Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3232: Even the Prince's Doom

   More than two hundred severely wounded gods were slaughtered by ‘Lan’er’ by 70% to 80%.

   Only a few gods who saw the situation were bad and left the Qingyu Shrine ahead of time did they escape the catastrophe.

   The ten major sects, aristocratic families, and more than one hundred and twenty high-ranking gods, are not injured much, and their strength is well preserved.

   They were the main force in the fight against'Lan'er in the battle of the previous hour.

   It is their tenacious support and struggling to besieged, and the fighting can continue until now.

   Moreover, they finally defeated Lan'er after paying heavy casualties!

   At this moment.

   Yan Tiangang, Ye Wuji and others, with more than forty high-ranking gods, formed a circle and trapped Lan'er in it.

  Even though everyone was seriously injured, they were all covered with blood, and they looked quite embarrassed.

   But Lan'er's injury is even more miserable.

   It was not only covered with scars, but also with deep bone wounds everywhere, and even the wings on its back were cut off by two.

   Purple and black blood gushed from wounds everywhere, making it bloody, looking extremely embarrassed.

   Even if it has the background of strength, it can be compared to the king of the first level.

   After being besieged by many gods for an hour, he also became very weak.

   Most of its power has passed away, and it is panting violently, and the spirit fluctuations are also somewhat disordered.

   After performing those supernatural skills, the power is not as good as before.

   Even the speed at which it moves and evades is slower than before.

   Looking back at Yan Tiangang, Ye Wuji and others, although they were seriously injured, they all saved their combat power.

  Moreover, they are many and powerful, forming a battle formation to fight the enemy together.

   There is no problem even if I insist on another hour.

   It was Lan'er's situation that was extremely dangerous, and it was impossible to sustain another hour.

   It was surrounded by everyone, and it tried dozens of times from left to right. It tried various magical skills, but it still failed to break through the encirclement.

  While its power is getting weaker and weaker, its spirit state is becoming more and more unstable.

   Once it becomes confused and falls into a coma or insane state, the fate can be imagined.

   must be torn to pieces by Yan Tiangang and others on the spot.

at the same time.

   Yan Tiangang, Ye Wuji and others also saw Lan'er's state. They were all excited and full of expectations.

   In order to boost morale and inspire people, they all shouted loudly: "Everyone continues to shrink the encirclement circle, that fierce beast is the end of the battle!"

   "Although we paid a heavy price, the victory must belong to us!"

   "The brutal beast's injuries were too serious and it was on the verge of unconsciousness.

   As long as we approach steadily, it must be the first to fall! "

   Many wounded gods, hearing the shouts of several leaders, were all morale up and energetic.

   They lined up the battlefield, with a twelve-point spirit, and kept approaching Lan'er.

   The encircling circle kept shrinking, and the surging murderous aura also condensed into blood-red flames.

   Lan'er was under increasing pressure, and her body couldn't stop shaking.

   It uttered low roars and even cursed with a hoarse voice: "You despicable bandits! Damn it all!"

   It is the half master of the Qingyu Shrine, and many gods are invaders.

   However, Yan Tiangang, Ye Wuji and others were unwilling to bear the reputation of being a ‘robber’, so they retorted.

   "Are we robbers? No! We are walking the way for the heavens and killing the people!"

   "If you, a brutal, bloodthirsty beast, had not committed a heinous murder, how could you have been suppressed in the darkness by the Jade King?"

   "You are sinful, you should be content to live to this day!"

   Not only did you not have the slightest shame, but you also reprimanded Lan'er in a righteous and upright manner.

   Lan'er was trembling with anger, tumbling with rage all over, and her eyes became scarlet.

   "Beasts! You beasts with irrational words and utter conscience, all of you must die!"

   Laner roared hysterically, with extreme anger and despair, launched a charge against many gods.

   It has been waiting for thousands of years, but it hasn't been able to wait for the sapphire **** king, it is extremely distressed, lost and desperate, and even a trace of resentment.

   is now in a dangerous situation, it knows it is difficult to escape, and it must be besieged on the spot.

   So, it embraced the same end, and death is the mentality of liberation, and launched the final counterattack.

   In this battle, it bloomed with the most splendid divine light, unreservedly releasing the supernatural powers at the bottom of the box.

   Various magical powers, light and shadow, obscured the sky.

   Many gods and powerful men looked solemn, and went all out to perform their stunts to resist Lan'er's attack.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   The earth-shaking loud noise burst out, echoing endlessly between the heaven and the earth.

Lan'er's full attack was easily resolved by Yan Tiangang and the others.

   On the contrary, all the gods jointly attacked, unleashing a steady stream of supernatural powers, defeating Lan'er's fight steadily, and increasing his injuries.

   The two sides are fighting each other, and the fighting is extremely fierce.

   But Lan'er was obviously at a disadvantage and was suppressed and beaten by many gods, and she would be defeated before long.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing remained invisible, watching the battle in the dark.

   When he first started, he didn't want to worry about this nosy.

   Regardless of Yan Tiangang or Lan'er's life and death, it has nothing to do with him.

   He just wanted to find a chance to assassinate Prince Lien in the crowd.

after all.

  Even the prince was among the forty gods, he was also embarrassed with disheveled hair and blood.

   Except for Ye Wuji and Taishang elders, only three elders of Hetian Sect are still alive.

   The attention of these five powerhouses was focused on Lan'er, and there was no time to protect Prince Lien.


   Ji Tianxing saw Lan'er's situation clearly, and learned the story of her and Qingyu God King, and couldn't help feeling compassionate towards her.

  " Before, I opened the Shimen and awakened it. I mistakenly thought it was a brutal Beast, and led Yan Tiangang and others over.

   If it weren't for me, it wouldn't fight with Yan Tiangang and others, and ended up so miserably~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it's just for the sake of the Qingyu God King. Help it once. "

   Ji Tianxing knows that Lan'er is not bad in nature, even a kind woman.

   Otherwise, she would not have made such a big sacrifice for the Sapphire God King.

   In the matter of exploring the shrine, it was originally that he and the Fifty Factions were ignorant.

   Qingyu Shrine is Lan'er's territory. They are all invaders, and it is not too much to say that they are thieves.

   What's more, he also took away the treasure of the Sapphire God King.

   Seeing Lan'er in a desperate situation, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him.


   Ji Tianxing approached silently while many gods were besieging Lan'er.

   He locked the breath of Prince Lien, sacrificed the Heaven Burying Sword, and brazenly resorted to a unique trick.


   As soon as the divine sword came out, the cold light shined.

  The black light of death, which is hundreds of feet long, envelops Prince Lien with a storm of sword energy in the sky.

   At this moment, Prince Lian is casting a spell to attack Lan'er, and he is not prepared to assassinate him!

   When he noticed the death crisis, it was too late for him to escape.


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