Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3236: The dust settles

   "Wh! Wah! Wah!"

   Under the sky full of sword light, the space is in chaos.

   The dozen or so gods covered by sword light also changed drastically in fright, showing horrified eyes.

   They can be regarded as seeing the killing style of the gods, they are determined and fierce.

   Of course, it’s useless to say it now.

   They can only retreat desperately and use their best defensive powers to resist Jianguang's beheading.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The sky was slashed by the sword light on a golden shield, and there was a dull loud noise, splashing out countless divine light fragments.

   Only six gods were safe and sound, and the other eight gods all flew out, splashing blood all over, making painful screams.

   Although they saved their lives, their gods were not destroyed.

   But their injuries were even more tragic, and their combat effectiveness plummeted a lot.

   This is Ji Tianxing’s warning to everyone.

After    one move, he didn't make another move.

   But Yan Tiangang and many gods felt so humiliated, they all trembled with anger.

   "Asshole! You are so mad!"

   "If you don't agree, I will kill you? Is it true that no one in my Great Yan Empire can cure you?"

   "Boy, you forced us!"

   Yan Tiangang and many gods, while drinking coldly and cursing, attacked Ji Tianxing at the same time.

   Everyone tried their best to use their unique magical powers, releasing the overwhelming magical light and shadow, and blasting at him from the sky.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and chuckled lightly: "Hehe, it really is a group of high-ranking and accustomed to domineering.

   I would rather sacrifice more lives than suffer contempt and insult. "

   While talking, he used the Dragon Elephant Fist with his left hand and waved the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand to meet the enemy with all his strength.


   The phantom of the dragon elephant with the big mountain, carrying the unstoppable power, blasting everything, crashed on Yan Tiangang and others.

   The Heaven Burial Sword also danced with the sky full of cold light, and used a move to cut off the galaxy and cut to many gods.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The magical arts performed by the two sides collided, and there was a loud and deafening noise that echoed endlessly between the heavens and the earth.

   All kinds of magical powers, light and shadows are fragmented, bursts of divine light fragments scattered all around.

   Ji Tianxing was shaken back thousands of feet away, his white robe and black hair were blown by the strong wind, and his face was slightly pale.

   After all, he is facing more than 30 high-ranking gods.

   has not been bombarded and killed by the opponents, it is already a great thing.

of course.

   The fate of more than thirty gods was even more miserable.

   More than half of the gods were swept by sword light and sword energy, and flew thousands of feet away in embarrassment, and their injuries were even more tragic.

   There are only Yan Tiangang and a few leaders of sectarian families, and they are safe and sound.

   The battle formation formed by everyone was destroyed.

   Ji Tianxing took advantage of the situation to pursue, Lan Er also keenly seized the opportunity to attack and kill several seriously injured gods.

  Although, there are more than 30 people in Yantiangang.

   Compared with Ji Tianxing and Lan'er, they have an absolute advantage, more than ten times more in number.

   But the situation in the field is completely opposite.

   turned into Ji Tianxing and Lan'er, attacking Yan Tiangang and others back and forth.

   Within twenty breaths of time, more than a dozen gods died under Ji Tianxing and Lan'er.

   Even Yan Tiangang was seriously injured and looked embarrassed.

  The matter is over, Yan Tiangang and many gods are completely desperate.

   Keep fighting, they will all die here, and they can't kill Ji Tianxing and Lan'er.

   So they could only endure the humiliation and anger, put aside their dignity and face, turned around and fled in embarrassment.

After    Yan Tiangang and the leaders of the four sectarian families broke off, they stubbornly resisted Ji Tianxing and Lan'er.

   The other twenty gods fled without looking back.

   In the blink of an eye, they rushed out of the gate of the shrine and flew into the sea of ​​clouds.

   Seeing many gods fleeing the shrine, Yan Tiangang and the four sect leaders turned around and fled to the gate of the shrine.

   Nearly 20,000 gods guarding outside the sea of ​​clouds are all around the shrine, waiting anxiously and worriedly.

   In the past few hours, they have been hearing loud noises and explosions coming from the shrine.

   You don't need to look at them to know that it is the sound of many powerful men fighting and fighting.

   However, the war in the shrine lasted so long, and there was no sign of stopping.

  The elite main force of the various forces, no matter how anxious and worried, they must obediently guard outside the shrine and dare not enter without authorization.

at last.

   Under the worried, anticipating, and anxious gazes of the 20,000 gods, several figures flew out of the gate of the shrine.

   "Wh! Wah!"

   Those were a few high-ranking gods, from different forces, all of them were bloodied, seriously wounded and dying.

   They are like bereaved dogs, fleeing in a panic, without the majesty and nobility of the past.

   Seeing this scene suddenly, nearly 20,000 gods were dumbfounded, and countless people showed shocked and shocked expressions.

   Everyone did not expect that those powerful high-ranking gods would lose so miserably.

   Immediately afterwards, there were more than a dozen blood-stained and miserable upper gods who flew out of the gate of the shrine like lightning.

   They flew across the sea of ​​clouds and fled far away, shouting loudly, "Run! Get out of here!"

   "What are you still doing? Run away!"

   "Run! Otherwise everyone will die!"

   The shouts of many gods echoed endlessly in the sea of ​​clouds.

   Twenty thousand gods were shocked in their hearts, and when they heard the cry of blood and tears, they were even more horrified and panic, feeling helpless.

  The elite main force of many forces, all subconsciously turned and fled, away from the Qingyu Shrine.

  Only the top ten sectarian families, hesitated to weigh, and decided to look at the situation again.

   At this moment, five more figures flew out from the gate of the shrine.

   "Wh! Wah!"

   Many gods took a closer look, and that was Yan Tiangang and the leaders of the four sects!

   These five high-ranking gods are the top powerhouses in the empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unexpectedly, even them were scarred and fled in embarrassment!

  At this time, the last trace of luck and hope for many gods was also shattered.

   Seeing Yan Tiangang and others fleeing swiftly, everyone outside the gate of the shrine turned around and ran away desperately.

   After a few breaths, the gate of the shrine became empty, and no one was seen.

at the same time.

   Lan'er braved a **** murderous flame, and rushed to the gate with a mighty rainbow.

   She has already smashed her red eyes, ignoring the divine body that is on the verge of collapse, and the situation that may be unconscious at any time, she still chases and kills the gods.

   However, Ji Tianxing released a giant golden light palm, held her firmly, and stopped her.

   "Don't chase the poor!"

   Lan'er was imprisoned by the golden palm, struggling desperately and unable to move.

   Hearing Ji Tianxing's reminder, she yelled murderously: "Let go of me!!"

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot a divine light, closing the gate of the shrine.

   He grabbed Lan'er with a giant golden palm, turned and walked into the palace.

   "With your current state, if you really want to catch up, you will die before a hundred breaths of time..."


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