light and weakened power.

Obviously, ten thousand years have passed, and the power of the divine formation that maintains this dark space is weakening.

As the black fierce beast struggled desperately, the dozens of purple light chains swayed, trembling violently, and the light was always bright and dark.

There is no doubt that the power of the purple light chain is accelerating.

Ji Tianxing quickly saw the structure of the divine formation, and also understood the origin of the purple light chain and the route of power transmission.

Therefore, while avoiding the attack of the black fierce beast, he cast a spell to break the sacred formation.


He squeezed the magic art in both hands, and continuously shot thousands of brilliant lights into the divine formation.

One by one, he cut off one by one.

He also cut off the power transmission route of the purple light chain one by one.

The dozens of purple light chains are becoming dim and dull at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their strength is rapidly declining.

After a short period of breath, the first purple light chain disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the second purple light chain also became dim and gradually disappeared.

As time passed, the purple light chains disappeared one after another, and the black fierce beast was no longer bound and became more and more violent.

Even its power is no longer suppressed, and its offense is even more fierce.

Two quarters later, Ji Tianxing cut off ten purple light chains~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only the last four chains were tied to the legs, feet and waist of the black beast.

Ji Tianxing stopped casting the spell and whispered to himself: "The remaining four purple light chains can be broken quickly by their power.

But outside Shimen, Yan Tiangang and the gang of gods were really disappointing.

Two quarters of an hour passed, they still haven't figured out the formation on Shimen!

No, I have to help them to complete this good show..."

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, turned and flew towards the stone gate on the edge of darkness.

He squeezed the magic art in both hands, and shot the inexhaustible divine light into the stone gate.

He had cracked the sacred formation on the stone gate before, and at the moment he waved his hand to cast the spell and directly closed the sacred array on the stone gate.

Without the protection of the divine formation, the pitch-black Shimen was extremely fragile, and was immediately pushed aside by Yan Tiangang and others.


The stone gate opened wide, and the raging black cold air surged out like a flood, drowning many gods and powerful men.

Yan Tiangang and many strong men were taken aback, instinctively retreated, and broke out to resist the attack of the cold.

Most of the gods and the strong were spared, only a dozen unlucky gods were frozen into dross by the dark cold air, and shattered into dust all over the ground.

This result caused many gods to be frightened.

When everyone's minds stabilized, Yan Tiangang led a large number of powerful men one after another across the stone gate and into the dark space.

At this time, Ji Tianxing had already entered a state of invisibility, hiding in a corner of the dark space.

After the attack just now, Yan Tiangang and many gods were a little confused.

They only looked for and guarded the guardian beasts, but did not find the existence of Ji Tianxing.


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