Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3238: Final winner

   Lan'er's obsession was too deep, and now she is in a coma again, her consciousness hazy.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, it is impossible to explain to her at this time.

   The two of them could only take Lan'er, who was in a coma, to fly to the depths of the Qingyu Shrine.

   At the edge of the space thousands of miles away, the mountain and the stone house on the top of the mountain are still intact.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao landed here and put Lan'er in the secret room.

   Then, Ji Tianxing performed magical abilities to help Lan'er heal his injuries.

   Yunyao stood by, taking care of Lan'er and helping Ji Tianxing to protect the law.

   As time goes by, Lan'er's bloodstains and wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Ji Tianxing spent half a day to help her heal the trauma, and then began to use exercises to treat her internal organ injuries.

   Neifu’s injuries are more troublesome, at least for several days.

   As for the injury of the soul, it is the most difficult one, and can only be ranked last.

   Just like that, time passed day by day.

   Ji Tianxing has been performing the exercises without stopping, nor does he feel tired.

   In this sapphire shrine, the divine power is extremely abundant, as if inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

   Five days later, Lan'er's internal organs were also stabilized.

   Although, she is still in a coma.

   But her injury will not continue to worsen, her life and the foundation of Shinto will be saved.

   Ji Tianxing took another eight days to perform supernatural skills to heal her supernatural injuries.

   Once her spirit's injury stabilizes, the whole thing will be fine.

   Ji Tianxing took out two more divine pills to give her, she went into dormancy, the divine power in the body automatically operated and recovered from her injuries.

   After finishing all this, Ji Tianxing stopped working.

   He looked at Yunyao on the side, and said with concern: "Yaoyao, you have helped me protect the law for more than ten days. You must be tired too. Go and rest."

   Yunyao shook her head quickly and persuaded: "I'm just watching from the sidelines, not tired.

   It is you who have been casting spells for so long, and the most tired person is you.

   You go to recuperate and adjust your breath, I am here to guard her.

   If she wakes up, you will cause misunderstanding again here. "

   Ji Tianxing thought about it, nodded and said, "It's good, after this battle and helping her heal for more than ten days, I feel that my strength has broken through again and it is almost reaching a bottleneck.

   Anyway, she enters a dormant state and will not wake up for at least a month.

   Taking advantage of this time, I went to retreat in the sacred tower to practice, and strive to go to the next level. "

   Yunyao showed a faint smile, nodded and said: "Well, then you go quickly."

   Ji Tianxing no longer delays time, he sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, and his figure slipped into it in a flash.

   Yunyao stretched out her right hand, grabbed the tower suspended in the air, and put it into her palm.

   Then, she sat cross-legged on the spot, silently adjusting her breath.

   Not far from her left hand, Lan'er was lying motionless on the ground, in sleep.

   Once Lan'er wakes up, she will know for the first time.

   In case Lan'er is crazy again, she can also quickly retreat, or call Ji Tianxing for help.


   After Ji Tianxing entered the twisted time and space, he didn't immediately start practicing.

   He flew under the blood flame **** tree, flew around the **** tree, and carefully observed it again.

   The result is just as he expected.

   In the previous battle, there were countless gods and powerful men who fell.

   The sacred tree of blood flame drew a huge amount of blood and soul power, and it increased significantly.

   Even the bare branches, most of them gave birth to purple buds, and they were thriving.

   The former Blood Flame God Tree was only ten thousand feet high, with bare branches.

   But now, the height of the sacred tree has reached more than twelve thousand feet, and 70% or 80% of the branches have sprouts.

  Even, on 30% of the branches, those buds turned into purple leaves.

   Generally speaking, the blood flame tree not only grew taller, but also became more luxuriant.

   Its divine power aura is more powerful, and the blood flames rising fiercely are more violent and dazzling.

   Ji Tianxing walked around the sacred tree, returned to the original point and stopped, with a gratified smile on his face, and murmured: "Although, this sacred tree is currently at the quasi-king level.

   However, with its growth rate, it is estimated that it will be transformed into a true king-level sacred tree in a few years.

   At that time, this sacred tree will be able to glow with more dazzling brilliance! "

   In this regard, Ji Tianxing has strong confidence and expectations.

   Just now, he watched for a while, Ji Ke was at the critical moment of assaulting the fourth layer of the gods.

   This is a hurdle for her to rise from the lower **** to the middle god. Of course it is not that easy.

   But Ji Tianxing has confidence in her talents and believes that she will break through soon.

   Bailong, Ji Wushuang, Heilong, and Qianyue are also devoting themselves to cultivation.

   Today, they are all lower gods, and their strengths are not deep enough.

   They know that Ji Tianxing's upgrade speed is too high, and they will never be able to catch up in their lives.

   Therefore, the targets they chase are Ji Ke and Yun Yao.

   After all, Yun Yao has already broken through to the fourth level of the gods, and Ji Ke will soon reach the fourth level.

   They do not want to be pulled too far, and desperately improve their strength, but also to protect themselves.

   From now on, in this unpredictable God Realm, I can protect myself and not cause Ji Tianxing trouble.

   Seeing that everything is fine and the situation is moving in a good direction, Ji Tianxing is relieved.

   So, he sat cross-legged under the sacred tree of blood flames and began to count the spoils.

   This time in Sapphire Shrine, he became the final winner.

   Fifty forces first discovered the sapphire shrine, and it took ten years to unlock the shrine’s blockade and open the gate of the shrine.

   In the end, more than 400 gods and monarchs from 50 powers had died more than 90%!

   In the end, fewer than fifty escaped from Qingyu Shrine alive!

   They paid such a terrible price~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but they didn't even get any benefit.

   And Ji Tianxing took all the treasures alone.

   His gains come from two aspects, one is the king-level materials, the magical medicine and the secrets of the exercises left by the sapphire **** king.

   The second is from the ruins of the battlefield. After countless gods and powerful men fell, the fragments of the gods scattered in the ruins.

   As for those Sovereign-level artifacts and equipment, Ji Tianxing is already too lazy to clean up.

   In this retreat, he will not use the magic pill and materials left by the sapphire **** king.

   Just refining the godhead fragments of those gods and powerful people, and then cooperate with a large number of source stones and **** stones, it is enough.

   After half an hour, Ji Tianxing counted the trophies and got the result.

   A total of 132 pieces of the godhead, there are more than 90 copies of the upper gods, and more than 40 copies of the middle gods.

   Although there are some fragments of the godhead, they are incomplete.

   But this does not affect Ji Tianxing's refining and absorbing the law of God.

   After finishing the inventory, he muttered to himself: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Lan'er for collecting so many fragments of the godhead.

   I didn't kill so many gods, most of them were killed by her. "


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