Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3253: The final formation

   Yan Tiangang's analysis made the four powerhouses start to understand.

  Lei Thousand Tribulations thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "Ancestor, is it possible...Shall we try to keep King Yanke as the backer of the Great Yan Empire?"

   As soon as this statement came out, Yan Tiangang, Lingfeng Pavilion Master, Qianyuan Sect Master, and Kaitian Palace Master were all in a trance.

   was silent for a long time, and then the Lord Kaitian said dumbfounded: "Brother Lei, you are simply fantastic!

  What is the identity of King Yanke?

   No matter where you are, you are the overlord of one party, the lord of the domain!

  A mere empire, what will keep him? "

   Although the words of Kai Tianfuzhu are not very pleasant, it is true.

   Yan Tiangang and others were silent and agreed.

  Thousand Tribulations of Thunder only then woke up, knowing that I took it for granted.

   Fortunately, the divine body has been destroyed, otherwise, in such an embarrassing situation, he will definitely face red.

   After communicating here, the five strong people have a bottom.

   They stay here, although they can't help much, just watch the excitement.

   Time continues to pass.

   Soon, one day passed.

   As night fell, King Yanke, who had been motionless and focused on observing the God formation, suddenly let out a sigh of relief.


   His tight nerves finally let go.

   There was also a gratifying smile on the hazy face.

   "So that's it! It's so ingenious and incredible!

   The **** king who arranged this divine formation is definitely the great master of the formation, and the depth of accomplishment makes this king amazed! "

   God King Yanke muttered to himself, and said with a chuckle: "However, this king's formation cultivation is not low, after all, I can see through it!"


   It took a day for King Yanke to finally understand the structure and operation principle of the Samsara Killing Array.

   Although this is only a small step towards a successful breakthrough, it is also worthy of joy.

   Next, he restrained his mind and began to meditate, deducing and testing the method of breaking the formation.

   Peace is again under the gate of the shrine.

   Yan Tiangang and others saw that King Yanke made some progress, and were relieved, and continued to wait quietly.

  Unconsciously, another day passed.

   Yanke Shenwang thought and deduced for a whole day, and finally selected three feasible solutions to break the formation.

   So, he began to use the magical powers of the formation, trying to break the formation one by one.


   The seemingly huge, thick, rock-like palms, waved very flexibly, quickly blasting thousands of divine lights, and injecting them into the colorful mask.

   As countless divine lights enter the reincarnation killing array, the power of the large array is affected, and the formation context continues to stagnate and block.

  So that, the divine light of the colorful mask fluctuates endlessly, and the ghost of the dragon and the thunder flash continuously.

   The power of the big array began to explode and became very unstable.

   Yan Tiangang and others sensed the danger, and quickly retreated five hundred miles away.

  They are also afraid, if the divine formation breaks out again, they will definitely die.

   One hour, three hours...

   Eight hours later, the power of the Samsara Killing Array rioted, the divine light flashed wildly, and finally burst out a devastating attack.

   "Wh! Wah! Wah!"

   Thousands of Lightning Lights, mixed with black death light blades, crimson Nine Heavens Glazed Fire, icy blue North Ming Ice Blade...

  Six kinds of divine power brilliance of different colors, falling like a flood, flooded a hundred miles around.

   The power of the six different attributes are actually blended together, endlessly, and complementary in power.

   God King Yanke did not dare to neglect, he quickly stopped breaking the formation and went all out to defend.

   still opened the bronze armor to protect himself.

   And, the rock skin has also evolved into dark gold, displaying the strongest defensive magic.

   "Boom! Boom boom!"

   The six-color divine light that ruined the heavens and the earth, sealed a hundred li, and continued to kill.

   Within just twenty breaths, King Yanke was bombarded more than 3,000 times!

  Rao is that no matter how strong his defense is, he also suffered a loss this time.

   After all, those six terrifying supernatural powers simulate the six ways of reincarnation, possess infinite power and mystery.

   The bronze armor of King Yanke was blasted out of dozens of basin-sized pits, and there were more than 30 cracks.

   The dark golden skin also burst open four wounds, and grey blood continued to burst out.

  His blood is weird, it is cement-grey, thick like mud.

   Although, this is the unique heritage of the Yan clan.

   But King Yanke knows that this is also the fetter that caused the children of the Yan family to be destined not to become the upper **** king!

   also because of this, he did everything possible to get that wind thunder soul washing pill at any cost...

   After a long time, the magical brilliance like the six reincarnations finally dissipated.

  The reincarnation killing array returned to peace.

   God King Yanke hurriedly checked the situation, his face suddenly collapsed and he was full of disappointment.

   It's only because the divine power he had entered the big formation eight hours ago was all discharged.

   The first plan to break the formation, obviously failed!

   "This sacred formation is really extraordinary!" God King Yanke murmured, but he was not discouraged, and continued to try the second plan to break the formation.


   This time, he changed to another spellcasting method, constantly playing dazzling divine light, into the reincarnation killing array.


at the same time.

   Inside the Green Jade Shrine, Ji Tianxing took Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others, and set out for two consecutive days and four hours!

   The continuous high-intensity casting and the full deployment at any cost made everyone exhausted, pale and sweating.

   Everyone was not only tired, but also consumed most of their strength and became quite weak.


   The last two small basalt conferred formations were successfully integrated into the defense formation.

   With the help of everyone, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Ji Ke completed the task ahead of schedule!

   The twelve basaltic sacred formations merged into different directions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ combined with the defensive formations, which immediately caused a change!

   The defensive array covering two hundred miles of heaven and earth exploded with dazzling divine light, which shook and waved violently.

   The surface of the colorful sky curtain, like a huge wave, transforms into a mysterious scene.

  The divine light is dazzling, the divine power is powerful and powerful, and there are thousands of phantoms of thunder, purple lightning, and dragon and basalt flashing in the sky.

   Such a magnificent sight made Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and Nie Feiyun amazed, all in a dazzling state.

   Under the gaze of everyone, the twelve basaltic conferred spirit formations are interconnected, releasing hundreds of millions of divine light beams, cruising through the colorful sky, weaving and drawing more complex veins.

   What has changed with this is the quality and power of the colorful sky curtain, which is constantly improving!

   Everything is going well, just as Ji Tianxing expected.

   After just half a quarter of an hour, this defensive formation has completed its transformation, and its rank has been upgraded by one level, and it has become a basaltic conferred **** formation.

   Although, it is still a king-level inferior **** formation.

   But it is second to none in the king-level lower grade **** array!

   Compared to before, the defense of the big formation has increased four times!


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