Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3227: Start first

Yan Tiangang led many gods through the stone gate into the dark space.

Everyone's consciousness swept away, and they saw a black beast more than three feet high in the darkness.

The fierce beast is very similar to the gods, with limbs and head, and a pair of wings on its back.

But it was covered with thick and hard long hair, and it had barbs on its back and shoulders, and its appearance was very hideous and terrifying.

It is impossible for Yan Tiangang and more than one hundred gods to equate it with the gods.

Everyone saw the appearance of the black fierce beast, they were taken aback, showing a strange expression, and exclaiming.

"Found it, right there!"

"This is the guardian beast of Sapphire Shrine? Why doesn't it look like it?"

"Which sacred beast is not majestic? How can it look so cruel and terrifying like it!"

"We have all misunderstood, that is not a guardian beast, it is a fierce beast suppressed here!"

"Yes! This dark space is made up of divine formations!

Look at that fierce beast, there are still a few chains of divine light tied to its body, restricting its actions! "

After being reminded by several top experts, many gods could see clearly.

The black fierce beast was indeed chained and its movement was restricted.

It is furious and frantic, desperately releasing death chill and supernatural power, attacking indiscriminately.

At the same time, it was still bursting out with all its strength, desperately trying to break free from the shackles of the light chains.

Yan Tiangang and a hundred or so gods all entered the dark space.

The crowd held the swords of the magic weapon with full vigilance, forming a huge encirclement, surrounding the black beast.

The black fierce beast also noticed the anomaly and felt a dangerous crisis approaching.

It no longer attacked wildly, began to converge its divine power, staring murderously at the many gods in a wary posture.

Yan Tiangang was not in a hurry to do it, but still released his divine consciousness, searching in the dark space.

"The fierce beast is suppressed here, it will not go crazy for no reason, nor will it destroy the passage outside Shimen.

Someone must have broken in here and angered the beast.

But where is that intruder? "

Yan Tiangang insisted that there was a top-notch monarch and strong man who broke into the Qingyu Shrine first and had a fierce battle with the fierce beast here.

However, he tried his best to search, but he could not find the trace of the other party.

Ye Wuji and the leaders of the major sects and aristocratic families also released their spiritual consciousness and used the secret technique to search the entire dark space.

As a result, they searched all over the dark space, but they did not find Ji Tianxing.

When everyone was not paying attention, Ji Tianxing moved quietly and touched the exit.

As long as he crosses the broken stone gate, he can leave the dark space.

However, Yan Tiangang didn't notice his breath, but the sixth sense took effect.

He vaguely felt a little weird and turned to look at Shimen.

Ji Tianxing quickly stopped his movements, holding his breath, trying his best to converge his spirit and power so as not to be noticed by Yan Tiangang.


At the critical moment, the black fierce beast helped Ji Tianxing.

It had been struggling desperately, and finally broke the purple light chain tied to its ankle.


With a clear explosion, the hundred-mile-long purple light chain collapsed into fragments in the sky on the spot and fell into the darkness.

There were only two chains left on the black fierce beast, tied to its waist.

Its seal was further lifted, its power was released to a greater extent, and the struggle became more fierce.

Seeing, the only two purple light chains that were left were also shaking violently, bursting with divine light.

Before long, the two chains will also break.

When the time comes, the black fierce beast will lose its bondage, and it will definitely kill!

Thinking of this, Yan Tiangang dispelled the doubt in his heart.

He no longer cared about the abnormalities at the Shimen, and focused his attention on the black fierce beast.

"That fierce beast will soon break free, and once it is free, it will definitely kill!

We must preemptively and never give it a chance to kill.

Let's get rid of it first! "

Ye Wuji and the leaders of each sect had the same idea.

Looking at the brutal, bloodthirsty and terrifying posture of that beast, it will definitely kill innocent people after regaining freedom.

In this case, it is better to start first.

As a result, many gods and powerful people all agreed to Yan Tiangang's order.

"Everyone go together!"

"That fierce beast is very powerful, we must work together to get rid of it!"

"If we don't kill it, we will be killed and injured!"


Following the chants and shouts of many powerful men, a hundred or so high-ranking gods all brandished their swords and launched a siege on the black beast.


"Shoo! Shoo!"

Many gods have performed their stunts, bursting out majestic and mighty divine power, releasing the light of divine magic that shields the sky and the sun.

Thousands of sword lights, criss-crossing phantoms of divine art, like a flood of heaven, enveloped the black beast.

Even if the strength of the black fierce beast is strong, it is impossible to withstand the siege of more than a hundred upper gods.

When it was a matter of life and death, the black fierce beast became more angry and violent, and its eyes became scarlet and fiery.

It is completely irritated, and its reason is completely occupied by anger and killing intent.

Unless all the gods present are killed, its anger cannot be calmed down!

Facing the magical light and shadow that obscures the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it retreats and evades as quickly as possible.

At the same time, it uses two purple light chains very cleverly to protect itself.

"Boom bang bang!"

In the next instant, all kinds of magical powers light and shadow hit it, breaking the purple light chain into pieces.

Although it was blasted and flew out, it was only slightly injured.

However, the two purple light chains tied to it were completely destroyed.

It lost its bondage, regained its freedom, and its power exploded to its extreme.


When the light and shadow of the sky divine magic hit again, it let out a murderous roar and launched a counterattack.

"call out!"

The black light flashed.

The black fierce beast disappeared in place, appeared five hundred miles away, and teleported behind several gods.


The blood came out.

The black fierce beast swung its sharp claws and swept towards several gods.

Suddenly, those high-ranking gods couldn't avoid it, and were torn to pieces by its claws on the spot.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood flew across, and screams echoed in the darkness.

Stimulated by blood and killing, the black fierce beast became even more mad, and its power exploded to the extreme.

It teleported again to avoid the siege of the crowd, and launched an attack on several high-ranking gods a hundred miles away.

Many gods were frightened, uttered bursts of exclamation, and evaded in a panic.

Only Yan Tiangang and the leaders of the major sects can remain calm.

They kept closing the encirclement circle, approaching the black fierce beast unhurriedly, locking in its spirit.

Soon, they found an opportunity to attack the black beast decisively.

The black fierce beast's offensive was frustrated, and it was hurt by everyone.


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