Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3235: Help you decide


   There was a loud and deafening noise.

   A group of dazzling multicolored lights blooms in the night sky like a lotus flower.

  The scarred and scarred Prince Lien was also blown into **** in the divine light, splashing countless blood.

   Ji Tianxing cut down with that sword, and his divine body was destroyed on the spot.

   Even his godhead was severely injured, cracked open, and splashed with blood.

   His consciousness was dizzy, his godhead drifted with the flow, and he could not help flying far away.

   And this scene, Ye Wuji, Elder Taishang and others can't see it.

   They were suppressed by the sword storm in the Zhutian Sword Formation, and they couldn't protect themselves.

   Yan Tiangang and many gods and powerhouses discovered that Prince Lian had been attacked and saw the figure of Ji Tianxing.

   Everyone was shocked and exclaimed.

   But no one can save even the prince, and there is no time to do it.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing chased up again, swinging his sword with all his strength to the godhead of Prince Lien.

   With a crisp sound of "click", even the prince’s godhead collapsed on the spot, exploding a dozen pieces of debris.

  The prince even fell.

   Ji Tianxing waved his big hand, and put a dozen pieces of Godhead into his bag.

at the same time.

   Within the Chuantian Sword Formation, the four gods also reached the last moment.

   The first person who was strangled by Jianguang to become scum was the head of the two great families.

   Immediately afterwards, the bodyguard artifact of the Supreme Elder collapsed, the divine body was torn into pieces, and the divine personality was also torn apart.

   Ye Wuji supported it to the end.

   Various defensive artifacts and magical secrets were used, but they still couldn't stop the tens of thousands of swords from strangling, and they were quickly twisted into pieces of flesh and blood.

   More than a dozen pieces of the godhead also splashed out along with the rain of blood, scattered in the sword formation.

  The people in the sword formation are all dead.

  Zhu Tian Sword Array gradually ceased operation, and 20,000 giant swords were also suspended in the air.

   In this way, Yan Tiangang and many gods and powerhouses can clearly see the situation inside the sword formation.

   Everyone knows that Ye Wuji and a dozen gods went to siege Ji Tianxing.

   Now that Ji Tianxing is outside the sword formation, he just shot and killed Prince Lien.

   But the sword formation that stopped functioning was empty and there was no one.

   Ye Wuji and a dozen gods have disappeared!

   Yan Tiangang and more than thirty gods suddenly changed their expressions, showing extremely horrified eyes.

   Many people couldn't help but exclaimed.

   "Gosh! Sect Master Ye and the others... were all killed by that animal?"

   "The sword formation stopped operating, and it was empty inside. Sect Master Ye and the others must have encountered an accident."

   "How is this possible? Sect Master Ye and more than a dozen powerful people joined forces, but failed to kill him? He even killed him?"

   "Where is that guy sacred? Why are the methods so terrifying?"

   "Compared to that fierce beast, this kid is even more terrifying!"

   "Everyone, be careful, if he kills Sect Master Ye and others, he will come to deal with us!"

   Many gods realized that it was not good, and quickly shrank their defenses, guarding Ji Tianxing on alert.

   Everyone slowed down the offensive, and distracted to Ji Tianxing's body. Lan'er's pressure was suddenly reduced.

   Ji Tianxing is not eager to attack.

   He flew into the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation first, and put a dozen pieces of the godhead of the gods into the space ring.

   Then, he flew to Yan Tiangang and the others without rush.

   Far away from everyone, he stopped in the sky, staring at many gods indifferently.

   Numerous gods and monarchs are on the verge of an enemy, not only wanting to suppress Lan'er, but also to guard against Ji Tianxing.

   Yan Tiangang also paused to attack Lan'er, looking at Ji Tianxing with a solemn expression, and shouted in a deep voice: "The old man knows that you are the one before, and the rumors of killing God Tianxing!

   Boy, you have a grudge against Prince Lien, and you are not at odds with the Hetian Sect. This is a grudge between you.

   But the Great Yan imperial family and these big sect families have no hatred with you.

   So, you have to be modest, otherwise everyone will have to fight for the dead! "

   No one thought that Yan Tiangang would say these things.

   These words sounded threatening Ji Tianxing, but they were actually afraid of him.

   If it is not necessary, the people of several major sects and aristocratic families are just like Yan Tiangang, and they don't want to provoke Ji Tianxing.

   The attitudes and opinions of the people were unified, and several leaders echoed Yan Tiangang's words.

   Seeing everyone reacting this way, Ji Tianxing also smiled, and whispered to himself: "Fortunately, these old guys are not stubborn, and they know how to judge the situation. This is easier."

   So, he pointed to Lan'er in the encirclement, and said to Yan Tiangang and the others: "That's not a fierce beast, she is also the Great Flame God Race, and it became like this only after some accidents.

   You and her have no grievances and no grudges. Entering the Qingyu Shrine is nothing more than seeking wealth and looking for opportunities.

   Even if you paid a terrible price, killing her today would not get any benefit.

  Let’s do this, if you let her go, I won’t be embarrassed by you, everyone is irrelevant, how? "

   "This..." Yan Tiangang suddenly hesitated and said nothing.

   The gods of several major sects and aristocratic families were also a little tempted by Ji Tianxing's words, and they transmitted voices to persuade Yan Tiangang.

   "Ancestor, that kid is right, we really don't have to smash this fierce beast..."

   "That kid has no grievances with us. As long as we agree to his terms, we don't have to fight with him."

   "The old man noticed that the kid just wanted to save the beast.

   He didn't want to fight with us when there was no need. "

   "Old ancestor, let's release this fierce beast, and don't offend the river with that boy..."

   Hearing everyone's persuasion, Yan Tiangang frowned secretly, and quickly used his divine consciousness to transmit sound to explain to everyone.

   "Why don't the old man understand what you said?

   Have you thought about it? The kid sneaked into the Sapphire Shrine before we were paying attention.

  If there are any heritage and treasures in the shrine, he must have gotten it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now this palace is destroyed and nothing is left.

   Even if we don’t conflict with him, and we just explore in the shrine, we won’t find anything valuable!

   Besides, he cares so much about this fierce beast, he must have something else.

   This fierce beast has been sealed here for thousands of years, and it must have a great relationship with the sapphire **** king. Can we miss it? "

   After Yan Tiangang's analysis, many gods suddenly realized that things were a bit strange.

   Everyone also began to hesitate whether to let Lan'er go.

   If Lan'er was released, he would naturally not fight with Ji Tianxing.

   But everyone is very likely to come here for nothing and return empty-handed.

  If Lan'er is not released, it is possible to discover the secret of Qingyu Shrine from Lan'er.

   But they are bound to fight with Ji Tianxing, and they must pay a tragic price by then!

   Just when everyone is hesitant and vacillating.

   Ji Tianxing saw everyone's thoughts, and immediately sneered: "Since you are unwilling and still hesitating, I will help you make the decision."

When   's words fell, he brazenly waved the Heaven Burial Sword, exposing the sky and the earth, killing a dozen gods.


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