Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3234: Will end eventually

   Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, sneered in a low voice, Ye Wuji and others could hear clearly.

   Even Lan'er, who was besieged by Yan Tiangang and others not far away, heard these words.

   After all, everyone is the upper god, the top powerhouse.

   Lan'er was stiff at the time, her eyes widened, and she looked at Ji Tianxing in disbelief.

   At that moment, she lost consciousness.

   Unconsciously, the unconscious brain seemed to be pierced by a flash of lightning, and instantly calmed down.

   She was stunned, staring at Ji Tianxing, her heart surged.

   Two lines of **** tears burst out of the eyes and slipped from the cheeks.

   "You...how do you...know me..." she muttered to herself, shocked and sad.

   After ten thousand years, she finally saw the sky again and heard the familiar name again.


her name.

   Only that person is qualified to call her that way.

   At this moment, Lan Er even had an absurd idea in her heart.

  "Is it him? Is he back?

   He didn't abandon me, didn't forget our agreement?

   But how did he change his appearance? Did I remember wrong?

   impossible! Even after ten thousand years, I will never remember him wrong!

   He must have changed!

  He must have encountered something..."

   Lan'er thought about it, and actually regarded Ji Tianxing as the sapphire king.

   Of course, she just had this idea and conjecture, and she was not sure to confirm it.

   But at this moment, the sudden flood of light blades and magical light and shadow interrupted her thoughts.

   "Boom! Boom!"


   Lan'er was instantly overwhelmed by the skylight blade, and her body shook wildly, splashed with blood, and flew out in embarrassment.

   The person was still in mid-air, and he opened his mouth to spray a bleeding arrow and let out a painful snoring.

   Obviously, when she was in a daze, Yan Tiangang and others seized the opportunity and successfully attacked her.

   Under this blow, she was seriously injured.

   She suffered even more serious injuries, blood was flowing all over her body, and her strength was fading quickly.

   Yan Tiangang and others took advantage of the situation and launched a fierce attack on Lan'er.

   Lan'er was suppressed and beaten, and her injuries continued to worsen, so she could only retreat and evade constantly, without the strength to fight back.

   On this side, the battle between Ji Tianxing and Ye Wuji and the others was unexpected to everyone.

   Facing the siege of more than a dozen gods, he smiled contemptuously, raised his hand and pointed the sword to the sky.

   "Zhutian Sword Formation!"

   Suddenly, 20,000 light spots appeared on the sky, pouring down like a meteor shower.


   Twenty thousand sacred giant swords, carrying the power of killing everything, instantly descended on the spot.

   With Jitian acting as the center, a radius of a hundred li is shrouded.


   The sword light is horizontal and horizontal, forming a sword formation instantly, sealing this area.

   Ye Wuji, Taishang elders and dozens of gods were all suppressed by the sword formation.

   Everyone suddenly felt the pressure surge. Not only was it difficult to move, but the movement of divine power was also abnormally blocked, and the combat effectiveness was drastically reduced.

  More than that, thousands of sacred great swords are pouring down like rain.

   Thousands of swords shuttled and strangled, and formed a storm of sword blades, covering many gods.

   Suddenly, the dozen or so gods suffered.

   Accompanied by the sound of "Swish Swish", several gods were torn into pieces by the storm of sword blades, and even the gods were torn apart.

   Then, the two elders of Hetianzong were also shrouded by hundreds of sword lights, cut into pieces of flesh and blood.

   Only Ye Wuji, Taishang elder and a few gods remained, still struggling to support them in the sword formation.

   But with the passage of time, their divine power was rapidly consumed, their combat effectiveness continued to weaken, and their injuries continued to increase.

   Ji Tianxing stood in the sword formation, spurring the power of the sword formation with all his strength, and launched a bombardment on everyone.

   Ye Wuji, Taishang Elder and others, holding on to the seriously injured body, desperately rushed towards Ji Tianxing.

   "Everyone, let's kill him!"

   "As long as you kill him, this sword formation will destroy itself!"

   Everyone knew that it was almost impossible to crack this sword formation in a short time.

   Only killing Ji Tianxing is the simplest and most effective way.

   On the surface, they are only twenty miles away from Ji Tianxing.

   In normal times, he can teleport to Ji Tianxing in one thought.

   But now, they cannot teleport in the sword formation, they can only fly hard.

   In just twenty miles, it’s harder than climbing.

   and others finally rushed to the front of Ji Tianxing, and several more gods were strangled by Wanjian.

   The surviving Ye Wuji, the elder Taishang and the Patriarch of the two great families were also scarred and very weak.

   "The **** beast is so tough!"

   "What is the strength of this son that can kill so many gods?"

   "Has he already surpassed the Divine King Realm and broke into the Divine King Realm?"

   "No matter how strong he is, we have already rushed here and we can kill him immediately!"

   While feeling shocked and horrified, the four powerhouses also made a desperate move, exploding with the most powerful force, and launched a lore to Ji Tianxing.

   However, when all kinds of supernatural powers enveloped Ji Tianxing, his figure became transparent and blurred.

   The supernatural power that destroys the world and kills the earth, passing through him without delay, and failed to cause any harm to him.

   Seeing this scene, the four strong men were dumbfounded.


   "What evil technique is this?" Ye Wuji was shocked.

   The elder Taishang was also extremely shocked, and exclaimed, "How is this possible?"

   Next moment.

   Ji Tianxing urged the sword formation with all his strength, condensed four storms with eight thousand giant swords, and enveloped the four strong men from the sky.


   The sword light flickered, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal.

   The blade storm that ruined the world, frantically strangling four strong men.

   In the dazzling sword light, blood and debris are constantly splashing out, and it is also mixed with the screams and screams of everyone.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing stopped paying attention to the four powerhouses.

   He flew out of the sword formation without looking back, and killed Prince Lien in a stealth manner.

  Because the four storms of sword blades gathered all the power of the Zhutian Sword Formation.

   Ye Wuji and Taishang elders four ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no doubt that they will die, and there is no possibility of escape!

   And Prince Lian in the distance, only saw him cast a sword formation, fighting with Ye Wuji and others.

   Even the prince did not guard, the battle would end so soon.


   After a breath.

   Ji Tianxing teleported more than three hundred miles and appeared behind Prince Lien.

   And at this time, even the prince had just taken a few pills of the gods, and he was staring at the situation on the battlefield while working on the power of refining the medicine.

   Yan Tiangang and more than thirty gods beat Lan'er so terribly and on the verge of defeat.

   This comforted Prince Lian a little.

  The only thing he worries about is whether Ye Wuji and others in the sword formation can kill Ji Tianxing?

   Just as he was full of anxiety and anxiety, a dazzling light suddenly burst out behind him.

   An extremely icy breath of death instantly enveloped his whole body, making him cold all over, like an ice cellar.


   He turned around subconsciously, and he saw the sword light that ruined the world, and his face kept zooming in.

   There is also the familiar face, looking at him with a smile.

   At this moment, even the prince's liver and gallbladder were split.


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