Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3259: Exposed strength

   Being teased several times in a row, King Yanke is going crazy.

   Every time he breaks the reincarnation killing formation, it is the most critical moment.

   Ji Tianxing would interrupt him, let him give up his previous work and start over.

   Although, he tried to restrain his curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

   But the past events that Ji Tianxing told were all secrets he didn't know, and they also contained the truth he wanted to explore.

   came back and forth several times, a few days later, God King Yanke was far away from the truth he wanted.

   He is going crazy.

   After learning from the pain, he understood Ji Tianxing's intention, which was to delay time.

   Even though, he still doesn't know how Ji Tian's behavior is delaying time, and what conspiracy he has.

   But he was completely determined, no matter how amazing the secrets Ji Tianxing said, he would never listen to it again.


   He squeezed the magic trick with both hands, and used his power to cast spells, closing his own hearing.

   In this way, he won't hear any sound.

  Moreover, he also blocked the sense of spiritual consciousness, and would not hear the voice of Ji Tianxing.

  Using these two methods, he can guarantee that he will not be disturbed by Ji Tianxing.

   Unless Ji Tianxing stepped out of the divine palace, he personally attacked him.

   In that case, he doesn't even need to crack the magic array, and can directly capture Ji Tianxing.


   God King Yanke casts the spell again, continuously releasing the divine light, entering the samsara killing array, and beginning to break the formation.

   Ji Tianxing didn't say anything any more, just a playful smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered to himself: "Close the hearing and the sound transmission of the divine consciousness? Do you think this will prevent you from being disturbed?"

After    finished speaking, he closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the time to pass.

   Soon, six hours passed.

   Yanke God King concentrated to the extreme, and the speed of breaking the formation accelerated.

   In just half a day, his progress in breaking the reincarnation killing array has reached about 90%!

   It's a crucial moment again!

  If there is no accident, one hour later, King Yanke will be able to open the gate of the shrine!

   He was vigilant in his heart, and he looked up at Ji Tianxing to prevent Ji Tianxing from making a sneak attack.


   Just as King Yanke was distracted, the Samsara Killing Array, which had been operating normally, suddenly burst out with power to destroy the world.

   In an instant, the power of the Samsara Killing Array exploded to its extreme, bursting out a dazzling six-color light.


   Endless dazzling divine light, like a mushroom cloud, rose into the sky, drowning the King Yanke.


   God King Yanke was caught off guard, before he could perform his defensive magic skills, he was bombarded by the six-colored lights and flew upside down.

   He flew hundreds of miles away dancing and smashed into the sea of ​​clouds.

   The bronze armor he was wearing was actually buckled and deformed by the impact, and a dozen cracks appeared.

   His tall and sturdy body also became rickety and curled up.

   Even, the chest cavity was sunken, and the blood was constantly spraying out of the mouth and nose, burning into a **** flame in the air.

  The defenseless King Yanke was injured by the Samsara Killing Array.

   and his injuries were serious, making him confused and his divine power plummeted!

   The people who ended up more miserable were Yan Tiangang and others not far away.

  Even though they were hundreds of miles away from the gate of the shrine, the six-color divine light that ruined the world instantly spread to thousands of miles and flooded them.

   Yan Tiangang and others only have the strength of the God Sovereign Realm. They are already seriously injured, leaving only the godhead with weak strength.

  How can they withstand the impact of the six colors of light?

   only heard the cracking sound of "click, click" one after another, and the five gods shattered on the spot under the dazzling light.

  The five people of Yantiangang fell and died aggrieved.

   Dozens of fragments of the godhead fall into the sky and scattered in the sea of ​​clouds.

of course.

  The death of five people in Yantiangang did not cause any waves.

   Ji Tianxing had expected it a long time ago, and there is no mood swing.

  The God King Yanke was seriously injured, and he was shocked and angry, not to mention taking a second look.

   He flew out of the sea of ​​clouds, hurriedly suppressed his injuries, and rushed to the gate of the shrine with rage.

   "You bastard! Sinister and despicable bastard!

   You are done! You are completely finished!

   This king will never let you go, he will kill you anyway! "

  The King Yanke is like a wounded beast, roaring fiercely.

   Ji Tianxing looked down at him condescendingly, and said with a sneer: "Boy, this king has told you so much, don't you understand?

   This king is an existence you can't afford to provoke, leave here as soon as possible, don't seek your own death! "

   The arrogance and contempt between the words is undoubtedly revealed.

  Although, King Yanke also guessed that Ji Tianxing's background is not small, and his background is good, so he felt jealous.

   But as he was burning with anger, he was a little bit irrational.

   There is only one thought in his heart, and that is to rush into the shrine and break Ji Tian into thousands of pieces!

   "Little beast, you are too arrogant!

   Do you think you can scare this king after hearing about certain legends?

   Do you think you are the king of kendo?

   You have already revealed your stuff, know?

   Based on your shot just now, this king can conclude that you only have the strength of the Divine Sovereign Realm! "

  Even though, Ji Tianxing didn't take any action personally, but manipulated the reincarnation to kill the formation.

   But there is a fundamental difference between the **** king and the **** king, which can be distinguished from the breath of divine power.

   This is also the reason why Ji Tianxing didn't make a move before, and only interrupted Yanke with words.

   After all, he didn't want to expose his realm of strength so early.


After    King Yanke finished speaking, he sacrificed the bronze halberd, which floated above his head, shining with a bronze light.

   This is a middle-grade king-level artifact, and it is also the life artifact of King Yanke.

   not only has super lethality, but also has a strong defense force.

   With the protection of the bronze halberd, King Yanke was relieved.

   He spent hundreds of breaths of time, his luck suppressed the injury, and he cracked the sacred formation again.

   This time, Ji Tianxing is no longer merciful.

   He didn't want to wait until King Yanke was about to succeed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Directly manipulated the Samsara to kill the formation and launched an attack on King Yanke.


  The Samsara Killing Array is running at full force, shooting out thousands of six-color divine lights, containing dozens of laws and powers, and launching a bombardment on the King Yanke.

   God King Yanke really should not be underestimated, he has one mind and two purposes.

   While manipulating the bronze halberd, he used the defensive sacred tree to resist the bombardment of thousands of divine lights.

   also displayed the magical powers of the formation, trying his best to break the samsara killing formation.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   "Clang clang clang clang!"

   Thousands of divine light blades shot at King Yanke like a rain of arrows, but they were all blocked by the bronze halberd, and there was a dull loud noise.

  Many divine light blades were shattered, splashing out light fragments overwhelmingly.

   The King Yanke is temporarily safe, and the cast is not interrupted.

  Although, this will have a great impact on his cracking the magic formation, and the progress will be very slow.

   But this is undoubtedly the safest way!

   can cast spells to break the reincarnation killing formation, but will not be interrupted and stopped by Ji Tianxing.

   King Yanke saw the dawn of hope!


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