Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3246: Across the ocean to kill you

   Ji Tianxing explained to everyone the efficacy and power of the Samsara Killing Array, also to appease everyone.

   Otherwise, how dare everyone follow him and stay in the sapphire shrine?

   If there is no corresponding certainty, once a middle **** king breaks into this place, Ji Tianxing and everyone are worried about their lives.

   Since Ji Tianxing has confidence in the Samsara Killing Array, everyone no longer has to worry about it.

   Seeing everyone's look tired and weak, Ji Tianxing said: "Everyone will help me set up during this period. I must be extremely tired. Go back to recuperate and adjust my breath."

   Lin Xue, Blood Fantasy God Sovereign and Nie Feiyun didn't think much about it.

   Everyone nodded and expressed their understanding.

   When Bai Long and Ji Wushuang also entered the tower, and returned to the twisted time and space to recuperate, only Yun Yao and Ji Ke were left beside Ji Tianxing.

   The two women were not in a hurry to return to the tower to rest. They both looked at Ji Tianxing and asked questions in their hearts.

   "Brother Tianxing, we only changed the formation of the gate of the shrine, are you sure it will work?"

   "Tian Xing, even if the formation of the gate of the shrine is strengthened, the defense formation covering the shrine is still a bit weak."

   Ji Tianxing looked at them and smiled and said: "You still know me, and you are careful and thoughtful.

   That’s right, it’s not enough to strengthen the gate of the shrine. I have to strengthen the defensive formation of the shrine.

   It's just that the defensive formation that covers the shrine covers a radius of two hundred miles.

   It is not easy to reinforce and transform this divine formation. "

   Yunyao added: "Furthermore, everyone has cast spells for many days and has long been overwhelmed.

   So you asked everyone to go back and adjust their breath. Do you plan to strengthen the defense line alone? "

   Ji Tianxing nodded and acknowledged.

   Ji Ke said worriedly: "Brother Tianxing, you are so considerate of everyone, but what about yourself?

   You first helped Chao Qingyu to heal the wounds, but did not rest afterwards, and you concentrated on arranging the samsara killing formation...

   So many days in a row, you must be very tired, let us help you. "

   Yunyao also nodded quickly, and said with concern: "You are not only too tired to reinforce the defense formation by yourself, but also the efficiency will not be fast. We will move faster together."

   The two were so considerate of him, and they strongly demanded to help him, how could he refuse?

   So, Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement, and said with satisfaction, "The two of you who understand me the most and understand me the most.

   Okay, then let's act together! "

   After finishing speaking, Ji Tianxing took Yun Yao and Ji Ke to observe the defensive formation of the divine palace.

   The defensive mask covering the entire shrine is like a huge ball of light suspended in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

   The defensive power of this mask is good, and the structure is relatively complicated, with as many as 140 million threads.

   Even if Ji Tianxing used the secret method of the **** pupil, it took a long time to figure out the structure of the big formation.

   He is thinking hard, his brain is running fast, thinking about what kind of magical formation and what method to use to strengthen and strengthen the defense formation.

   Within an hour, he tried more than a dozen divine formations and methods, and conducted hundreds of deductions and predictions.

   Finally, he succeeded in finding a way.

  "Using the method of reverse cutting and point integration, from twelve different positions, the Xuanwu Conferred God Formation was integrated into this defensive formation.

   The success rate of this approach should be over 90%.

   Once successful, the power of the defense formation will be increased by more than three times!

   Although, there is still a certain gap compared with the king-level mid-level **** formation.

   But it’s better than now, even if there is a god-king powerhouse to crack it, it will take more time and means..."

   Ji Tianxing muttered to himself.

After    made up his mind, he told Yunyao and Ji Ke his thoughts, thoughts, and methods of formation.

   Yunyao and Ji Ke are both the proud daughters of the heavens who have the inheritance of the **** king, and they are very talented and intelligent.

   Ji Tianxing only said it once, and they understood.

   After confirming that there was no problem, the three of them flew into the sky, each occupying a prescription position, and began to work together to cast spells.

   Of course, in the process of casting and deploying the formation, the act of Jitian is still dominant.



   The three of them looked solemnly, pinching the magic art with both hands, and constantly releasing rays of divine power.

   Thousands of divine light rays, like sharp arrows, have penetrated the southeast corner of the colorful sky.

   After the three of them cast spells for half an hour, they opened a gap of a hundred feet long in the southeast corner of the sky.

   This is the first step in the formation, first cut through the defensive formation of the shrine.

   Then, the three of Ji Tianxing released their divine light and injected them into the gap to construct a small basaltic conferred **** formation.

   This is the second step, the so-called sub-point integration.

   After a whole day, the small Xuanwu Conferred God Formation was completed and gradually merged into the sky, and the gap was healed.

   Such a scene invigorated Ji Tianxing, and said with satisfaction, "Sure enough, this method is feasible."

   However, he did not relax.

  Because he wants to cut twelve gaps from different directions on the colorful sky, and integrate twelve small basaltic seals into it.

   In this way, twelve Xuanwu Conferred God Formations will condense into a complete Xuanwu God Formation.

   At that time, the basaltic sacred formation will be completely integrated with the colorful sky curtain, and the defensive formation of the shrine will be strengthened, and it will be done!

   On the first day, the three of Ji Tianxing completed one twelfth.

   The next day, they repeated their old tricks and opened a gap in another direction to merge into a small magical formation.

   The third day, fourth day, fifth day...

   As time passed, day after day passed.

   Until the early morning of the eleventh day, the three of Ji Tianxing went into the sky and merged into ten small divine formations.

   In two more days, the task will be completed!

  Although the three of them are very tired, but thinking that success is in front of them, all three of them stubbornly support.

   After the successful transformation of Dazhen, they will take a good rest.

   However... things are counterproductive.

   On this morning, when the sun is rising.

   Outside the gate of Qingyu Shrine, a group of uninvited guests came~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huh! Huh huh! "

   A splendid multicolored divine light, wrapped in more than twenty figures, landed in the sea of ​​clouds outside the gate.

   After the dazzling divine light was condensed, twenty-three strong Protoss appeared.

   If Ji Tianxing saw these people, he would be surprised.

  Because these people are the gods of Yan Tiangang and several major sects!

   It's just that everyone suffered serious injuries, they looked miserable and embarrassed, and their expressions were quite sad.

   They all maintained awe and looked at the crowd, the strong Protoss who was ten feet tall, dressed in bronze armor, and carrying a war halberd!

   "Respected Lord God, we are here, this is the Qingyu Shrine."

no doubt.

   That heterogeneous protoss with a thick body and a rock-like skin is a strong **** king!

   And Yan Tiangang and the gods of various sects were captured by him, and had to obey him!

   The alien **** king stepped out of the crowd, his eyes were cold looking at the sapphire shrine, the corner of his mouth evoked a cruel grin.

   "Damn little thief, this king has traveled across the ocean to kill you, and now he has found your lair, see where you go?!"



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