Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3237: Big misunderstanding

   Although Lan'er's emotions fluctuated greatly, she was a bit crazy and out of control because of too much stimulation.

   But now that the war is over, the sapphire shrine is quiet.

   She was captured by Ji Tianxing again, unable to move at all, and even more difficult to get out.

   After a while, her emotions gradually calmed down, and the **** flames emerging from her body gradually extinguished.

   "Well, you can let me go now." She lowered her head and said in a low voice.

   Seeing that her mood had indeed stabilized, Ji Tianxing removed the giant golden palm.

   Lan'er did not move rashly, standing crouched on the ruins, coughing and gasping.

   She was injured very badly, her whole body was covered with wounds and bones were visible.

   If the injury is a bit more serious, her body will collapse.

   In addition, her spirit was mutated and flawed, and she suffered such a severe injury, and she was even more dying.

   At this moment, she only feels cold all over, her strength is extremely weak, her eyes are black, and she will pass out at any time.

   Ji Tianxing can of course see how serious her injury is.

   Seeing that Lan'er was almost unsteady, he quickly took out two divine pills and handed them to Lan'er.

   "Take these two divine pills, first stabilize the injury, otherwise your divine foundation will be destroyed."

   Lan'er was taken aback for a moment, and did not pick up the two **** pills.

   She slowly raised her head, eyes stained with blood and tears, looking at Ji Tianxing with complicated eyes.

   Although her consciousness is getting more and more dizzy, her eyes are getting blurry.

   But she tried her best to open her eyes wide, trying to see Ji Tianxing clearly.

   Seeing her reaction like this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but urged: "You are already hurt like this, can you take the pill first, let's talk about other things?

   Don't worry, those two pills are absolutely fine.

   If I want to kill you, I can kill you with a few tricks, so why bother with the medicine? "

   Lan'er remained unmoved, nor looked at the two pills, staring at Ji Tianxing dimly.

   She shook her head slightly, and said in a low, hoarse voice: "Who are you anyway? Why do you know my name and why do you want to save me?"

   Ji Tianxing was rather helpless and couldn't tell the truth, so he had to ask: "Did I tell you the answer and you will take the two **** pills?"

  Actually, those two **** pills were refined by the sapphire **** king to save Lan'er.

   Before Ji Tianxing took away all the treasures in the stone house, naturally, it also included the magical medicine.

   Lan'er thought for a while and nodded.

   Ji Tianxing felt a little relieved, and explained: "The monarch's name is Tianxing. He came here to chase down his enemies. He accidentally saw the books and jade slips left by the Qingyu God King, and then he knew..."

   "Hehehe...really?" Lan'er sneered a little bit sadly, her eyes became more complicated.

   has the meaning of ridicule and contempt, but also the feeling of chill and loss.

   Ji Tianxing saw a headache, and thought to himself: "This guy must have misunderstood, right? I don't know what she is thinking?"

   Fortunately, Lan'er didn't say much, waved his claws to hold the two golden gods, and swallowed them.


   The two divine pills entered her body and immediately burst into dazzling golden light, bursting out a magnificent and mighty divine power.

   Lan'er immediately shook her body, and hundreds of black mist and blood spattered all over her body, and her body trembled violently.

   She snorted in pain, her eyes closed gradually, and she fell into a coma.

   But before she fell into a coma, she opened her eyes violently, staring at Ji Tianxing sternly, and shouted coldly: "You never want to lie to me... it's you!"

After    finished speaking, she fell into a coma and fell motionless on the rubble.

   Ji Tianxing frowned helplessly, and muttered to herself: "Isn't she irritated too much, is she crazy?"

   said that, but he was very entangled in his heart, falling into hesitation.

   Originally, the matter between Lan'er and the Qingyu God King had nothing to do with him.

   He didn't care much about Lan'er's life or death, he could not see it, and left.

   After leaving the azure jade divine palace, he went to find a place to retreat and practice, and quickly refine the fragments of the gods of many gods, and soon he could break through to the nine levels of the gods.


  He had a fate with the Sapphire God King, and forged a good fate.

  After arriving at the Qingyu Shrine, he learned the story of the Qingyu King and Lan'er.

   There is some sympathy in his heart for these two people who have suffered.

   What's more, he accidentally broke into the underground secret room and cut the chain that suppressed Lan'er, which led to the subsequent fight.

   Moreover, he also took away the treasures and materials of the Sapphire God King.

   Emotionally speaking, he can't help but die.

   Now, there are two choices before him.

   One, left the Qingyu Shrine, regardless of Lan'er's life or death.

   Anyway, she also took the pill made by the sapphire **** king, and the injury would not be really fatal.

   Even if she doesn't help her, she won't die, but the injuries are too serious, the body of the gods may be broken, or the foundation of the gods may collapse.

  Second, follow the kindness and kindness of the heart, try to help Lan'er heal the injury, so that I can ask for a clear conscience.

   But doing so may cause Lan'er to misunderstand, and may also cause some unnecessary troubles.

   After hesitating for a while, Ji Tianxing finally made a decision.

   "You still have to help! It's not the character of the monarch to die.

   While talking, he called Yunyao and Ji Ke in the twisted time and space with his divine sense.

   It’s not a coincidence that Ji Ke is at a critical juncture in her retreat and practice, so she can't be disturbed.

   Only Yunyao can leave, and it didn't take long for her to break through the realm, and she was gaining her foundation.

   Hearing Ji Tianxing's call, she left the Jiutianshijue Tower and appeared in front of Ji Tianxing.

   "Heaven, what's the matter?"

   Yun Yao, wearing a moon white dress, is even colder and more beautiful than ever.

Ji Tianxing pointed to Lan'er ten steps away, and thought Yunyao to explain: "Now I'm in the jade shrine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that fierce looking beast is the lover of the jade king... "

   He told Yun Yao the ins and outs of the matter and Lan'er's true identity.

   Yunyao understood what he meant after listening.

   "Tian Xing, you want to help Lan'er treat the injury, but you don't want her to misunderstand, so let me help you to avoid suspicion, right?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded.

   Yunyao nodded slightly and said mildly: "Tianxing, in fact, you don't have to avoid suspicion. No matter what you do, we will trust you."

   Ji Tianxing smiled wryly: "Of course you believe me, but this Lan'er can't do it. She is confused and has misunderstood!"

as predicted.

   Lan'er, who was originally in a coma, was in a state of vagueness, and she shouted in a sad, intermittent voice as if she was talking in a dream: "Qingyu...you are back...I have been waiting for you for a long time!

  Why do you hide... and change your face... come to see me?

   Are you... after all, tired of... don't want to see... me as a monster? "

   Upon hearing her words, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao looked at each other.

   Ji Tianxing helplessly said, "I'll just say it, there is a big misunderstanding!"


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