Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3239: Shenjun 9

   This is the truth.

  In terms of the number of beheaded gods, Ji Tianxing certainly can't compare to Lan'er.

   However, Lan'er killed those gods who were already badly injured and weak.

   Although there are few gods killed by Ji Tianxing, they are all the top powerhouses who survive to the end and are the strongest.

  Such as Ye Wuji, Prince Lian, the Supreme Elder of Hetianzong, and the leaders of two great sects.

   Soon, he got rid of these distracting thoughts, and began to refine the fragments of the godhead.

   The tree is quiet and silent.

   Hundreds of thousands of branches, exuding wisps of **** power, poured into Ji Tianxing and others, to assist everyone in their cultivation.

   Time passed quietly.

   One after another, fragments of Godhead were refined by Ji Tianxing for his own use.

   He had already reached the peak of the eighth stage, as long as he broke through the bottleneck, he could rise to the ninth stage of the gods.

   Today, his strength has skyrocketed, and the number of condensed laws of God is also increasing.

   This allowed his strength to grow, become stronger and stronger.

   Invisible, it hits the bottleneck time and time again, and marches towards the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

   one day, five days, ten days...

   Ji Tianxing forgets the passage of time, and is immersed in the process of growing stronger.

   Before I knew it, four years passed.

   At this time, he has finished refining one hundred and thirty-two pieces of the godhead.

  From these fragments of the godhead, he drew thirty laws of the gods and condensed them into his godhead.

  So, the number of Shinto laws he possessed reached an astonishing three hundred and forty!

   When the number of laws he mastered at the beginning exceeded the 300 mark, he created an invisible miracle.

   Now, he is on the road of miracles, taking one step further.

   In addition, his divine power has reached the limit of the eighth realm, and finally broke through the bottleneck.

   On this day, he was covered with sacred golden light, bursting out a magnificent breath.

   The golden light soaring into the sky condensed into nine dragon shadows, which lingered above the sacred tree of blood flame for two days before dissipating.

no doubt.

   Ji Tianxing is a natural and logical breakthrough!

   He finally reached the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, not far from the Divine King Realm!

   After a successful breakthrough, he retreats for another three months to practice, to stabilize the foundation of God's way.

   When he finished his cultivation, his strength increased more than five times, and his aura became more mysterious and restrained.

   He got up and left the twisted time and space and flew out of the nine-day tower.


   Next moment.

   He appeared in the secret room, standing beside Yun Yao.

   And this time.

   The scene in the secret room was unexpected.

   Yunyao is still the same as before, sitting on the ground with a calm and indifferent expression, maintaining the posture of movement and breath adjustment.

   But she had no luck, opened her eyes, looking at Lan'er on the left.

   Lan'er, who was supposed to be lying on the ground, was in a dormant state, but stood up.

   She arched her waist slightly, staring at Yun Yao with cold eyes and alert, showing a strong hostility.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned immediately.

   Without any hesitation, he subconsciously took a step forward, blocking Yun Yao behind him.

   This incident happened because of him. If Yun Yao had something wrong or was hurt by Lan'er, he would never forgive himself.

   Fortunately, Lan'er had no intention of attacking.

The appearance of    Ji Tianxing broke the cold atmosphere in the secret room.

   Lan'er and Yun Yao's eyes were all focused on him.

   Ji Tianxing frowned and looked at Lan'er, and asked, "After you take the Shen Dan, don't you have to sleep for a month before you wake up?

   It has only been more than twenty days, why did you wake up early?

   During this period of time you were in a coma, Yaoyao has been taking care of you all the time. You don’t want to be grateful to her, even if you are hostile to her? "

   Lan'er's attitude towards Yun Yao made him feel a little unhappy, so he asked.


   Laner not only didn't mean guilt, but also glanced at Yun Yao with complicated eyes.

   Then, her gaze swept across Ji Tianxing coldly, showing a self-deprecating wry smile, and her voice sneered with a sad voice: "Yaoyao? Hehehe...Do you protect her like this!"

Yes! She is the beauty of the country and the city, and I...just an ugly monster.

I understand……"

   Ji Tianxing was speechless, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Hey! I am Tianxing, this is my wife Yunyao, what are you talking about?"

   Lan'er, where would you listen to him?

   She only heard two keywords, she burst into tears, and sneered like crazy: "Wife? Ha ha ha... Such precious two words, you also told me back then.

   Now, the person you call your wife... has become her! "

   While laughing madly, Lan'er staggered back, as if she was extremely weak, almost falling to the ground.

   Ji Tianxing is even more depressed, and wants to explain again.

   At this time, Yun Yao stretched out her hand to hold him, and shook her head in motion.

   "Tian Xing, Lan'er is unconscious and confused, so don't talk about it anymore.

   She was abandoned by her lover, was suppressed by thousands of years, and was hit so hard again.

   This series of heavy blows, of course, will make her emotional.

   Let her calm down, let's explain to her again. "

   After hearing Yun Yao's advice, Ji Tianxing naturally nodded and agreed.

   "Well, you are better at this kind of thing, leave it to you."

   After finishing speaking, Ji Tianxing stepped back and stretched out his hand to pick up Yun Yao who was sitting on the ground.

   Yunyao stood on the spot, looking at Lan'er calmly, pinching the magic in both hands, releasing countless strands of cold moonlight.

  "Miss Lan'er, the deceased is still there, but he has not returned.

   We all know that you have no regrets, you have given too much, and you have suffered too much.

   But please don't be blinded by resentment, your mind and eyes..."

   Yunyao said in a gentle tone, her voice was like a spring breeze and rain, moisturizing things silently.

   Especially, the thousands of cold moonlight she quietly released have more soothing and cleansing effects.

   Lan'er, who was in a breakdown and madness~www.wuxiaspot.com~, really calmed down a lot.

   The crying gradually ceased, she leaned back against the wall and slowly fell to sit on the ground.

   She lowered her head weakly, staring at the ground with eyes blankly, silent.

   Yunyao continued to perform magical powers and secret skills to soothe Lan'er's emotions and restore her sanity.

   At the same time, she began to persuade Laner to gradually enlighten her.

  "Miss Lan'er, your lover is Chaoqingyu, who is also known as the sapphire **** king.

   Regardless of thousands of years or hundreds of millions of years, you must still remember him, right? "

   "Hehe..." Lan'er just sneered and refused to answer this question.

   Because the answer is beyond doubt.

   Yunyao's tone and speed of speech remained unchanged, and continued: "Chao Qingyu is a citizen of the Great Yan Empire, and he is the **** king of the Great Yan Protoss.

   You should be familiar with his blood, spirit and breath, but how could you admit it? "

   Lan'er shook her head, and said in a low voice: "How about familiarity? Time will change everything, soul, blood, and appearance will change, right?"

   of course, because she is the best example.


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