Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3260: Unbeatable

   Time passed quickly.

   one day, two days, three days...

  The Samsara Killing Array is still in operation, continuously releasing the sacred light blade, and continuously blasting and killing the King Yanke.

   The rusty bronze war halberd, constantly flying, releasing a dark golden light, forming a protective cover.

   Ninety-nine percent of the light blades were blocked by the dark gold shield, intercepted by the bronze halberd, and shattered into pieces.

   There are only a handful of light blades that can hit King Yanke, leaving dents on the bronze armor he is wearing.

  The God King Yanke's divine power is constantly weakening, and his injuries are gradually getting worse, looking a little embarrassed.

   But he clenched his teeth and persisted. It took eight days to finally crack the Samsara killing formation.


   When he succeeded, the Samsara Killing Array suddenly stopped operating and its power was greatly weakened.

   On the half-meter-thick multicolored mask, there was also a gap as big as a water tank.

   Although the gap is not too big, it can only last for ten breaths and it will heal automatically.

   But this is enough for King Yanke!

   "Hahahaha...little beast, depending on how you resist this time, you are dead!"

   God King Yanke smiled triumphantly, ignoring his tired body and spirit, and pushed open the gate of the shrine with his palm.

   The gate of the shrine, which is as high as one hundred meters, slowly opened to both sides.


   Light and shadow flashed, King Yanke passed through the gap in the formation, crossed the gate of the palace, and rushed into the sapphire palace!

   Standing at the top of the gate of the shrine, Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning, his eyes a little serious.

   "Damn it! This guy really deserves to be the Yan clan, with such a strong defense.

   I used the Samsara Killing Array to harass him for so long, and failed to seriously wound him, so I let him rush in. "

   He whispered to himself, then turned his head to look into the depths of the shrine, and sighed in his heart: "Chaoqingyu, Chaoqingyu, you are also the king of the triple realm.

   I helped you heal most of your injuries, and after such a long delay, you should wake up too? "

no doubt.

   Ji Tianxing and King Yanke have been dealing with each other for so long, deliberately delaying time, just wanting to wait for the King of Jade to wake up.

   After all, he is just a god, and without the help of the sapphire god, he would never defeat the **** king Yanke.

   "Little beast, take your life!"

   Just as Ji Tianxing suppressed his worried and anxious thoughts, an angry shout came in his ear.

   I saw the awkward and scarred King Yanke, rushing over in angrily, holding the bronze halberd and smashing it down.


   The bronze war halberd bloomed with dazzling divine light, exploded with the mighty power to suppress everything, and slammed its head like an Optimus Prime.

   Ji Tianxing converged his thoughts, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, and slashed out a sword with all his might.

   "A sword opens the sky!"

   The mighty and mighty divine power exploded through the Heaven Burying Sword, condensing the huge sword that grew to a hundred feet, and slashed to the bronze halberd head on.

   In the next instant, the two collided in the sky, bursting into a loud noise that shook the sky.


   Shocking loud noise burst out, spreading throughout the sapphire shrine, shaking the sky and the earth trembling.

   Hundred-zhang giant sword shattered instantly, splashing out thousands of pieces, bursting out a shock wave that ruined the world.

   The bronze halberd was intact, but the divine light dimmed a bit and consumed a lot of divine power.

   Yanke God King was unharmed, he was shaken back ten steps and stabilized his figure.

   As for Ji Tianxing, he was bombarded and flew out, rolling and smashing thousands of feet away.


   Ji Tianxing hit the ground thousands of meters away, and there was a muffled noise, splashing a lot of dust.

   Although he didn't vomit blood and was injured, his chest rose and fell sharply and his face was a little pale.

   There is no doubt that he and King Yanke are facing each other, without any advantage, only a loss.


   He breathed out a suffocating breath, flew up into the sky, and then revived to kill King Yanke.


   With a wave of the Sky Burial Sword, thousands of thunder swords were sprinkled, carrying dozens of laws and powers, covering the shadow of King Yanke.

   Yanke God King urged his divine power, while condensing the divine light shield, he waved his halberd to resist.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   The vast majority of the lightning sword light was blocked by the bronze halberd, and was crushed on the spot, bursting with a series of muffled noises.

   Even if a few sword lights hit him, they were blocked by the divine light shield and failed to harm him.

   In the blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing's attack was easily resolved.

   This made King Yanke confident and laughed contemptuously: "Hahaha...you shameless little beast, you are really just a god, but you call yourself the king without shame!

   Do you still dare to speak up to this king? Kill you! "

   While talking, King Yanke rushed to Ji Tianxing murderously, waved his halberd fiercely, and launched a violent attack.

   The bronze war halberd bloomed with brilliant divine light, releasing the light and shadow of heavenly magic, and piercing infinite spear light.

   Under the control of King Yanke, the bronze halberd smashed, slashed, stab, or picked, showing a heart-palpitating power, and continued to attack Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing suddenly fell into a dangerous situation, his figure was drowned by the sky's divine light and spear light.

   At this time, he has made up his mind and changed his strategy.

   Limited by the realm of strength, he couldn't fight head-on with King Yanke, it was asking for trouble.

   He could not stop King Yanke’s full attack, nor could he cause effective trauma to King Yanke.

   Facing the aggressive and fierce King Yanke, he can only avoid his edge and try to deal with it.

   "Seven Star Sword!"

   "Broken Moon!"

   "Broken Sun!"

   "Longxiang Shenquan!"

   "Tianlong proudly cut!"

   Ji Tianxing's figure flashed in the sky, teleporting continuously to avoid the onslaught of King Yanke.

   At the same time, he tried his best to display his unique swordsmanship, shed light of sword, and resist the attack of King Yanke.

   It really worked.

   Endless sword light and spear light collided in the sky wantonly, bursting with a loud noise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ billions of divine light fragments were splashed, bursting out a violent shock wave.

   looks terrifyingly moving and powerful, as if to destroy the world.

   But in fact, King Yanke’s fierce attack was basically resolved and avoided by Ji Tianxing.

   The two fought fiercely, and they fought hundreds of moves, and Ji Tianxing was not actually hurt.

   He just dealt with King Yanke, so he could delay the time steadily without life threatening.

  Although, this requires him to concentrate all the time, his divine power is exhausted, and his spirit is tired.

   But he is at his peak, his supernatural power is extremely abundant, and he can support him for a long time.

   The King Yanke is aggressive, attacking hundreds of moves in a row, but nothing has been achieved.

   He was suddenly anxious, and shouted contemptuously: "Boy, weren't you arrogant and pretentious before?

   Why can only dodge now? Do you dare to face the king? "

   Ji Tianxing turned a deaf ear, not angry, and continued to deal with him.

   God King Yanke grinned again: "Do you think this can hold the king and delay time?

too naive!

   This king will let you see now, the inheritance of the Yan clan! "


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