Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3252: The middle **** king shot?

   Hearing the words of King Yanke, Yan Tiangang and others breathed a sigh of relief.

   As long as they are not allowed to die, they are willing to watch the battle.

   The King Yanke walked to the gate of the shrine, performing his pupil magical powers.

   Almost every strong **** king masters one or two magic pupil secret methods.

   With the magical power of pupil technique, you can clearly observe the formation, see through concealment and blindness, etc.

   Whether it is arranging, breaking the formation, or refining alchemy, or refining tools, the magical powers of the pupil technique are indispensable.

   In the big bronze bell eyes of King Yanke, a pair of gray-brown pupils immediately became golden light.

   Under the blessing of the mystical pupil method, he can see through immediately. The half-meter-thick multicolored mask in front of him contains more than 280 million veins.

   Its structure is extremely complicated, it seems that they are layered on top of each other and merged with each other.

   God King Yanke can be sure that this is a genuine king-level middle-grade **** formation.

   Moreover, the strange layout and ingenious design of this sacred formation had never been seen before.

   He stared at the Samsara Killing Array intently, watching for a quarter of an hour before he could see the overall structure of the Array.

   His face became ugly, his eyes narrowed fiercely, and he thought to himself: "Damn! This is definitely not a sapphire formation, this king dare to bet his life!

   Not to mention that he is a lower **** king, even if he is this king, it is impossible to arrange such a profound formation within a month!

   Is this king guessing right, Chao Qingyu has really found a helper?

   Besides, is he still a middle-ranked king who is proficient in formation?

  If this is the case, then it will be troublesome!

   This king’s Wind Thunder Soul Washing Pill, I’m afraid I can’t get it back! "

  When I thought of this, King Yankee's eyes became darker, and his heart was both angry and irritable.

   God knows what a huge price he paid for that wind thunder soul washing pill.

   That is his only hope to strengthen his bloodline, transform his soul and body, and it is also his chance to hit the upper **** king!

   It is no exaggeration to say that the preciousness of that Fenglei Soul Washing Pill is second only to his life and life skills.

   If he can't take it back, he will go crazy with anger!

   God King Yanke took a deep breath, suppressed the irritation and anger in his heart, and thought to himself: "This king must be calm. Even if you are on guard, you can't scare yourself.

   is just a king-level mid-level **** formation, and it doesn't represent anything.

   This king will take more thought and time, and he will be able to crack it!

   After the king breaks through the door and enters the shrine, he will act by chance.

   If Chao Sapphire really has the help of the middle **** king, even if the king is lost, he can retreat and escape. "

   made up his mind, King Yanke no longer thought about it.

   He stared at the reincarnation killing formation intently, observing and analyzing intently.

  Although he is a middle-ranked god, he can also arrange more than one hundred kinds of king-level middle-rank gods.

   However, it takes more than five days for him to complete most of the king-level mid-level **** formations.

   And it takes at least three days to crack most of the king-level middle-grade **** arrays.

of course.

   This reincarnation killing array in front of him is not an ordinary king-level middle-grade **** array.

   It is more complicated, profound and changeable!

   The King Yanke secretly made up his mind that even if it took ten and a half days, he must crack it.

   Time passed quietly.

   One hour, two hours, three hours...

   Unconsciously, half a day passed.

   God King Yanke stood motionless under the gate, still watching intently, without ever moving.

   Seeing this scene, Yan Tiangang, Lei Qianjie and others, all muttered in their hearts.

   The five gods get together and communicate secretly.

   "What's going on? King Yanke has been observing for so long, hasn't he found a way to break the formation?"

   "I don't know what formation it is, the power is so terrifying, I have never seen it in my life!"

   "No matter what, we are almost wiped out this time!

   Even if King Yanke breaks the big formation, our loss is irreparable. "

   "You want to start! Let's fight against Tianxing first, and then meet the tyrant, King Yanke, who can save our lives."

   Suddenly, the Master Lingfeng Pavilion saw that Yan Tiangang was silent, so he asked through a voice transmission: "Ancestor, why are you silent? What are you thinking?"

  Opening Tianfuzhu, Lei Qianjie and Qianyuan Sect Master, all immediately looked at Yantiangang.

   Yan Tiangang's tone was rather solemn, and the sound transmission said: "The old man is thinking about a question, who arranged this defensive array?

   is so powerful? Even King Yanke is helpless?

  According to King Yanke, the King of Jade was seriously injured and was on the verge of coma when he fled back to the Great Yan Empire.

  Such an injury, it is impossible to recover within a month.

   The azure jade **** king is the next **** king, and it is even more impossible to lay down this king-level middle-grade **** formation. "

   The four powerhouses were also silent, Lei Qianjie tried to say: "You mean, the azure jade **** king has helpers, it is most likely the middle **** king?"

   Kaitian Palace Lord was startled, and said worriedly: "If this is the case, God King Yanke has no chance of winning? Then we become his accomplices, isn't it dead?"

   The four strong men are full of anxiety.

   Yan Tiangang said solemnly: "No! There are only two **** kings in the entire Tianbei region, and only the domain master is the middle **** king.

   Will the domain master come here? Obviously not!

   Therefore, the old man suspected that the **** formation was not arranged by the middle **** king. "

   The four powerhouses were all startled, and asked quickly: "Apart from the middle-ranked king, who else can do it?"

   "Tian Xing!" Yan Tiangang paused and said the name.

   The four powerhouses were a little dumbfounded and exclaimed in disbelief.

"how can that be?"

   "He is also a god, how can he set up a king-level **** formation?"

   "No! More than a month has passed, that guy hasn't left the shrine yet?"

   Seeing that the four strong men do not believe it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yan Tiangang said solemnly: "Although this answer sounds absurd, the old man can't believe it.

   But the old man, after various considerations and considerations, is convinced that only this answer is the truth! "

   Everyone was shocked.

   After a long silence, Sovereign Qian Yuan asked in a voice transmission: "Ancestor, what should we do in your opinion?"

   Yan Tiangang said solemnly: "Wait! We have already lost so terribly, as long as we can save our lives, there is nothing to lose.

   Wait for King Yanke to crack the big formation and enter the Qingyu Shrine.

   If the facts are as the old man expected, King Yanke will kill Tianxing.

   By then, we can witness Tian Xing's death with our own eyes, and it will be revenge. "

   Lingfeng Pavilion Master asked again: "Where is the azure jade king? I will also be killed by the Yanke **** king, don't we also have a contribution?"

   Yan Tiangang's tone was a bit cold, and he said solemnly: "The Jade God King is a citizen of the empire, and we shouldn't be a tiger.

   But the King Yanke is so powerful, we are also helpless, so we have to seek skin from the tiger.

  Whether we can serve is the second, the key is that we have to stare at King Yanke.

   After this matter is over, it is best to let him leave the Great Flame Empire, so that we can be considered safe. "


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