Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3247: You are expropriated

   The head of the alien king is big and his face is square, like a rock.

   Except for the cold eyes, it can be seen that the cruel grin on his face is not obvious.

   After all, a rock-skinned protoss like him is almost equivalent to facial paralysis.

   Unless it is a very exaggerated expression, it can be clearly seen.

  The general subtle expression, there is almost no reaction on his face.

   Although, this seems a bit funny.

   But Yan Tiangang and many gods, none of them dared to laugh, they all maintained a respectful posture and stood with their heads down.

   There is no way, the previous experience and encounters have caused them indelible shock and fear.

  Many gods don’t want to recall that scene, and they tremble with fear when they think of it.

   This matter, I have to talk about it half a month ago.

   That evening, the sun set.

   The afterglow of the setting sun is scattered among the mountains.

   Yan Tiangang and twenty-four gods and powerhouses are flying over the mountains, rushing towards the Great Yan Emperor.

   At that time, they were only a few hundred thousand li away from the imperial capital, and they would arrive in two hours.

   is about to return to the imperial capital, their emotions are very relaxed, and their vigilance has long been eliminated.

  Before in Qingyu Shrine, they were defeated by Ji Tianxing's sword and suffered humiliation.

   In order to survive, Yan Tiangang and the leaders of the four major sects and aristocratic families joined forces to resist Ji Tianxing and cover the escape of 20 high-ranking gods.

   These twenty-five gods escaped from the Qingyu Shrine at the fastest speed and finally saved their lives.

   But their injuries are serious and their strength is extremely weak.

   Escaped the sea of ​​clouds secret realm, and flew to the southeast for seven days, but everyone couldn't support it.

   Under Yan Tiangang's arrangement, everyone hid in a secluded place and healed and adjusted their breath for ten days.

   After everyone's injuries stabilized, and most of their strength recovered, they continued to return to the imperial capital.

   Along the way, everyone didn't dare to relax their vigilance, and was always ready for Ji Tianxing to chase him.

   Now everyone is returning to the imperial capital, and Ji Tianxing has never appeared.

   Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a feeling of rejoicing for the rest of their lives.

   Of course, the leaders of the four major sects and aristocratic families have consulted with Yan Tiangang.

   This time everyone planted such a big somersault in the Qingyu Shrine, not to mention the heavy losses, and the humiliation.

   In any case, they must seek revenge on Ji Tianxing!

   The five top powerhouses gathered together to discuss countermeasures and plans, and plot how to deal with Ji Tianxing.

   But at this time.

   In the sky on the left front of the team, a strange person suddenly appeared.

   That is a giant ten feet tall, like an iron tower.

   He was wearing a rusty bronze armor, and he was dragging a simple vicissitudes of life, an ancient halberd covered with patina.

   This person looks very strange. The face, neck and hands under the armor are all condensed like rocks.

  So that, his whole person is like a stone hill, very solid and heavy, with a strong sense of oppression.

   But he just looks cumbersome, flying in the sky, but the speed is terrible!

   The way he rushes is also very special.

   Unlike many gods, they braved the light all over, piercing the sky like lightning.

   He just took steps, trotting across the sky all the way.

   But every step he takes, he can teleport thousands of miles away.

   And, he can teleport, teleport and teleport continuously!

   I don’t seem to know that I’m tired, and my divine power won’t be exhausted.

   Seeing this scene, Yan Tiangang and many gods were shocked and unbelievable.

   In their cognition, even the pinnacle **** can only teleport ten consecutive times at most, not exceeding a distance of 10,000 miles.

   After ten teleports, you must exercise your energy to adjust your breath, otherwise the divine power will be greatly damaged and the divine body will also be damaged.

   But the rock giant in the bronze armor was not affected at all.

   Yan Tiangang and many gods were surprised, and at the same time realized that the strength of the rock giant was terrifying.

   must have surpassed the realm of the gods, and is the legendary **** king!

   When everyone thought of this, everyone was excited and excited, and couldn't help but exclaim.

   Many people have the same thoughts.

   "God! The King of God! The King of Great Gods has appeared!"

   "The legendary king and strongman appeared! I was so lucky to be able to see it with my own eyes!"

  "In our Great Yan Empire, at least three thousand years have not seen a strong God King.

   It is a great blessing to see it with my own eyes today! "

   "Hahaha... We are so lucky to see the King of God with our own eyes!

   After I go back, I want to tell others, I’m so proud! "

   Everyone was excited, only Yan Tiangang and the leaders of the four major sects and aristocratic families calmed down quickly after being excited.

   They frowned because they felt bad.

   "For no reason, how can there be a strong God King to the Great Yan Empire?"

   "Also, looking at the movements of the alien king, it seems that he is also going to the imperial capital!"

   "A strong **** king is enough to destroy the entire imperial capital! What does that **** king do when he goes to the emperor? Isn't it bad for the empire?"

  The vision and pattern of other gods are not high, and they only care about excitement and excitement.

   But Yan Tiangang and the four leaders have different identities and status, so naturally they look farther and think more.

   I don’t know if their worries have worked, or if they are unlucky enough.

   The rock giant who was teleporting wildly thousands of miles away suddenly stopped.

   He stood in the sky, slowly turned around, staring at the crowd indifferently.

   Actually, the god-king powerhouse has a very powerful spiritual sense.

   As early as the two sides were 70 thousand miles apart, he felt Yan Tiangang and others.

   However, he seemed to have something in his mind, so he ignored and ignored Yan Tiangang and others.

   But it's different now.

   The distance between the two sides was too close, and the rock giant discovered that Yan Tiangang and others were top high-ranking gods.

  Moreover, everyone is dressed in luxurious clothes and has extraordinary bearing. They are obviously the uppermost in power.

   Then, the rock giant turned and flew towards everyone.

   Yan Tiangang and more than twenty gods ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stopped immediately.

   Even a stupid person realizes something is wrong.

   Everyone turned around without hesitation and tried their best to escape.

   However, these are all in vain.

  As soon as the crowd was about to disperse and escape, the rock giant waved the bronze halberd, splashing out the dark golden light that covered the sky.

   "Wh! Wah! Wah!"

   The dazzling dark golden divine light formed an aperture of five hundred li, shrouded from the sky.


   In this way, a dark golden sky covering five hundred miles of heaven and earth was formed in the blink of an eye.

   Before everyone could escape, they were enveloped by the golden light curtain.

   Everyone rushed to the edge of the light curtain, desperately attacking the light curtain, trying to open the gap and escape.

   But this is self-defeating.

   The golden light curtain is very strong, even if everyone tries their best, they can't shake it.

   Under the worried and fearful eyes of everyone, the rock giant came to the top of the light curtain, condescending and grinning.

  "Strong ants, it’s nice to meet you.

  From now on, you have been conquered by the great King Yanke! "


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