Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3240: Mind reading?

   Lan'er's remarks made Yun Yao startled for a moment, and she didn't know how to refute it.

   was silent for a moment before she continued: "Even if there is a change, he cannot completely become another person.

  He is the **** king of the Great Flame Protoss, and Tianxing is a human race, and his strength has not yet reached the **** king level.

   These are clearly two people, and they don't have the slightest similarity.

   How can you confuse the two of them? "

   Lan'er still lowered her head, unwilling to look at the expressions of Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   was silent for a long time before she said bitterly, "I know he went to the outside world to find a cure to save me.

  Although he is the king of the world, he just broke through and couldn't beat other kings.

   The outside world is difficult and dangerous. If he encounters any danger or is attacked by other gods, he will most likely encounter accidents.

   Maybe it was because he was in a disaster that he became another person and completely changed.

   He knows that I have a terminal illness that cannot be cured.

   He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with me, but he feels guilty.

   So, he came back here with another identity and released me from the black prison.

   In this way, he will give me my freedom and be able to fly far away with the one he loves..."

   After hearing these words, Ji Tianxing couldn't help laughing or crying, and even Yunyao admired her imagination.

   "Miss Lan'er, your speculation sounds reasonable, but it doesn't hold water.

   Chao Qingyu was originally a strong **** king, and if he doesn't grow in ten thousand years, he should reach the second and third level of the **** king realm, right?

   But Tian Xing is the ninth layer of the God King Realm, which is far from the God King Realm. "

   Lan'er shook his head again, and said with a wry smile: "Perhaps he was in a catastrophe and nearly died, and his realm of strength has fallen back?

  Or, he suffered an accident thousands of years ago and has fallen.

   However, his soul is immortal, he was reincarnated and reborn, and he started practicing from the beginning.

   He has a new life and a beautiful wife.

   But after his strength increased, he regained the memory of his previous life, and he felt guilty for me, so he came back to me..."

   Ji Tianxing was dumbfounded, Yun Yao was also dumbfounded.

   The couple looked at each other, frowning, their eyes a little strange.

   "This Lan'er is really crazy, or is he pretending to be stupid?

   How do you feel that she has piercing eyes, and what else does she mean? "

  "Except for the fact that she believes that you are Chaoqingyu, she is absolutely correct about reincarnation and rebirth.

   Both of her statements are well-founded, so it's hard to refute her. "

   Ji Tianxing frowned even higher, and said in a rather depressed voice: "She is so unreasonable, isn't she trying to rely on me?"

   Yunyao gave him a white look, and said angrily: "Don't be stinky, she's just delirious, let's think of a way."

   Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement.

   Yunyao looked at Lan'er again. Seeing that she was completely calm and sober, she asked again: "Miss Lan'er, although I have told you so much, you still refuse to believe it.

   Then I don’t know what should I do to prove that Tian Xing is not Chao Qingyu? "

   Lan'er finally raised her head and glanced at her and Ji Tianxing, revealing a meaningful smile.

   "It's easy! Let Chao Qingyu come to see me!

   Revealing his true colors, he told me in person and in person that he was powerless, he was ashamed of me, and his previous promise was invalidated...

  Only in this way, my obsession is solved, and I won't hate him again.

   Even if I die, I wish to wish him a good life. "

   These words are obviously what Lan'er said from the bottom of his heart.

After    confided in her heart, she felt relieved and her sanity became more and more clear.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao frowned at the same time, and couldn't help but mutter: "Isn't it difficult for a strong man?"

   "Ten thousand years have passed, and most of Chaoqingyu has fallen.

  If he hadn't died, he would have come back to see you. "

   Lan'er was unmoved, and said nothing more.

   It seemed that she had confirmed that, even if she died, she would have to see Chao Qingyu with her own eyes.

   Yunyao frowned, still thinking about other ways.

   Ji Tianxing was already a little impatient, and said in a displeased tone: "Miss Lan'er, the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire and the forty-nine powers, first discovered this shrine.

   It took them ten years to open the gate of the Sapphire Shrine.

  I came here to chase and kill my enemies, and when they were not paying attention, I sneaked into the shrine first, and then I woke you up.

  While waiting for you to fight with the gods, I found this stone house, where I found the jade slips and books left by Chaoqingyu.

   Therefore, we know the story of you and Chao Qingyu.

   The reason why I tried to save you was because I didn't want to feel ashamed. After all, I took the materials left by Chao Qingyu.

   Now your injury has stabilized, I will leave his belongings to you, and we will be settled. "

   After finishing speaking, Ji Tianxing took out more than one hundred jade slips, books and gold paper from the space ring and placed them in front of Lan'er.

   He only left the three god-king materials, and all other things were returned to Lan'er.

   Then, he pulled Yun Yao around and was about to leave.

   It is a waste of time to reason with a crazy person like Laner.


   Lan'er ignored the jade slips, gold paper and books, and her figure flashed to block the door of the secret room.

   She stopped Ji Tianxing and Yunyao from going, looked at them sadly, and said in a low tone: "Master Tianxing, do you think this is the case? Is it true?

   is your intrusion that wakes me up from my slumber for thousands of years and almost killed me.

   The only thing that supports me to live is that obsession.

   If you just leave like this, will you really feel at ease? "

   Ji Tianxing frowned and asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

   Without waiting for Lan'er to answer, Yun Yao reminded her via voice transmission: "Actually, she is not crazy. She knows you are not Chao Qingyu, but she wants us to help her find it."

as predicted.

   Lan'er stared at Ji Tianxing and asked, "You have seen Chaoqingyu, right?"

   Ji Tianxing was full of vigilance, and asked, "What nonsense are you talking about? How can I be so young~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how could I have met him?"

   "Hehehe..." Lan'er showed a meaningful smile and whispered: "About a thousand years ago, you have seen Chaoqingyu. It seems that you... have played against each other?"

   "???" Ji Tianxing's eyes suddenly brightened, flashing a sharp cold light, and his heart was extremely alert and jealous.

   Lan'er saw him full of vigilance and waved his hand quickly: "Don't ask me how I know, I guessed it!"

   Of course, Ji Tianxing didn't believe it, and thought to himself: "Damn it! How does she know this secret?

   Could she eavesdrop on my thoughts?

   Or, can she spy on my fascinating memory?

   If this is the case, it would be terrible! "

   Just as the two sides were deadlocked, Ji Tianxing hesitated.

  The gate of the shrine thousands of miles away suddenly lit up with brilliant divine light, exuding powerful divine power fluctuations.


   With a dull loud noise, the two gates of the shrine opened!

   is not opened from the inside, but pushed away from the outside!

   Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, and Lan'er's spirits all probed into this scene.

   The three of them changed their faces immediately.


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