Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3273: Upset

Before Ji Tianxing made up his mind, he must keep it secret and never reveal his true identity.

Now Chao Qingyu was suspicious, and tried again and again, and he could not reveal any flaws.

After groaning for a while, he also showed doubts on his face, pretending to be at a loss.

"Is there such a weird thing? It must be a coincidence!

The sapphire **** king did not know that many magical moves of our human race seemed to be very similar.

Especially kendo, it is inextricably changeable, and the similarity is very high.

After all, those **** kings and **** kings will mutually confirm each other when they realize and create some kendo supernatural powers.

What everyone does most often is to learn and learn from the previous exercises.

After tens of thousands of years of development, the supernatural powers and exercises you cultivated naturally became more and more similar. "

When Ji Tianxing broke out this specious theory, he finally passed it by mistake.

Even if Chao Qingyu still had some doubts, he couldn't refute it, and could only nod his head to admit it.

"Master Tianxing makes sense!

So it seems that I really think too much.

I hope Young Master Tianxing doesn't mind, I just have a lot of feelings, and I will think of those memories only when I touch the scene. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "The Jade God King doesn't need to be polite. You have experienced so many hardships and dangers, it's normal to feel a little bit emotional.

Well, if there is nothing else, then I will leave. "

Chao Qingyu didn't say anything any more, held a fist towards Ji Tianxing, bowed solemnly, and said, "Thank you again, Master Tianxing for his life-saving grace!

I don’t know when I will see you again this time. I wish Young Master Tianxing a smooth journey and reach the top! "

Ji Tianxing smiled, waved at him, turned and flew to the vast sea of ​​clouds, all the way south.

Chao Qingyu stood on the spot and waited a full quarter of an hour. After Ji Tianxing disappeared 30,000 miles away, he turned and left.


Back in the alien space, he flew across the sky unhurriedly to meet Lan'er.

On the way, he kept frowning, and thoughts flashed in his mind.

"Is it really that I remembered wrong? Have you thought about it too much?

But this shouldn't be! I remember the look, look and temperament of the human **** king clearly.

Compared with Young Master Tianxing, it is no difference!

How could there be two people so alike in the world?

Could it be that the human **** king lost his memory?

But this is not right, even if he loses his memory, he will not regress in his realm and return to the realm of God Sovereign.

Or is Young Master Tianxing the heir of that human **** king?

This makes sense, but looking at Young Master Tianxing’s reaction, it doesn’t seem to be..."

Chao Qingyu is puzzled.

When he landed on the top of the mountain, Lan'er saw his brows frown and asked: "Qingyu, did Young Master Tianxing send it away?

Why are you frowning? What happened? "

Chao Qingyu quickly suppressed the chaotic thoughts and smiled and said: "Don't worry, nothing happened, Young Master Tianxing has already left.

It's time for us to leave here and ask Brother Yan for help.

I haven't seen him for thousands of years, and I don't know how he is doing. Is there another breakthrough? "

Lan'er didn't ask any more, nodded and said: "Okay, then we will set off now."

As a result, the couple left the alien space, flew together across the vast sea of ​​clouds, and flew towards the southeast.


at the same time.

In the Fengshuang Empire in the middle of the Tianbei Region, something puzzling happened.

The Wind and Frost Empire is located to the south of the Great Yan Empire, with more territory and population than the Great Yan Empire.

In contrast, the power and heritage of the Fengshuang Empire is a bit stronger than that of the Great Yan Empire.

Five thousand years ago, there were frequent wars between the two empires, but the wind and frost empire lost less and prevailed.

However, since the Great Yan Empire negotiated with the Fengshuang Empire, they have been in peace.

For nearly five thousand years, the Fengshuang Empire has been calm and no major events have happened.

More than a dozen people and gods from the kingdom of God are recuperating and restoring peace and tranquility.

However, since half a month ago, Emperor Fengshuang issued an oracle, breaking the peace that had lasted five thousand years.

He didn't know what Emperor Fengshuang wanted to do, but he transferred the upper gods from the various kingdoms.

In order to ensure the quantity, and to make all the great kingdoms obey the orders, the Emperor Fengshuang even issued a task.

There are fifteen kingdoms of God, and each kingdom must draw at least 20 high-ranking gods.

Moreover, this task will be completed within two months.

The kingdom of God that cannot complete the task will suffer the anger and sanctions of the Emperor Fengshuang.

The Kingdom of God who over-completed the task will be rewarded by Emperor Fengshuang.

When the oracle reached the major kingdoms of God, fifteen kingdoms of God were in an uproar.

Although the twenty high-ranking gods are not many, they are also an extremely powerful force.

Every high-ranking **** is the pillar of each **** kingdom and cannot be easily troubled.

The monarchs of each divine kingdom were anxious and secretly speculated about Emperor Fengshuang's intentions.

Some people speculate that Emperor Fengshuang did this to **** the upper gods and bring them under the empire.

Its purpose is to weaken the power of the kingdoms of God.

There are also speculations that the Emperor Fengshuang is summoning the strong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to prepare for the war.

After the three hundred high-ranking gods gathered, the Emperor Fengshuang was about to start a war.

The primary target of the Fengshuang Empire's attack must be the Great Yan Empire in the north, followed by the two adjacent empires.

Some people speculate that Emperor Fengshuang has always been at the peak of the gods and has never been able to break through the realm of the gods.

The Fengshuang Emperor summoned three hundred high-ranking gods this time because he had obtained an ancient sorcery and needed to sacrifice three hundred high-ranking gods to help him break through the realm of the gods.

The high-ranking gods drawn from each **** country must serve as sacrifices, and they are going to die in the imperial city!

These three statements are more mainstream and spread widely, causing panic among the people.

In addition, there are hundreds of rumors, large and small, spreading widely in various kingdoms of God.

All of a sudden, many rumors of the kingdom of God spread, and popular sentiment floated.

It didn't take long for a gossip from the Imperial City to spread.

It is said that Emperor Fengshuang also issued an oracle, ordering the officials of the empire to vigorously collect top training resources and hoard them in the palace.

For a continuous month, a large number of imperial guards escorted valuable resources and treasures into the treasure house of the palace every day.

After the news spread, the powerhouses of the various kingdoms became more and more certain of their previous conjectures.

Emperor Fengshuang did this, or he was preparing for battle, preparing to attack the Great Yan Empire.

Or they wanted to use ancient sorcery to sacrifice three hundred high-ranking gods and massive resources in order to break through the realm of the gods.

As a result, the feelings of the monarchs of the great kingdoms became more complicated.

Even though they had a hundred reluctances in their hearts, they had to follow the oracle and find ways to select twenty gods.

But no one knew that the two oracles were actually not the original intention of Emperor Fengshuang.

Even the Emperor Fengshuang has been controlled and turned into a puppet by someone!

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