Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3261: Starry sky

   Obviously, King Yanke did not try his best.

   He saw that Ji Tianxing was a god, and he was very contemptuous and disdainful.

   But Ji Tianxing is very cunning. He has been wandering and fighting with him, never confronting him.

  In a rage, King Yanke burst out with all his strength, using the unique magical powers of the Yan clan.

   "The stars are falling!"

   The King Yanke roared, and his body burst into brilliant golden light, exploding with the might of heaven and earth.

   He opened his arms and waved at swift speed, displaying his unique magical powers.

  In a short time, thousands of golden stars appeared in the five thousand miles of sky centered on him.


   There are more than six thousand golden stars, falling like meteors, carrying the power to kill everything, pouring down towards Ji Tianxing.

   At this moment, the world of Five Thousand Miles is shrouded in golden light, it becomes dazzling, and its divine power is mighty.

   His unique magical powers are similar to Ji Tianxing’s Zhutian Sword Formation.

   However, in terms of the profoundness and changes of supernatural powers, it is far less than the Zhutian Sword Formation.

   Even so, thousands of shining golden stars can be killed at the same time, which is enough to kill Ji Tianxing into scum.

   At a critical juncture, Ji Tianxing did not panic either.

   Seeing King Yanke cast a starry sky and clearly see the trajectory of the golden stars in the sky, he was not worried, but showed a playful smile.

   "The starry sky is falling? After a thousand years, I have seen this magic trick again."

   There is no doubt that he had seen the power of this magical power when he fought against Iwa Tae-hyun and Iwalong thousands of years ago.

  Furthermore, the starry sky cast by Yantaixian and Yanlong is even more powerful and terrifying.

   But at that time, he easily solved it, which shocked Yan Taixian and Yanlong.

   Even though, he is not the king of God today.

   Nor can he easily break the starry sky with his superb kendo as he did in the past.

   But his understanding of the starry sky far exceeded the expectations of King Yanke.

   "Boy, you are a starry man. You only learned a few furs. You don't even have 30% of your father's heat. It's really not good!"

   Ji Tianxing did not dodge, he was surrounded by golden light and stars, with a contemptuous sneer on his face.

   As he spoke, he used the Secret Technique of Hundred Sky Promise, and his figure became transparent and blurred.


   Hundreds of golden stars the size of a palace blasted at him like lightning, but they passed through without any delay and encountered no resistance.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   One after another golden stars fell on the ground fiercely, bursting with a deafening noise.

   The entire sapphire shrine was trembling violently, and huge pits appeared one after another on the earth, cracking countless gullies, and splashing out dust covering the sky and the sun.

   Countless stars have disappeared and returned to the earth.

   And Ji Tianxing always stood in the sky, without changing his face, safe and sound.

   Seeing this scene, King Yanke was dumbfounded and dumbfounded in shock.

   "You...how can you..."

   He glared in anger, showed incredible eyes, and couldn't help exclaiming.

   Ji Tianxing looked at him with a smile, and said: "Remember that back then, your father and the swordsman **** king were fighting on the top of the Tianshan Mountains. How dazzling?

   The same is the starry sky, your father can provoke nine thousand extraterrestrial stars, which blast down like a meteor shower.

   Nine thousand stars are condensed to the extreme, all under his control, can form an array instantly.

   The real starry sky is far more than one round of bombardment.

   can also use the formations to cycle and attack, and it can contain more than one hundred laws and powers.

   That is the real starry sky, enough to make all middle-ranked kings fearful.

   And the starry sky that you used, but with a fierce bombardment, all three thousand stars disappeared.

   is really in vain, which is extremely disappointing!

   If your father is still alive, and seeing you so ineffective, I am afraid that you will be mad! "

   Ji Tianxing talked freely, speaking out the essence and mystery of the starry sky, just like the elders are teaching the younger ones.

   God King Yanke was shocked when he heard it, both frightened and angry, and couldn't help roaring.

   "Asshole! What are you, what qualifications do you have to teach this king?

   My father fought with that swordsman **** king, and the world's strongest people have not seen it personally. How could you know?

   You must be making a mess, deliberately disturbing this king's mind! "

   God King Yanke roared, while waving his bronze halberd, desperately attacking Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing remained transparent, and his figure flickered in the sky, as if completely weakened, and easily avoided all attacks.

   While resisting and avoiding the attack of King Yanke, he sneered and said: "Boy, you know that the king's words are true, but you want to deny it without conscience?

   It seems that you have admired your father very much since you were a child. Take him as an example and aspire to become a strong man like him, right?

   Do you think that you have inherited the position of Tianchuan Domain Lord, and are still working hard to cultivate, you can inherit your father's mantle?

   You feel so good about yourself, this is an insult to your father! "


  The King Yanke admired his father, Yanlong since he was a child, and determined to become a strong man like his father, using him as an example and goal.

  Even, he is still stronger than his father because of the blueness.

   But it's a pity that the rock dragon fell more than 900 years ago.

  He inherited the position of Tianchuan Territory and became the strongest member of the Yan clan, but he was hard to support.

   Today's Yan clan, talents withered, power and prestige also plummeted.

   This pair of King Yanke was hit hard, and they have been trying to grow the clan, but with little success.

   Now, Ji Tianxing exposed the truth to his face and hit him mercilessly.

   These words made him very hurt, his confidence and dignity were trampled on, how could he not be furious?

   "Ahhhhh! Shut up! Stop talking!

   What qualifications do you have to comment on this king? What qualifications do you have to discuss your father?

  You are just a weak god~www.wuxiaspot.com~ an ant-like existence! "

  The King Yanke is like a wounded and furious lion, roaring at the same time, he even more fiercely culled Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing’s secret method of Chaotic Heaven and Promise has also been greatly suppressed, and it is difficult to maintain for too long.

   He had to teleport and dodge, avoid the sharp edge of King Yanke, and continue to launch a verbal attack on him.

   "Boy, this king is just telling the truth. Does it hurt your heart and hurt your dignity?

   Ha ha ha... Is it because you are incapable of being a weapon of your own, failing to master the peculiarities of the Yan clan, and you have to hide your ears and steal the bells and deceive yourself?

   You said that this king is weak and ant-like, what about you?

   How can you not even the king, you can only roar, how unbearable? "

   Ji Tianxing's remarks can be said to be condemning every word.

   Every word is like a sharp sword, accurately piercing the heart of King Yanke, and piercing the most sensitive and vulnerable part of his heart.

   This made his emotions even more out of control, his mind was unable to stay awake, and his divine power became disordered.

   "Ah! Who are you?

   Apart from that **** King of Kendo, who else knows this? "


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