Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3233: Look down on people too much

   Panic sword light, carrying the power of killing everything, from the sky blasted towards Prince Lien.

   Under the sword light, even the hundred meters of space around the prince was frozen like ice.

   His figure was also submerged by sword light, his black gold-patterned dragon robe was twisted into pieces by sword energy, and his long hair was broken every inch.

   When life and death are at stake, his expression is extremely solemn.

   turned his head and looked at the sword light falling from the sky, and Ji Tianxing in the sky, his expression changed drastically, and his eyes showed extremely shocked and surprised.

   "It turned out to be you! How could it be you!"

   How could the prince never think that Ji Tianxing actually came here.

   Besides, he has been lurking in the sapphire shrine without being noticed by everyone.

   Until this moment, when everyone was fighting the black beast at a critical juncture, he suddenly attacked.

   This is so despicable!

   is too deadly!

   Even the prince was shocked in his heart, but he was also very shocked and even felt the coming of death.

   Such a sudden attack, at such a close distance, he has no chance to escape.

   The only thing he can do is to mobilize his life skills and form a dark gold shield to protect himself.


   The dazzling giant sword hit the dark gold shield fiercely, and there was a loud noise.

  The dark gold shield that even the prince condensed with all his strength, just supported it for an instant, it was torn apart and shattered.

   Endless fragments, carrying a violent impact, spread around.

   The two Hetianzong elders who were not far away from the Lian Prince were immediately hit.

   The overwhelming fragments of divine light, like swords and blades, left countless wounds on the bodies of the two elders, splashing blood all over the sky.

   At the same time, even the prince was hit by sword light, half of his body was bloody.

   The whole right arm turned into slag, and the huge impact force blasted him out.

   Moreover, he involuntarily flew towards Lan'er, who was in mid-air, screaming uncontrollably.

   Lan'er, who was rushing from left to right, immediately seized the opportunity, waved his claws and pierced the sky with blood, and killed Prince Chao Lien.


   I only heard that the light blade broke through the air, and I saw the blood splashing in the sky and the minced meat flying horizontally.

   Even the prince's body was soaked in blood, but now it was pierced by the light blade, becoming like a sieve.

   The scream that was about to stop broke out again, and the tone reached an even more alarming level.

   Seeing this scene, Ye Wuji and Hetianzong's Taishang elder suddenly changed their complexions and let out an exclamation.


   "Damn evil barrier, look for death!"

   The elder Taishang glared at Ji Tianxing, locked his spirit aura, and killed him immediately with his palm.

   Ji Tianxing was about to take advantage of the situation to kill Prince Lien, but was blocked by the Supreme Elder.

   The sky full of sword light he pierced was intercepted by the sky-shading palm shadow shot by the Supreme Elder.

   The two collided in the sky, bursting with a deafening noise, splashing out hundreds of millions of fragments.

   Ji Tianxing was unscathed, the Taishang elder was shaken back a hundred feet, his complexion was blue and red, and his chest also rose and fell sharply.

  Although, the Supreme Elder had already reached the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

  In terms of real combat power, he is second only to Yantiangang, and ranks in the top three in the Great Yan Empire.

   But he and Ji Tianxing fought against each other, but they still suffered, and the internal organs were also shocked.

   Such a result made him extremely horrified.

   "You are Tian Xing? That arrogant, unprovoked, murderous alien boy?" The Supreme Elder glared at Ji Tian Xing, shouting like Hong Zhong.

   He was also shocked. He didn't expect Ji Tianxing to be so bold enough to sneak into the Qingyu Shrine to assassinate Prince Lien.

   At the same time, the elder Taishang, even the prince, Ye Wou-ki, and Yan Tiangang all suddenly realized after recognizing the identity of Ji Tianxing.

   "It turns out that you are making a ghost!"

   "A bold beast, you actually grabbed our victory!"

   "It's you! It's you **** who sneaked into the shrine secretly and angered this beast!"

   Everyone understood that their previous inference was correct, and Ji Tianxing did enter the shrine before them.

   He not only scoured the treasures in the shrine, but also released the suppressed beasts, killing many gods.

   The culprit of all this is him!

  In a short time, the powerhouses of all major sects and aristocratic families focused their attention on Ji Tianxing.

   Everyone hated him deeply, and they burst out with a surging murderous intent, and immediately besieged him.

   Compared to the fierce beasts that slaughtered many gods, they hated Ji Tianxing more.


   Everyone's attention was distracted, and Lan'er's pressure was greatly reduced, and she immediately launched a charge without restraint.


   It turned into a blood shadow that cut through the sky, releasing thousands of **** sharp blades, sweeping many gods.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   muffled noise burst out one after another, blood splashed in the crowd, dozens of gods were all hit, and the injuries worsened.

   In this way, Yan Tiangang and many gods did not dare to be distracted, and could only deal with Lan'er with all their strength.

   Yan Tiangang decisively shouted: "Ye Wuji, you do your best to deal with that alien kid, this fierceness is for us!"

   Facing the dilemma of internal and external attack, Yan Tiangang calmly and decisively adjusted the countermeasures immediately.

   Ye Wuji understood his intentions and immediately nodded in response: "Okay!"

   After that, Yan Tiangang and more than 30 gods and powerhouses besieged Lan'er.

   Ye Wuji, the Taishang elder, the three elders of Hetianzong, and the nine gods of the two great families, joined forces to besiege Ji Tianxing.

   As for Prince Yulian, taking advantage of Ji Tianxing and Lan'er being besieged, there was no time to chase him down, so he hurriedly quit the battlefield and hid away to heal his injuries.

  He was very smart and didn't escape from Qingyu Shrine.

  Because the nearly 20,000 gods stationed outside the Qingyu Shrine are all mobs.

   Once Ji Tianxing rushed out of the encirclement and chased out the azure jade temple to kill him, no one could help him resist.

   Staying in the Qingyu Shrine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the wisest choice.

  He was standing in the sky three hundred miles away from the battlefield.

   can observe the situation on the battlefield without being hurt by the aftermath of the battle.

   Once Ji Tianxing assassinates him, he can detect it in advance and avoid it in time.

  Furthermore, Ye Wuji, the elder Taishang and others can also help him.

  The prince thought to himself that he felt safe, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   Yan Tiangang and more than thirty gods also surrounded Lan'er, making it impossible to break through.

   Ye Wuji and thirteen gods also joined forces to trap Ji Tianxing.

   On the surface, the situation in the field has stabilized.

   Ji Tianxing and Lan'er are both under control, and they will be beheaded by everyone if they don't last long.

   However, something that no one had expected appeared.

   Ji Tianxing looked around for a week, his eyes swept over Ye Wuji, Taishang elders and dozens of gods, and the corners of his mouth evoked a mocking sneer.

   "Hehehe... Yan Tiangang and more than thirty gods besieged Lan'er, and Ye Wuji only besieged me with a dozen gods.

   I look down on people too much!

   In your eyes, Laner is more threatening than me? "


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