Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3248: The means of the king

   The rock giant's voice is sonorous and powerful, with a tone of metal impact.

   This is a racial characteristic, which makes his voice more penetrating and deterrent.

   Yan Tiangang and many gods, only then knew he was called the King Yanke.

   Although the words ‘strong ants’ sound particularly harsh.

   But when the gods think about it, they are relieved.

   For those who are strong in the king, there are ants under the king.

   God King Realm is the pinnacle of this world, a powerful existence at the top of the food chain.

   And Yan Tiangang and many gods, although they are very close to the realm of the gods, they are still far from the gods, and they are still ants.

   can only be regarded as a stronger ant at best.

   Yan Tiangang and the gods did not feel angry or humiliated.

   They are just afraid in their hearts, worrying and anxious about the next thing.

   At a critical juncture, Yan Tiangang can still remain calm and composed.

   He was not in danger, looked up at King Yanke with a calm expression, and said without humility, "Master Yanke from afar, this is the territory of the Great Yan Empire.

   For guests from afar, our Great Yan Empire welcomes them very much.

  Especially a noble God King like you, but also a guest of our empire.

   Ask God King Yanke to remove this seal, but if you have any instructions, we are willing to help you! "

   Yan Tiangang put his posture very low, and showed enough respect and courtesy to King Yanke.

   The leaders of the four major sects and aristocratic families also understood why Yan Tiangang did this, and agreed.

   After all, the **** king in front of him can't afford to provoke him, so he can only give it to him.

   If you provoke it, everyone will be miserable.

   Yan Tiangang thought, he was so low-pitched, how could King Yanke do superficial skills, right?

as predicted.

   The King Yanke stared at Yan Tiangang, and after looking at it carefully, he showed a playful smile.

   He removed the light curtain covering the world with his palm, and said with a smile: "Very well, you old man is very witty!

   500,000 miles ahead is the imperial capital of the Great Yan Empire, right?

  Looking at the direction of your flight, should you also go to the Imperial Capital? "

   After the dark golden light curtain was removed, Yan Tiangang and the many gods were relieved and a little relieved.

   Regarding the question of King Yanke, Yan Tiangang also quickly responded: "Yes, the imperial capital is 500,000 li ahead, and we also want to return to the imperial capital.

   Dare to ask Lord God, do you want to go to the imperial capital too? What's the cost? "

   "Hehehe..." God King Yanke grinned sneer, and said with a more joking tone: "There is a humble dog thief who stole this king's life-like treasure and fled to this empire.

   This king wants to take back the treasure and smash him into pieces!

   However, the dog thief hid.

   This king needs a lot of helpers to help him find the dog thief! "

   Yan Tiangang and many gods are smart people, and they understand the meaning of King Yanke.

   He is going to the imperial capital to catch a strong man!

   Everyone can imagine that the simplest and most effective way is to kill King Yanke into the palace and control Emperor Dayan.

   In this way, King Yanke can manipulate the power of the Great Flame Empire and call on countless powerful people to serve him!

   At the thought of this, Yan Tiangang was secretly wary.

   Yanke Shenwang glanced over Yan Tiangang and others, and then said: "Look at your strength and clothing, and listen to what you just said...

  If this king guessed correctly, you are all the top dignitaries of the Great Flame Empire, right?

   Explain your identities honestly, otherwise this king will... you know! "

   Everyone was swept by his gaze, they felt that their backs were chilling, and they were panicked.

   The leaders of the four sects and aristocratic families hesitated for a while, and all answered truthfully: "Return to Lord God, Lao Yu is the lord of Qian Yuanzong, Qian Yuanzong is one of the six sects of the empire."

   "The Lord of Enlightenment God King, below is the palace lord of Kaitian Palace, which is also one of the six major sects of the Empire."

   "Enlighten the Lord God, I am the patron of Lingfeng Pavilion..."

  "Xiao Ke Lei Qianjie is the head of the contemporary Lei family.

   Our Lei family has a heritage of more than 21,000 years and is one of the four great families of the empire. "

   After hearing the answers of the four strong men, King Yanke knew that he was right. These people were all top strong and powerful.

   Then, he looked at Yan Tiangang with scorching eyes, and asked: "Where are you? Who are you?"

   "Old man..." Yan Tiangang hesitated for a moment, and then replied respectfully: "Return to the God King, the old man is one of the six sect masters just like them."

   Since he knew the purpose of King Yanke, how dare he easily reveal his identity?

   But, how can King Yanke be fooled?

   He immediately frowned, showed an angry face, and sneered: "Fart! You are the strongest here and the leader of everyone.

   Not only those ants, but also the four Sovereigns and Patriarchs, they also treat you with respect and respect. The head of the horse is looking. Are you blind when you are the king? "

  While talking, he waved out the golden light, condensed into a golden light giant palm, and captured a hapless god.


   As he squeezed hard, the god-lord exploded on the spot and turned into a **** mud, splashing around.

   Even the godhead of the **** is crushed to pieces.

   The blood and flesh mud splashing around sprayed on the bodies of the surrounding gods, staining them into blood people.

  A high-ranking **** in the Eightfold Realm, in front of King Yanke, he was so fragile and vulnerable!

  The sudden scene shook everyone, shivering and shivering!

   There are several gods, all of them pale with fright, cold sweat on their foreheads, and subconsciously turned and fled.


   God King Yanke didn't go after him, waved his hand again and shot a golden light.


   A giant golden palm appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~, carrying dozens of laws and supernatural powers, descended from the sky and captured a god.

   "Who dares to run away will end up like him!"

   God King Yanke gave a cold cry, and squeezed the **** king again, splashing out blood mist.

   Suddenly, several other gods who were desperately fleeing were also scared to stop and flew back obediently.

  Because they all clearly sensed that King Yanke released an invisible supernatural power and had already sealed a 10,000-mile radius.

   They can't escape at all!

   Two consecutive gods were squeezed and exploded. The scene was **** and horrible, making everyone panic and desperate.

   Yan Tiangang didn't dare to lie any more, and quickly bowed to apologize, saying: "The old man is confused for a while, please calm down the Lord God!

   The old man confessed truthfully. The old man was the fifth emperor of the Great Yan Empire. "

   God King Yanke immediately smiled happily: "It turned out to be the ancestor of Emperor Dayan, so it would be easier!

  From now on, you are the slaves of this king!

   If you do things for the king wholeheartedly, you will not only avoid death, but you may also be rewarded by the king.

   If it is a violation of righteousness and slackness, this king will kill you all! "


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